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Monday, April 30, 2007


Someone Else's Dream

She approaches
strolling so suggestively
like a goddess,
eyes flaring
her aura of pure intense passion
nearly sending shockwaves
through my soul.

Our eyes meet,
I quake at her inviting smile,
could she really want
to let all that light
scorch me?

Flashes of blurred embraces
streak in their heated anticipation
touching each nerve
till I nearly shake
from the sensuous telegram.

Then she passes beyond me
for the waiting arms of another,
fantasy balloon exploded
inside ache ripples in lip biting

Sunday, April 29, 2007


What does one do when live feels empty? You see this so much and wonder about it at times.

People who on one hand seem to have everything in life you could want. Something just is hallow and empty in their success. On the surface they seem so complete. They have riches, fame, all the comforts life could afford and yet they are miserable.

So obvious there is some void in their reality that is where all the happiness got sucked. It isn't what anyone expects, but does happen.

Yet, even when we see such people later admit their misery in the mists of their success, it just reinforces the fact that such goals, however admirable don't always fill the soul. That doesn't make them bad, but they will never be the kind of god that will save one.

Which is perhaps the sad part. No matter how much we see individuals follow this path and end with the same results, we still cling our envy.

Being poor is hardly regarded as a blessing by most. Just constantly having the sense of being without never leaves a person looking at life as uplifting as we should.

There are some who find strength in such adversity. It drives them to trust to God more for their daily need. You can still feel a void in your life, but when one trust to the Lord, there is a different view of it. One where you feel his presence and purpose in your life.

It makes the void less crippling. And you don't spend all your time trying to fill it up with things that never work.

Instead the mind can let the soul's eyes look more intently at life. To be able to gaze into the eternal and not be consumed with only the now or any one void.

If understood correctly, void exists for the person of faith to discover God's hand in their lives. For the person who doesn't follow the Lord, it instead becomes a god.

And like any false god, sooner or later it will disappoint. The more you try to appease it the more it will fail to satisfy.

Sadly, no matter how long it takes, some people never come to accept this reality. They just keep trying to fill that hole without ever turning to the Lord.

What is even more regrettable is the times when a person claims to be a Christian and still follows such a path. They say they trust God, but that darn void is so deep, they just can't imagine the Lord able to fill it up.

So their view is to try to fill the void in their own way just in case God doesn't keep his word. A good excuse, but in the end, such people end up feeling just as empty as the people who don't believe in God.

Saturday, April 28, 2007


This for me is a wonderful hiccup of thought that you think is genius. When you do it and blame it on God, then it becomes inspired. At least according to the person doing the rambling.

It is so amazing to me at times how many people are incapable of being honest about their feelings or can't admit when they don't know the answer to a question. It is for me an issue of pride.

Which gets even sadder when people are dealing with spiritual matter and think you have to be able to defend God by explaining every mystery that is unanswered in the scriptures. In their zeal to defend the faith they often make things worse.

It is because they really do end up failing so often at explaining things in a way that improves what others thing. That is a result in reality from my view of them attempting to approach this issue by offering up answers that honestly aren't answers.

Oh if you give them to a believer and in church it will work, but to skeptics, never. Only you'll never get those who are filled with pride and think they are never wrong to appreciate that reality.

You might as well sit back and put cotton in you ears for what good it will do to tell such people anything. Too often they only even want to listen so they can have time to figure out a way to tell you why you are wrong.

So listening is not really their strong point. They just do it long enough to get their shot and telling you their opinion, which in their mind is the truth.

It might be silliness, it might even be absurd, but it won't change their behavior or mindset. Oh they will claim they have an opened mind and express sadness over the way some are so narrow-minded, but in reality they always are the most narrow-minded people you will meet. And they will never admit it.

Part of me still has this strange sense of compassion on such people despite their spiritual blindness. I guess it is my feeling that those with such passion for the faith, however misdirected would, if properly focused be such a blessing to others.

However, passion without wisdom and only pride just never translates into spirituality pleases the lord. It might impress others in some ways, it just doesn't mean God approves.

I have to confess that I have wasted way too much time trying to do what I could to encourage such people in hopes it would somehow help them. All I ever got for my effort was mainly grief, being lied about and stabbed in the back. Hardly a reward. Now days I just trust to God to do what only he can do through the power of his holy spirit. That is enough for me.

Friday, April 27, 2007


Life at times can feel like it is in slow motion. This seems to happen the most when we are most in need of some change or dream to come true.

The more we sense that good is coming, the more anxious we can become. Sometimes if we know the change will take a while it is easy to get frustrated and wonder why the time needs to be spent waiting?

Timing with the Lord is never by our clock. God doesn't do things according to our schedule no matter how much we wish he would.

That is part of the challenge of the life of faith. It truly can be the only thing we can do in some cases. Just to trust to the Lord and wait upon him to move with his hand to bring about change.

While one waits, we can always struggle with trying to understand what benefit comes from the wait. Our mind can erupt with countless questions and possibilities.

But in all our speculation and pondering, we still must trust to the Lord for the timing to be complete. That is never as easy to accomplish as we desire.

Then too we come to that point later where we do get the chance to look back and see the wisdom of a given period of waiting. Those times can be cornerstones of faith for future moments when we have to wait again.

Remembering during a long drama of demand upon our patience can be really difficult. For some nearly impossible.

I've never been accused of having lots of patience. So for me, any waiting can be agony. It hardly inspires me day.

