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Sunday, August 31, 2008


One of the favorite buzz words with Christianity at times is the phrase spiritual gifts. Always makes it sound to me like some kind of present.

As if God is Santa Claus and passing out these blessings. So we can sit back and feel good about ourselves.

Show them off and boast how we are so deserving of them. Which totally is contrary to their purposes.

Perhaps if we could think of them as the ways the Lord's spirit actually expresses His power through us. To understand that these are done for His purpose.

They gift to teach and preach, to enhance faith and love. Grant us anointing to minister unto others.

They are not meant to be sources of pride, nor do they came as rewards for serving him. That is the voice of arrogance speaking.

And God doesn't grants us such expressions by any standards that are based on our worthiness. Another issue of the pride.

How often we can indulge in some way. To drift from His will and think we are better than others.

Again, spiritual gifts do not imply some special favor with the Lord. As if we are more approved or better than someone else.

And naturally there are far more inclined to see the office of Pastor that to say be willing to walk in the shadows and never be recognized. Nope that will never appeal to some.

However, this will not keep some from taking that approach regardless of the truth. That is normally the one thing sacrificed the most.

Which is the challenge to always let the path be walked with humility. It can be so easy to get caught up in thinking contrary.

Still it is God who is suppose to be put on display. And it is for the purpose of lifting up the Lord.

If our efforts find their goal in otherwise, then we are truly the saddest of all creatures. For we end up forsaking what we really cherish.

Mainly a balanced relationship with the Lord and one that will bring us to His altar of truth. And be happy to be there.

That is the measure that is absent when we think we are the reason for the altar.

Saturday, August 30, 2008


Social sorcery messiah
uses legislative origami
creating Venus opiates,
mixing civil mortars,
for bridges
from poverty to illumination.

Platinum political facade
steals hope's transformation,
burying oppression's future
in forgotten tomb.

Friday, August 29, 2008


There are all kinds of silence. Some happen when you are in the middle of a storm. There can be all kinds of noise around you, but you still are able to focus and keep your mind silent.

Well that is the way it should work. It just doesn't work that way all the time. There are way too many distractions.

I am grateful for the times when the Lord grants me silence. Those moments of clarity that really are so loud and clear.

Now I might not have listen the first time. Nope there are times when that doesn't happen.

I wish it wasn't that way. I wish it was easy to always remain calm and concentrate on life the way you would like.

However, what is more important is to not grow deaf. This can happen at times. You get so caught up in the racket you just lose the ability to listen.

Which is not quite a blessing. For it is not being human that is bad. Nor it is being sinner.

What is critical is when we deal with the sounds of thunder incorrectly that we accept it accordingly. Meaning we take the time to honestly accept we are human.

This when we stop pretending we can hear every sound that we think an angel would make. Stop claiming to be experts in our understanding of heaven.

It is wonderful when we come to that point of silence. For in it we shall find the truth and accept it is better to hear the Lord's voice that our own sermonizing.

It really is okay to be imperfect. To be alone can be hard at times. We all crave the attention and companionship of others.

Sometimes we find it others we do not. But always we have the right to pursue the sound the brings light.

It might not be a vision that gives us the appeal we desire. It might be a sight that is disturbing at times.

But with the Lord's help we can always walk according to His will. It might not be a path that allows for boasting, but does offer more peace that pain.

If we are following it as He guides. Even if the quiet makes us hear what we don't always care to hear.

Thursday, August 28, 2008


How this word can dig at the mind. It is the amount need to provide. A special little nudge towards calm.

Yet, how often does our insecurities intrude with worry's knife. It slices at our vision an sufficient doesn't quite seem enough.

God is truly so good at teaching us lessons in that regard. He can take the small amount make it seem to last forever.

Still it doesn't happen all the time. Not an issue we are allowed to control. And there are so many times that the Lord will make things unpredictable.

Not quite the joy of trusting Him. But it is to teach us to never take Him for granted. And when it works with miracles we truly get excited.

It is nice to have something to brag about. Not so much when it is ordinary and lacks surprises.

But the Lord does work through the ordinary. He can make solutions in so many usual ways.

Only problem is if we think we have to have the supernatural. Then it is hard. We can easily ignore the options that are meant to be.

Just part of human nature. This is the time when need those extra little moments of clarity.

To pause and truly listen to His voice. Take the time to honestly assess each situation. To let Him guide and teach.

