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Monday, April 02, 2007


Giving sometimes seem to lost its real meaning in the context of what God intended. It is understandable. Churches are non-profit, but they still have bills that have to be paid. Pastors are expected to work for free and somehow without enough resources a church can wither in terms of actual survival.

So naturally, sooner or later, the subject of giving and stewardship are bound to be addressed from most pulpits. And how we cope with the message is where we see what is an offering within.

The whole subject of giving has been debate over the years. And there are so many different opinions. So you can probably find one to fit your particular desires.

But we you move beyond the obvious, what remains is the matter of the heart. The reality is of course, God has no needs. Whatever we do for him, should be out of love. It should be a willing offering from our soul of faith and not to impress or otherwise think we are important.

To that end we can miss out on an even greater issue of importance. That is when time is an offering.

Some might think only Sunday at worship service is the time this applies. But the truth is all seconds of our live belong to God. They are reserved for worship time. They are whenever there is a moment that God gets our attention for a special reason.

And it is so easy to ignore or miss those moments. We can be caught up in a multitude of thoughts. Have eyes totally consumed with some need.

Thinking we are so spiritual and never appreciate how we totally miss out on something that is critical. That is the moments often when God can speak to us the most.

They truly do touch so deeply when we realize their importance. For in reality the one offering we can give to the Lord more than any is our thoughts and soul.

Time is fleeting. It is the one thing we can never replace. How many heartbeats any of us has is only known by the Lord.

But that is why there are times when God truly just wants us to spend time with him. To offer up those precious seconds that it might show he is more important to us than whatever else we want to value.

Being too busy is not always a valid excuse. It just reflect the essence of our heart. That can be difficult to always appreciate for its real truth.

And when we are touched, and need to move on to see God for God, then listen and learn. Maybe we shall even find ourselves in the process.


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