But I'm comforted at times by the Lord's mercy. How he manages to give me strength to cope with such waits.

The biggest problem in terms of waiting is that as a test of faith, it grows more difficult with each new challenge. Thus more patience is needed with each new test.

In my case, right now, I'm face with the biggest challenge to my faith in terms of changing coming that will definitely make a major difference in my life. Yet, God has also touched me in a special way. I have found myself, despite the depth of my longing, actually having a peace about it.

I can't say that will be the case tomorrow. But for now, I'm just clinging to the vision to come. It gives me a reason at times to smile that I didn't have before.

Which for me is a special blessing in its own right.

Thursday, April 26, 2007


Two signs mark my world,
the ones that I've reached
and the ones I have yet to see.

In between are the pit stops
where I have to pause at times
to ask for directions,
because the map I have
was written in disappearing ink,
couldn't read it anyway with my eyes
even when the lines didn't fade.

So I sit, soaking up a brew,
of "what the heck was I thinking"
while scratching myself,
imagining any place would be better
than having to buy an, "I'm with stupid," shirt,
my wife is going to make me wear
for being to proud to admit,
I have no idea where I'm going
or how to get to where I'm supposed to be.

The gaps in my journey
are often determined
by the amount of space
expanding between my ears,
when I think smart
is ignoring life's stop signs.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007


Is something really a temptation if it does appeal in any way? I marvel at times at the nature of how sometimes you hear so much preaching against a given sin. It often is either a sin everyone is guilty of doing or one that isn't a big problem in Christian circles.

For example it can be about something like gossip. We all are guilty, so we can hardly complain when it is mentioned as wrong. It doesn't mean when enjoy it, but we do know we are responsible as much as the next person.

However, on the flip side, those sins that might be considered as safe to condemn in some circles would be something such a smoking. That doesn't mean it is even a sin you find specifically mentioned in the scriptures, but since so often you don't find lots of people in churches who do smoke, it is safe to say it is wrong.

It might be wonderful if temptations came with warning labels. Some flashing neon type that truly hits you in the face with, "wake up stupid, if you do this you're going to be in big trouble."

Unfortunately, life never works that way. And it is amazing how easy it is to slip from knowing something is wrong to excusing when you give into the temptation.

We often never even notice the change if it is subtle and slow enough. The whole time we will naturally convince ourselves that everything is fine.

Tempting is what truly kisses the heart. It licks our desires and makes them flame in a way we totally ache.

But are all desires bad? That depends on who you ask. What people think is wrong really is so often a choice we make for ourselves.

Which is fine until we decide everyone else has to also embrace our values too. That is when it gets vague and a problem.

And if you let the person's guilt touch you, oh is that the end of the world. All of which makes figuring how God's view of right and wrong even more difficult at times.

Somehow despite all the confusion, despite the times when people work so hard to beat us up for not conforming to their opinion, God's spirit can still guide if we are listening. And that is what truly is the most redeeming.

Is something tempting? And if so, is that temptation one that will hurt you or someone else?

That can be a very difficult question to answer. At times not even one you can do without God's help. Providing we are willing to listen in the first place. Some will, others will just make up excuses for doing it there way.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Old Beginnings

Starting over in life can happen so often for many of us. Seems like our lives are always changing, never staying the same for any length of time.

Of course there are plenty of us no doubt that would prefer if things didn't change as often or at least not always in a way that we prefer. Instead, change at times is volatile and brings suffering. So we cringe when we see the storm clouds.

And perhaps that is part of what makes us so inclined when returning to some part of life we left, to want the same level of intimacy we once enjoyed. To start a new beginning in the same old place we once knew.

I see this often at the gym. People reach a certain point of fitness and then give up the habit for one reason or another. Later they return and it is amazing how often they want to start out exactly where they left. Only naturally if you were doing an intense work out and gave it up you can't go back to the same level.

Doesn't keep the mind from thinking otherwise. And then when you talk to the person, they often are brimming over with confidence how they are in charge and will have no problem returning to the same routine.

Truth is some do and some do not return and regain what they lost. A few manage for a variety of reasons to actually achieve their former level of work out, others do not.

What cause some to do so and others to fail? I imagine there are a large number of factors including what caused them to give up in the first place. However, I also know when you start over on something you stopped, it is a new beginning and no matter how much you think it is old, it is still starting new in many ways.

On a different level this can apply to spiritual matters too. For if one had a certain abiding intimacy in their walk of faith and then abandoned it, God will grant us the grace to start over, but some times we will need to crawl again before walking.

By that I mean we have to endure not necessarily being given the same level of responsibility when we start over. No matter how much we think we know on a spiritual level, when we start over there will be new discoveries to touch our lives.

If we keep from letting our pride get in the way and humble ourselves before the Lord this can be a very rewarding and blessed experience. If, on the other hand we resist, thinking we know it all, the consequence can be that we fail to go other than get discouraged.

That is the nature of such renewal. And like so many things it does need to something we grant ourselves the freedom to listen to God's spirit and not be filled with pride. If we do, this old beginning will truly be more rewarding than we could ever imagine. A joy I hope we always embrace.

Monday, April 23, 2007


Past snarls in riveting ogre claims,
burning the chest, bursting with deserts of fiery thorns,
turning towards rivulet magical spells of visionary Nirvana pools,
ambrosia bubbles, soothing azure flows and worlds of soul novas beyond
drenched in the sweat of cloud ecstasy, closing gates to dark vacuums.