So easy to rely upon our own thoughts and reason. To decide we know all the answer. They seldom come as we expect.

It is hard to always accept there is more to learn and lean on Him for every supply. But that is the part of that walk we can't ignore.

Would be nice if it ever changed. But it never does. That is the nature of faith. Sufficient is the portion when we are given.

Not the portion we crave. It may never sparkle in our eyes as we crave, but it is the truth we must embrace.

Softly we must trod to the horizon given. Never by just our own strength. His voice ever our wind.
Driving us to our destiny.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008


I can remember as a kid this was not a word I cherished. Most of the subjects I had to take were not that appealing to me.

So study was the thing I did out of necessity. A priority sandwiched in between watching television and any other excuses I could muster to deal with in order to avoid the chore.

My results in school were predictable. Plenty of peaks and valleys in accomplishments. Once and a while perhaps amazing, but many less than impressive.

Naturally, the consequences did not improve my attitude. It became very frustrating. More like asking, what is the point?

None of it had much to do with my real abilities. Merely a reflection of how I chose to use them.

Maturity did make a lot of difference. A time of inner ripening when I finally wanted to learn.

Then my eyes truly looked for knowledge. I was genuinely full of desire to discovery all I could learn.

What made the difference? What changed in my life to turn from indifference and into a disciple?

For me it was mainly the presence of God's spirit in my soul. A presence that truly did bring so many changes.

Always when I was ready and never when I thought it should happen. After high school I went to college for a couple of years.

But I wasn't focused or motivated. So I didn't in any way make that much effort to apply myself.

Eventually I left, spend years just laboring at different jobs. Then when God finally got my attention, I was inspired to go back.

This time with a purpose and a passion. It took me on a journey never expected, so much more satisfying than the past.

Looking back now I understand how it served God's purposes and I am grateful it did. When we truly learn to study by the Lord's will, how rich is the homework.

It can last a life time. And be the sweetest joy. And for that we are in a position to celebrate.

Which is the tune of faith.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008


Armor attire a fashion in valiant vigor
arms of steel tendons slash fearlessly
at the villains of life,
chest a fleshly puff of pride,
each dash of metal manhood
leaves its scars upon the world
writing with potent and fierce identity
as volatile calligraphy of testosterone,
declaring in thunderous adulthood,
I am man!

When the arena is silent
gladiator drops his
iron jaw gestures,
suit of impenetrability
another form of diaper rash
from too much zeal
and not enough
of maturity's baby powder.

Monday, August 25, 2008


Themes of the day inspired by some mood or desires. The rants of the conscious spilled out to inspire and convey an idea.

However, where the question comes in is with the issue of whether it really is helpful. Just venting for sake of venting seldom improves things.

I have seen the times the agenda is to spew rage and hate. To claim God is the author and only tell part of the truth.

It is like when a person uses scriptures as a hammer. Now God does include a great many admonitions in His word.

But there is also love and forgiveness. The emphasis on faith and grace. The expression of giving a person the chance to still come unto the Lord.

Somehow that all gets lost when the focus is hate. To spend time spilling out the view of fire and brimstone.

But not do it in a way that shows you care about the soul. How often this happens and it seldom saves many.

Repentance is a good thing. And that always is a positive element when a person truly finds the truth.

But it can be harmful if misunderstood. The problem is if the sin is regarded as some kind of curable disease it will confused.

If the message is all about not sinning and never about faith it will not guide to true salvation. Pride can get in the way.

It can become a case of will power redemption. Some formula that is followed to approve a person and never please God.

Such is the sad nature of legalism. It places the idea of nature of salvation into an arena where keeping a list is enough.

Which never is the reality. For the rules that are given often are flawed and don't reflect the Lord's will.

But they do so feel good in terms of making one thing you are in control. Just do this and you will be like God.

The same lie that Adam and Eve were told. And we will get as far believing it as they did.

Hopefully we can learn, but it won't happen if we aren't listening to the Lord.

Sunday, August 24, 2008


Will is the author of our inner map. The ink flowing rich and thick in our desires colors. We are all different in our needs and so our interpretations will vary.

And that isn't always a bad thing. It is an inner truth to be embraced. A direction if followed from the core of our heart is truly a blessing.

Which is where we have to be willing to listen. To that inner voice and not argue or ignore it.