Sunday, April 22, 2007


Hope is a wonderful thing. But isn't it a lot easier to have hope when you can see something as a possibility instead of the facts in reality being totally bleak.

For example, a person in good health has a reason to be hopeful regarding tomorrow. Whereas a person who just found out that they have some terminal disease with less than two months to live is less likely to see the future as all that hopeful.

Therein lies the basic dilemma with life in part. It is hard to feel good about the future, if there is not sense of hope. If you can't see your life as having any possible chance for improving.

True, we do have influence over such things by our attitude, but admittedly there are times when life is a form of valley or challenge that simply is not going to end. The dream makers will always tell you things can improve. But often they end up remaining gridlocked by things we can't always control.

It is easy to feel sad and bitter if it seems like the world is passing you by. You can do mental inventory and look at your life convinced you are just as deserving as the next person of things you don't have.

Yet, at times such things do elude. Which naturally stirs the question, where is God? Or the even more popular, what has the Lord forsaken me?

How often that question has come into my own head. The answer has never come, but that doesn't keep me from feeling that way at times.

There is no definite answer that will truly explain how and why some prosper in this life and some don't. We can look into the heart and see what exists in that chamber of desire.

God can and does. And even in the scripture we see how varied life was for so many. What I can appreciate is how for the person of faith, this is never all there is of life.

There is eternity, which is certainly a lot longer than this life. Can't God in the eons find away to truly grant us so much more than anything we think we didn't receive in this life?

That perhaps is where in part the truth really does reside. Where God is not just felt, but seen.

It is the place where we can see what really counts and will endure. We might not be able to always find comfort in this fact while suffering or struggling.

But hopefully, somewhere in the days have plodding and wondering when we simply survive without joy, we can still be warmed by what has for us transpires as a vision of things to come.

It might not be the perfect answer, but it hopefully will grant another place where we can hold onto in faith to God and his word.

Saturday, April 21, 2007


Times occasionally require a feast of reflections' buffet. It is only natural to remember the past and hope you can find a way to find some truth to bless the present.

How wonderful it would be if we reached a point where we could be able to totally recover from any mistakes and harm we suffered in the past. But that is never quite an option.

For years I've existed in a certain valley. It hasn't always been pleasant. And sometimes it can be so depressing.

But through it all, God has not chosen to remove this valley. So I have trusted to him for strength to endure.

It hasn't translated into the valley being taken away. Nor has it brought me the kinds of joy or blessings some would have expect to receive in the process.

There hasn't been anyone to write the story or care about the struggle. No hand to come and say, "let me take away your tears."

That is a great happy ending, just not reality. At least, not for me. And I know I'm not alone in that regard. Too many live lives that never rise about some valley.

Does it mean they did something wrong? Not necessarily. Oh there are plenty of people who will tell you that there is. They view faith as the absence of pain. I don't think the scriptures support that view.

It doesn't mean that people won't cling to that view. Which is their right. Just not one that will necessarily end with satisfaction.

Ironically, my own valley is facing change at this point in my life. And as the Lord has shown me it will a totally different type of life than I'm used to.

Does this change mean I should feel upset about all the years of suffering? That I should somehow be entitled to feel I've been denied something I should have had earlier in my life?

Honestly, for me the answer is no. It would have wonderful admittedly if at some point the smiles would have come earlier.

But they didn't. And should that plain of new life bring the new joy I've never know, I'll just rejoice and savor it.

Above all, to look back, not with sadness or bitterness, but gratitude unto the Lord. That he did see me through it all.
And that makes any chance more blessed regardless of where the change takes one's life.

Friday, April 20, 2007


Seeing tomorrow could definitely be a mixed blessing. If you knew in advanced about some major change in your life it would be great on one hand, but could create problems on the other. For example, if you knew a problem was coming, but couldn't change the reality, would that really help?

I realize that such questions are difficult, if not impossible to answer. It is one of those things where one just couldn't answer the question till the situation took place.

So why even discuss it? For the purposes of this posting I guess it is backdrop to more relevant issues. Mainly paying attention to what one can know about the future and the horizon we are facing in our walk of faith.

Some things are more obvious than others. For if we follow a path that is difficult and full of obstacles is it likely the future will be that much different? It can be if we see change coming. But if nothing is going to change, why would we expect the path to suddenly get easier?

There are those who do. They have some day dream view of reality that somehow something magically will cure to change what is into what we want.

But God does what us to truly see clearly. Maybe not the entire distant ahead, but enough to appreciate the kind of pace one needs to keep on the path.

That is the challenge of faith. One can't always walk by site. If the Holy Spirit has given you a map for the soul to follow, you have to keep in the direction given.

And that can be a real challenge if you run into too many "experts" who want to convince you that only misery lies ahead. Oh they will have their horror stories to prove why they gave him trying and turned around, but they will never help you on the journey.

Perhaps the saddest element is when you have those who never want to follow the path and won't respect your right to. They will do everything they can to discourage.

And if they have no spiritual road map of their own, or use the scriptures with bad interpretations, they will not be all that helpful. They will just keep criticizing without it being the least bit profitable.

What really suck is how often we let ourselves be sucked into listening too. Part of the weakness of human nature.

We just love approval, even if it comes as a toxic form. Still, we keep going back for more. Even when the Lord's spirit shows us how such help is harmful, we just struggle at times with getting out of the habit of needing those words from somebody else.

It can be a hard habit to break. We can only depend upon the Lord for help.

Thursday, April 19, 2007


beyond cares,
finding feathers
among cloudy thoughts
giving flaring moments
till the heart thus ignites
angels seen instead of demons
love sharing haloes instead of thorns
inwardly vision embraces new sight.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007


Living in Southern California where smog often make the sky so brown, the days when the winds turn the air so clear and clean, it just fills the soul with joy. It is like feeling totally alive when the day is bright and the sky so intensely blue.

It is easy to see the contrast in the sky if you seen those days when pollution practically suffocates the air. In fact the part of Southern California where I reside is located in a valley. Even though I'm not that many miles from the mountains there are days when the smog is so thick you literally can't see them.

I even recall a person saying they had flow into the valley at night, having never been to the state before and because of the smog didn't even know there were mountains for a few days till the winds came. Now that is quite a shock to the system.

But there really is not better feeling that this sense of clarity when it does come. The contrast between these two images can be so overwhelming and obvious.

Unfortunately, it can far more difficult when it comes to seeing spiritual things clearly and the things of God. I wish it wasn't true, but it is.

There is just something truly sad about how God's word gives us some very clear revelations at times and we just don't want to see them with clarity. I think a lot of reasons for that is because of the fact we are crippled by our prejudices.

We see God in our own mind think of what is spiritual by our idea of spirituality. And it doesn't matter if feel we are correct. The problem is if we temper our view by our own desires and not by what God says, we will never have other than blurred vision.

And the hard part is being willing, I mean truly willing to let God show us what is truly supposed to be clear. That is what is actually the truth.

We can all claim to seek it. What a real joy it is when that is true. But too often our view of it seems to be other than our goal.

And when God does try to give us a pair of eyes to see things from his point of view we end up squinting and claiming our vision is fine. Pity that is has to be that way.

But sadly it doesn't seem to matter. People flock to listen to false teaching who fake miracles. And those who attend swear by the event, no matter how much it is obvious it isn't real.

Is this really God's will? Or is it our desires and heart getting in they way of what is the Lord's wish for our lives.

We each have to answer that question for ourselves. Some times we do and sometimes we do not reach out as we should. Hopefully more often than not.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007


I was amazed this week by this incident that happen to me. There was this situation where a person was asking for input regarding a given Christian holiday that in reality is a pagan holiday.

I'm speaking of Easter. It is a well known by anyone that has studied history to have its origins in pagan religions.

And this person seemed to know the basics. So as requested I provided the facts. How it has nothing to do with the crucifixion of our Lord or his resurrection. That took place at Passover, a holiday set aside by God.

What was funny was how this person thank me for my contribution and also applauded it as the truth. So it meant from my point of view that he knew what was saying was correct.

Well, I felt I had done what God had wanted me to do. I told this person the truth. I know I did my part to be sure he was provided with facts.

And for a while I assumed my labor was going to bear the right fruit. Namely to help a soul be guided into worshipping God in true and not by following some false tradition.

In the end this person retreated to tradition. Preferring to wear the veil of everybody else does it to seeing clearly.

I do respect this person's right to make whatever choice works for him? What is said is how this man will never understand how God truly does hold us accountable for what we know.

If you participate in a false tradition that god does not honor out of ignorance, he understands for the heart is in the right place. But if you learn the truth and still choose to embrace the lie, does God look at that the same?

Not from my view. I think obedience is very important to God. He will hold us accountable for being obedient to his truth.

Some prefer that old veil. It doesn't matter that it is a deception and doesn't actually honor God.

They will keep wearing it no matter how long it takes or how badly it fits. Nor do they remotely consider how they will explain such a choice to the Lord when the time comes.

As for me, well I'm just happy to embrace what I know is pleasing to God. There are times when one has to pay a price for following the Lord by his will and not false traditions.
Pity so many love their veils of traditions to the truth.

Monday, April 16, 2007


Flush the lucid tear furrows from the mind,
muse so stinging and cantankerous
during those visual bowel movements
farted from the right side of the brain.

Dribble of passion agonizingly squirts in fleeting eloquence phantoms,
poems, one swears, will shine with Shakespeare's skillful silhouette
burned with intensity deep into the paper,
till the head swims in awe
of one's pure genius.

Posting it in a contest,
before going to bed
dreaming of trophies
and a chorus of comments,
celebrating the shear creative splendor,
never match in quality of this age.

Waking to check the remarks,
discovering last night's vigil in vivid voice,
when scrawl in fiery haste,
had the brilliance sadly stained
in disappearing ink!

Sunday, April 15, 2007


It is funny how in life you can look at something hundreds of times and then on one rare occasion see something you never saw before. It was there the whole time, but you never noticed it for one reason or another.

So in the midst of some moment of pure clarity the discovery takes place. And you get so caught up in the experience the world around seems to grow silent.

This is all wonderful. And it can truly be life changing at times, depending on the drama that unfolds in the process.

What can be challenging is in being able to appreciate when a discovery is earthshaking and profound and when it is just another moment of meaning we were meant to understand. Which can be so important if you are finding out something that is often a matter of common knowledge.

This often happens with those who are new to the faith. Every time they learn something new it excites them and they want to share with others.

It is nice to see them inspired and enthusiastic, but for the more mature saint it can be a tad wearing on one's patience to listen to somebody constantly telling you what you already know. Trying to avoid crushing the person's feelings can be a challenge.