How often I have seen people whose directions were tainted. They were hindered by some personal bias.

A deception, self induced and often misleading. And especially if the person is clinging to some dream as their destination.

Oh the excuses we can muster to justify our lack of heading where inside we know is our destiny or potential. Saying the street signs don't matter.

Which never get us to the place we are suppose to be. And for that we can truly appreciate that it is our loss.

God's spirit will always shine a light on the path that He wants us to follow. It will be the one that truly takes us in the right path.

However, it may not look right at the time. Such is the nature of faith. We must walk where we can't see the horizon.

To do this can be difficult to say the least. We can truly be very anxious for what lies ahead so often.

But faith makes the choice to keep walking. To not let the distant or questions prevent our steps.

Such is the challenge faced every day. The need to always move ahead regardless of what the mind claims is need.

How often I have argued over the path I have had to follow. It isn't always pleasant and does always have big rewards in this life.

To accept that and keep moving is the key. To not retreat or give up is the test. Some don't have the desire or willingness to keep moving.

That is the side of faith that dwells in the shadows where God tests our spirit and if we will be faithful regardless. It can't be done just by words.

This is the journey of choice.

Saturday, August 23, 2008


Social sorcery messiah
uses legislative origami
creating Venus opiates,
mixing civil mortars,
for bridges
from poverty to illumination.

Platinum political facade
steals hope's transformation,
burying oppression's future
in forgotten tomb.

Friday, August 22, 2008


Oh how the seconds can be so painful if you are expecting change and not sure when. I've never been good at embracing change.

Oh I will adjust, but not immediately. It takes time to make me ready. And that can be difficult.

My brain always gravitates to the obvious. To remembering the past and trying to recall a similar situation.

That helps me personally. If I can recall when such times took place in the past I will have some clue on the current situation.

The big problem is when I end up not appreciating how God uses these situations to test my faith. It might be painful or stressful, but that is part of the reality.

I wish I could say I remembered that in every situation, but I don't. Nope, not in any way.

My brain will often draw a blank on that part. Which is I think intentional. A way to be sure I react honestly and naturally to the situation.

This can be a challenge at times. And not always pleasant, but to necessary. At least in later times I reflect and appreciate that reality.

It comes often after the fact when the panic has bitten my heart again. And then I sit back feeling a little foolish.

I would love to think the day would come when this would not be my fate. But I have no illusions on that part.

Now the real challenge is to spend time actually being grateful. The Apostle Paul was able to do that.

I am grateful that the Lord hasn't place that kind of trial on my life. Honestly, I'm not sure I could have handle those kinds of ordeals.

Although I do appreciate the Lord grants strength according to the need. Just grateful it isn't the path I face.

Yet in the quietness, the mind does have so much time to ponder. To wonder about the truth and purpose of it all.

The answers only come in the Lord's timing. And sometimes they come only as a form of understanding.

Which is something for which we need to be grateful.

Thursday, August 21, 2008


We measure elegance by the artistry of self. The vases of identity carefully crafted to express our idea of ornate.

It is to say it with face and voice the image of mortal elegance that we see as luxuriant and worthy of impressing. That is so often our priority.

A way to feed the ego and offer some masterpiece that expressions who we think we are. Doesn't matter if it is true as long as we decide it is eloquent.

With God the eloquence is the beauty of our souls. Not the form He created for us to wear.

However, though the soul does shine through in what we do and don't do, it is still not as visible as what we possess. Those little slices of what we value that are the fruit of our labors.

How they may sparkle to some. Yet may never give joy. That is the aspect often missing when the word is applied.

I have seen the places of opulence on occasions. Those places of such ornate nature they truly do leave you dazed by their light.

Still once you finish looking at them, they can easily be forgotten. They can be quickly ignore.

And possessing them doesn't mean much in terms of joy either. Dwelling in affluence, but doing it alone can be very lonely and sad.

Not that a lack of such elegance is spiritual. Just that God seeks to help us see a more lasting decor.

The type that shines from Heaven. And says we are special in His eyes, but not because of what we look like.

That is the human assessment. And it will always defile what sis gold in the Lord's eyes. We will miss out on what is precious in the process.

I gaze at the gate of the Lord everyday. It is in the faces that are His eloquence placed before me to be loved and cherished.

How quickly that beauty can be shattered when left other than appreciated as intended. To do so requires the Spirit of the Lord.