Doing so in love and not being mean spirited can be even harder. I remember once when this problem existed in this one church.

There was a member of the congregation who was new to the faith. And he was rather mature. So when he felt inspired to share they didn't try to discourage him.

Unfortunately, he was not a learned man or gifted at public speaking. Plus he spoke very slowly in a very monotone voice.

All of that was no problem in terms of things like bible studies or prayer time. However, it does create difficulties when the person wants to speak during a church service.

In this case, it became an almost every Sunday event of him droning on with something he felt God had showed him. I had reason to move on later to a different church so I never heard how the pastor dealt with that situation.

All I do know, is that as we learn we should always be willing to listen. Is God showing us something for our benefit alone or for us to share with others.

Answering that question with the heart and not the emotions can be quite a challenge at times. Hopefully one we honest do for the right reason.

But if not, at least God is able to share his true regardless.

Saturday, April 14, 2007


One would assume that this was a request because one enjoyed the original process. So the chorus would logically prevail to attempt to repeat the joy.

All of that would be so logical. However, we don't just repeat things that are fun. There are many things in life we do over and over for a variety of reasons.

Sometimes we have no choice. One can hardly stop going to work, eat or breathe regardless of whether they give us pleasure.

Those are not habits necessarily, they are required responses to things demanded upon our essence. The question is whether the spiritual realm should be the same way.

In part the answer is yes. For there are rituals we have to cling to and observe in some occasions. They are at times commanded by the Lord.

But what happens if our optional flights of the soul end up in the same context? Should worship service necessarily be a broken record without any deviation?

Does that in any way help to inspire? That would depend on who you ask I suppose. Some would never be happy with the church service if there was change. They want it predictable.

Others just cope with the way it lulls into a lane of pure boredom. Somewhere the mind goes on vacation and the hymns are sung without even thinking about the words. The heart never calms and heaven remains out of touch.

I'm not saying that there is anything wrong in such repetition. Just that if we do it again with our lips, but not our hearts we lose the whole merit of the intent.

Unto that end we can celebrate the harvest that God can provide. But we must open our heart. Doing it again on a level that truly incorporates mind, body and soul.

We don't have to left a spiritual nest to accomplish that. It isn't a case of departing the known for some place that sounds more spiritual.

Instead it calls upon our heart to truly listen. To grant ourselves the simple joy of letting God touch us in a way that lets us do it again for the right reasons.

Only with the purpose focused in a way that allows us to see what God truly wants us to know. However, that is different for each of us.

Which is why one has to avoid such things as making up formulas that are suppose to be universal that in reality are not helpful in the least. One has to truly be prepare to honor God's sovereignty and in particular with regards to what he wants us to do when communing with his spirit.

Friday, April 13, 2007


It is easy during very difficult and dramatic times when we feel some special moving inside to think we are more than merely sinners. That feeling of awe and stirred inside with the knowing we are part of God's plan in a unique way can be so overwhelming.

Which can be a very uplifting experience if you see it not in terms of one's worth, but one's obedience. We are tested in that regard. Will we take the gifts of God and use them faithfully or we will allow ourselves to fall victim to the dangers of pride.

That is when a person can be challenged the most. We may be God's instrument of choosing in a given situation, but it doesn't mean we are somehow the focus of attention.

When we lose sight of the fact that our labors ought to point to our Lord and not shine on us, we can get so blinded by our own needs and desires. That is when a blessing turns ugly.

It is the time when we can be so vulnerable to appreciating that we truly are a tool of God's work rather than a whole more. Hopefully, we don't let that calling corrupt, but at times it does happen.

I was speaking to a friend the other day. This is a very nice person who can be very trusting and caring.

We were discussing this person who worked as a pastor. Unfortunately, for my friend, this person used the office of pastor to be a con man. His actions were selfish, abusive and naturally very manipulative.

My friend was totally confused over how a pastor could act that way. The truth, as I pointed out to this person was that this individual was in reality not a pastor.

Oh by title perhaps. Love doesn't come to mind as the desire obvious in this person's heart. At least from what appears to be this individual's priorities.

What is so tragic is that people who abuse such sacred charges never seem to appreciate the harm they cause. Or if they do, they don't care.

God will not always punish such people in this life for such behavior. There are times when he allows them to continue such a path for the sake of accountability.

It just makes the judgment in due season all the more complete. So even though it can be difficult to appreciate why such people seem to prosper in the process, the reality is that is just temporary. They are merely being allowed to prove the evil in their heart.

Meanwhile for those who do learn to treat God's calling as something to treat with faith and not to be violated, there are times when God will challenge one's faith. It might look like a valley of punishment to people who don't understand. But God does.

Thursday, April 12, 2007


Your beauty sings in adoring waves of dulcet throbs
vibrating deeply into the chords of my soul.
When I stroke the long strands of your silky black hair,
the harp of love lifts me
where paradise swells in melodious intoxication from seeing your face,
as the vein strumming eloquence of how your heart's infectious music
makes me dance unlike any other tune I've felt.

I gaze longingly into the deep, chocolate richest
of your divinely angelic eyes,
a fife of delight teasing with a lilting harmonic sway,
waltzes across the keyboard
where my soul is a piano of passion played only by you.

If there were no tones to shout
when your lips of such soft and gentle touch
met mine for a serenade of symphonic sensuality,
my very essence would give flight
in deepest groans of pure rapture
resounding over and over, always,
till all creation heard the music
of two hearts born to be a duet forever.

Oh, precious musician of my life and very being,
come and let us write affection's flawless sonata,
hands utterly laced willingly together,
our thoughts and feelings becoming,
perfect strings.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007


Wherein do you keep the safe of your heart? The one that you use to keep the things you value the most?

I think regardless of what we say, our actions truly reflect what is our personal safe. And in reality we might claim we don't even have a safe, but you can be sure we keep it in a closet somewhere.

Craving security in a very insecure world is to me a very natural response to our surroundings. We would predictably want some assurance there is more to our existence that the unpredictable.

But too often despite our best preparations we never quite achieve that utopia of comfort we desire. We linger somewhere with it just out of reach, except for our daydreams.

Is it wrong to at least plan and seek that kind of security? I don't think there is any value on never preparing for the future.

What is not helpful is to make it the only reason for being. That is when we can truly find ourselves losing out on life itself.

There have been so many I've known in my life who invested all their energy with the single purpose in life. Mainly to accumulate the things they thought would insure their security.

The problem is that too often life has a way or eroding our plans. Thus you spent all your time working. Then in due season you retire and the money ends up being used to pay for health issues or some other way that for something that brings happiness.

Still, what is amazing how such people no matter how many hints god sends them on that issue, never pay attention. They never make the connection that putting their trust in their own strength rather than god doesn't lead to any permanent reward

Sometimes we can learn from our mistakes. We can lose sight of what is important and fail to see clearly what is really important.

The good news is that God in his grace will restore or forgive if we open our eyes to the truth. If we embrace the reality of vanity and turn to him it will slowly give us more balance our souls.

That doesn't mean the problem will be without consequences. But the lord will help one have peace in the process.

There are times when we must go down in order to go up. Seeing heaven in the midst can truly warm and inspire. Providing we don't lose our vision from fretting over other issues.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007


There is that wonderful saying about constructive criticism. The idea that someone wants to tell you a way to improve that will be in your best interest.

Not sure you can actually use the word criticism and have anyone smile. And it seems most of the time what I've experience is never actually all that constructive in the first place.

Most of the time it is more a case of somebody having a prejudice that you have offended in some way. They want to tell you something that will help you conform to their point of view.

In doesn't actually impact in a good way at times in my opinion. It is sort of like when you have someone who makes the comment about agreeing to disagree. That idea being they don't feel you are in any way correct, but decide it is okay for you to believe whatever as long as you know you are wrong. Another gem of truth that goes unspoken, but is sensed just the same.

One can help accepting the said aspect of how often such hurtful ways stymie the process of spirituality. Negative energy doesn't need an invitation to visit the soul.

We know this, but our inner hates and frustrations just often come out in worship settings. And it is so often evident in the sad display of sermons that only focus on what you do that is wrong.

I think that was one thing that more than any other helped to inspire the Apostle Paul under the influence of the Holy Spirit to write about only speaking words that are encouraging. That will build up people and that is helpful.

And what is more important than to have words that heal and make one feel love? It touches in a way that gives a feeling of life.

Does this mean that criticism never should be expressed? For me, I think that the answer is that one has to trust to God. The Lord sees the heart and he knows the words that need to be spoken that will not do other than serve his purpose. That can include times of correction.

Only love must abide in the process. That can be so hard to keep in mind at times. God certainly can assist us in that regard.

But we have to be willing to listen and be guiding by his spirit. When we do then God will also prepare the person to hear what he wants said.

Being prepared to embrace this truth with love in your heart is the balance that is hard to truly accomplish. It takes a lot of prayer and faith to keep focused on the right purpose and not get side tracked by other issues.

Monday, April 09, 2007


There is nothing more surprising to me than to have someone reach out to give you a hug and you don't discover till it is too late they have a knife in their hand. Ouch! Boy does that smart.

Which it might not hurt as much if you hadn't trusted the person in the first place. But you sure can't go back later and change your mind once the knife is sticking in your back.

Perhaps the most heartbreaking times this happen is when you deal with somebody who you assume is loving. If they are part of some spiritual community you're expectation is every greater.

So that means they have an even greater chance to cause you harm. There is a difference between possibility and something actually happening.

Unfortunately, too many of the hug and stab you people never are just possibilities, they are sharpening their knives constantly and waiting for the right chance to use it. In fact they are very careful to only sharpen it when nobody sees them.

What is really sad is how they are the first to complain when somebody stabs them. They get all self-righteous and act like they are the ones who are innocent.

Sadly, no matter the outcome, no matter how many times that there is bloodletting, the game is still play. Someone decides it is a good idea to pray in the process.

But then everyone hurries off to finish sharpening their knives without waiting to hear the answer. It is silly and I doubt it impresses God, still it doesn't change.

It doesn't mean that everyone has to be that way just because some are. What a joy it would be if people didn't make this their hobby.

Or at least for them to be able to recognize how terrible it was and at some point finally toss away the knives completely. That is something God's spirit truly tries to do with us if he can.

Providing the heart and soul are willing to listen. It can be so difficult too. Made even more difficult when so many intend upon making a place of spiritual healing into a battle ground.

Casualties always occur. And in the aftermath at times the wounded never get treated. Some bleed to death, others manage to recover, but are scarred for life.

It is never a memorable war. Only one where this no real winner. For even those who think they are victorious are not.

They have to spend too much time watching out for assassins.

Sunday, April 08, 2007


Life ascending in celestial visions of aged mysteries and lore
Universe's secrets waiting to be unlocked behind Elysian's door.
Mind riding the radiant crest of a sensed ethereal wind
Ingesting gifts of lucid balms, dripping with epiphany's gin.
Nurturing a romance for beauty's purest and timeless air
Overtures of truth incrusted upon light songs thus do flare.
Serenading the awaken tones of soul gripping care
Igniting each brain's darkening and crippling ignorance lair.
Tempest tides of traditions are ripped from their ancient berths
Years of a spirit's illiteracy, erased by penning its new birth.

Saturday, April 07, 2007


I suppose some would regard this as a lead into a posting about the perils of the tongue in terms of what we say. That would be way to easy to write about. And probably boring too since so many have already taught on the subject.

I can't imagine adding anything new on that subject. But that isn't my focus. Not for this particular item.

I'm thinking instead of what satisfy our appetite. The things that appeal the most to our senses and give us pleasure.

Of course it isn't like we aren't entitled to seek pleasure. That is one of the good things that can happen in life.

But it can be such a spiritual inhibitor if it is pleasure gained at the price of one's conscience. Not that we always worry about that part.

It can be difficult at times if life plods along with any joy or happiness. We can ask ourselves what point is there if there is no joy to go along with the faithfulness? Even if we don't voice it, we can be thinking it.

And one can struggle with the simple issue of whether or not God cares about the times are lives are full of unhappiness. The even bigger question that nags is how come he doesn't do more to end the suffering?

There are times those when it is only natural to wonder why some of the life's problems have to be. And to sit and get totally upset over the inequity.

Then to sit back and let the frustration burn till we decide to get even. We get tired of following the rules. Of always trying to do the right thing.

Oh perhaps we hear about somebody who gave in to some temptation of the senses and find the scandal shocking. In reality, deep down where we dwell, we sit and are envious the person who did what we say we will never do.

In the process we burn a little inside. Ache starts simmering till it burns out of control. Slowly the heat so grows beyond any point of thinking, tell at last our mind surrenders to the moment.

Later, in the aftermath of reflection we attempt to dress up the downfall with some excuse We go away, our heart burden by the guilt still, but thinking it is okay just the same.

Time passes and we content ourselves that the moment was no big deal. Inside we feel the nagging of otherwise. We pray it will pass.

Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. Or it just gets forgotten when the next hunger burns.

Friday, April 06, 2007


Life always presents challenges. Some are of a general nature, some common as part of just existing.

Others, however, are specific. Challenges intended to test our souls and hearts. And they don't have a time limit or schedule which we can always appreciate or understand.

The problem in the spiritual realm is when people honestly fair to gleam how some aspect of their live is a challenge or test by the Lord. We are so prone to gauge life by blessings and hardships. Thinking that is the measure our life has as prove that God accepts us or honors our faith.

What gets lost in all that brain fluff is an appreciation for the fact that such tests serve a more important purpose. Namely that they can test our obedience or faithfulness.

One has to really stop and in all fairness look at the lives of those god called to some major purpose. Such as Daniel, Joseph, Moses and the Apostles to name a few.

How many of them lived lives only knowing what we would call blessed by the traditional idea of blessings? The truth is so obvious when you look at the biblical record. Those called of God always face terrible obstacles in their lives. And sometimes that even includes obstacles to the point of death.

We might see that as terrible, but the soul is eternal and so is our relationship with him. When we truly belong to him, our being and what happens to it is not just limited to this life.

You just won't get churches where they want you to believe that you can have your heaven on earth to accept such facts. If they were to tell people that following the Lord can mean a whole of things other than comfort and the people will go elsewhere.

So the result is that there are some places that thrive from their less than scriptural teaches. Oh the people crowd in by droves to hear how they can become rich and never get sick.

But is God really honored or thrilled by such teachings? To be honest I can't speak for the Lord on that one. I can only say how to me I haven't seen how such teachings truly helps people mature spiritually.

What does happen is they reach a certain plateau of spirituality. And are unable to go any further. Oh they never even appreciate the stagnation.

They just go on memorizing verses, content they are doing so well and being nothing, but blessed. It is sad really. For somewhere along the way they just forgot the Lord has the right as Lord to lead us according to his purposes. The heart craves its fantasies, the mind invents reasons to only see what you want to see.

Thursday, April 05, 2007


Eyes dart between the blurs of fancy,
heart pounds to see heaven,
vision wanders in search of gold,
finding only plastic beauty
among the landmarks of opinion.

Mind grows weary from vanity's quest,
pausing from the chaotic pace
panting in lament of futility.

Calmly, at last, seeing real treasure,
not in nods or superficial attraction,
but in the quiet appeal of angels ignored,
speaking roses of true love
in their,

Wednesday, April 04, 2007


I always enjoy listening to people try to dance around admitting when something bothers them and they want to claim it doesn't. This happens a lot with people who have some inability to accept they are capable of hating and being unforgiving.

Instead they will carry on this conversation with the silly suggestion of how they are somehow above it all in terms of being pissed off or hateful. As for forgiveness, oh they never really hold a grudge.

I think the most absurd situation is when people speak of loving everyone. I can't even imagine that being possible.

But if you listen to some individuals, they are in now way as subject to the perils of being human like some of us. Negative emotions never fester in their hearts as they do for the rest of us.

The truth is that in reality we all are subject to such feelings. Pretending they don't exist or we control them when we don't doesn't improve things.

And avoiding truly getting in touch with such feelings only makes things worse. Because when one is dishonest with himself, it doesn't improve life in any way.

What does happen is that life slowly deteriorates. The festering moves from the consciousness till it begins to corrupt the soul.

One loses the capacity to listen on a spiritual level as a result. We become so deaf in terms of hearing what God has to say, that we never even notice.

So one moves from not being able to face some abiding issue such as a lack of ability to forgive to a one point of actually denying sin in one's life. The transition is so subtle that we seldom even notice.

Eventually, the bond with God's spirit is disrupted, providing it was even there to begin with. At that point, after lying long enough, we just stop caring altogether.

God will not keep us from resisting him. And if we persist long enough eventually we stop even worrying about that nudge from his spirit to face the truth.

However, if we do finally listen, it might be a painful journey of discovery to see the truth, but in the long run, we emerge from the battle on the Lord's side. He will bind our wounds and touch us with his mercy.

We can move ahead, slowly rejoicing that we don't have pretend any longer. The festering stops and we feel the cool rush of inner forgiveness. Some how in the process we learn more tolerance that the past. That is perhaps the greatest blessing we can have and one that deserves much thanksgiving.

Tuesday, April 03, 2007


Steadfast yearnings don't always sound their voice in the veins. We know the right of such callings. They are felt. They are the strength that we need in times of storms. They moments we have to remain faithful no matter what.

Echoes of other sources can haunt. They can rivet the mind with excuses. Try to sway one to ignore the greater urgency sensed from vigilance feelings.

Does being vigilant guarantee rewards in this life time? Some would say yes. To be honest, I'm not always sure.

In my life, there have been times when being vigilant has just meant heartache and no limelight flares of attention. It can mean just doing what God calls one to do, regardless of who knows it.

There are times when just having the satisfaction of faithfulness has to be enough. We can only accept that God knows of our labor.

Some will never truly be comfortable with just that option. The mind craves the logic of reward.

We want things to make sense on our level. And that is only normal. Fortunately, God understand this problem.

Which is why when in times of wavering when that tangential voice tries to seduce us into giving up, his spirit will touch us to keep going. We might feel so tired and discouraged as if we can't bear to take another step, but God will help us move ahead just the same.

And along they way when we touch those deserts of darkness so lacking in the chance to refresh, it is God's warmth that will be the only source to truly give us strength. But we do need to embrace the manner in which he gives it to us.

That can be the hart part. We look for the obvious solutions to our needs. Often thinking only in terms of what we feel will take care of our problems naturally.

But if all we see is the apparent, we can miss out on God's special helping hands. They can come in so many unusual ways.

It is a matter of understand those are rewards for vigilance intended to refresh. We might question the logic of some unusual form at first.

However, God can grant us such treasure of insight in the process. So it is up to us if we accept the hands sent. Pride and the illusions of self reliance can be spiritual acids at times to our hearing in that regard. That can be the worse tragedy. Never truly discovering blessing that are intended to give strength.

Monday, April 02, 2007


Giving sometimes seem to lost its real meaning in the context of what God intended. It is understandable. Churches are non-profit, but they still have bills that have to be paid. Pastors are expected to work for free and somehow without enough resources a church can wither in terms of actual survival.

So naturally, sooner or later, the subject of giving and stewardship are bound to be addressed from most pulpits. And how we cope with the message is where we see what is an offering within.

The whole subject of giving has been debate over the years. And there are so many different opinions. So you can probably find one to fit your particular desires.

But we you move beyond the obvious, what remains is the matter of the heart. The reality is of course, God has no needs. Whatever we do for him, should be out of love. It should be a willing offering from our soul of faith and not to impress or otherwise think we are important.

To that end we can miss out on an even greater issue of importance. That is when time is an offering.

Some might think only Sunday at worship service is the time this applies. But the truth is all seconds of our live belong to God. They are reserved for worship time. They are whenever there is a moment that God gets our attention for a special reason.

And it is so easy to ignore or miss those moments. We can be caught up in a multitude of thoughts. Have eyes totally consumed with some need.

Thinking we are so spiritual and never appreciate how we totally miss out on something that is critical. That is the moments often when God can speak to us the most.

They truly do touch so deeply when we realize their importance. For in reality the one offering we can give to the Lord more than any is our thoughts and soul.

Time is fleeting. It is the one thing we can never replace. How many heartbeats any of us has is only known by the Lord.

But that is why there are times when God truly just wants us to spend time with him. To offer up those precious seconds that it might show he is more important to us than whatever else we want to value.

Being too busy is not always a valid excuse. It just reflect the essence of our heart. That can be difficult to always appreciate for its real truth.

And when we are touched, and need to move on to see God for God, then listen and learn. Maybe we shall even find ourselves in the process.

Sunday, April 01, 2007


Torrid thoughts leading to crippling surges of sunrises
mind still becomes ablaze in the glistening of new dawn,
till self enslaved is succumb to a perfect sagacious gaze,
plumes of anticipation stroking sorrow's breast.

Lucid layers as terraced epiphanies in our sky unfolds,
tremors of stars we have suppressed paint the elements of dare,
till we drink what we fear,
eagles born in the wake
of our trembling grasp.

Hope's rainbow visions stream in a poignant prism ecstasy,
heaven at last expands in our hearts,
peace becomes fireworks of constant awe
till we clutch beyond the chasms of our zombie state,
tempest becoming an enlightening calm.