And to see with God's view of elegance will always see it in the most remarkable places. A joy we might otherwise miss.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008


This word conjures such great images to me. The concept of what is worded in a way that drips with images and feelings.

Leaving the reader to come away from the experience truly feeling touched by the process. Not everyone will feel it the same way.

Some can look at a passage and shrug while others will see something utterly profound. Eyes are so subject to interpretation as inspired by the mind.

And it is always so interesting how much truth will be loss in the process off questioning eloquence. That can be a true challenge.

I can remember so often in the past when I would have looked at the scriptures with sight that didn't see anything special. I would appreciated the eloquence.

Time and encounters with the Lord certainly did impact my view. And yet it didn't keep me from appreciating who others don't share that sight.

Such is the nature of faith and the soul. We just don't have the ability to always grasp its reality.

What I do understand is the need to always respect how eloquence will not impress with such intensity for all. I have the same reaction to things such an abstract art at times.

I know how this can easily be lost when we want to start out doubting the beauty of something. How often this is the mindset you face.

To look within an see what is truly there is a form of opulence. One that is easy to miss or ignore.

The devil will certainly help in that regard . He has no reason to want us to know our true selves if it meant we might serve the Lord more.

And he sure can find plenty of help to dole out the kind of verbal acid to make things worse. This happens so often.

We just might not always recognize it as being from his hand or when it is something else. That is part of the process of learning.

At least in terms of what is heaven's eloquence. Which may never come close to our view.

It is easy to miss. Much easier to ignore. Unless the Lord is getting our attention in that regard.
But only in the soul will we be able to tell for sure.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008


Social sorcery messiah
uses legislative origami
creating Venus opiates,
mixing civil mortars,
for bridges
from poverty to illumination.

Platinum political facade
steals hope's transformation,
burying oppression's future
in forgotten tomb.

Monday, August 18, 2008


Some may say that time is not a flavor, but it is to me. I can taste when the ebb and flow of challenge.

By that I mean in terms of faith. For there are days when the texture is a casserole so very overcooked.

It bears so hard on the insides. Produces a heaviness that truly is hard to swallow. And you can truly find such times very bitter.

One of the real hard facts about the life of faith is that it isn't easy. No matter how much you trust God it doesn't become just dessert.

Now it might have times of quiet and peace, but also will have moments of suffering. Those don't always thrill.

But then we do have to be honest with that part. Because there is that thread of teaching out there, which implies otherwise.

It will always be the nature of some to treat evangelism and the gospel as a form of selling. If you spend time pointing out the downside some will reject it.

So even though on an experiential level people encounter this truth, the reject it as a truth to be shared. God does do that though.

He will be sure we all have our faith tested. And the test will be different for each person, which is part of the problem.

One can not come up with some formula for such things. It isn't subject to a set of rules you can follow.

However, you can find plenty of place to make you such a options seem as if you can only have blessings. Such teachings are always popular.

Just not true. Mainly the means to inspire false hope. And it often can destroy faith in the process.

Such I leave in God's hands for they are so doing Him such disservice. And the fruit of their ministry always leaves so many victims.

How sad it is when this is the spiritual legacy of some lighthouse. It only breeds lies and disappointment.

But then there is no light without a few false one shining. To lure and deceive. Hopefully the true ones outshine the false ones.

Which is always in the Lord's hands.

Sunday, August 17, 2008


Eyes of faith know there is more to life than this reality. They can see with the mind and soul who this is not all there is.

Oh you can't always pass on that sight to others thought. Not to make this all mystical, but I know how at times I have been aware and even seen the presences of the Lord's messengers.

And I know that they are always around whether I think about them or not. Just part of the spiritual reality that not every one believes in.

I've wondered at times why God doesn't open everyone's eyes to the appearance of His messengers. However, I do appreciate this would not improve things.

The problem is that for those without no ability to see God's handiwork now, they would see it any better with help. It is a matter of the lack of faith.

A simple issue that can be talked to death, but remains the most essential aspect. As long as our eyes refuse to see, our minds will never have the vision.

The problem as I have appreciate is so often we want to be shown first and then believe. At least that is the excuse.

And as logical as that might sound, it isn't really going to change things. But no matter what amount of evidence is provided for some they will not be swayed.

It is amazing how the mind can so ignore the truth. At least when it disagrees with what we want to believe.

What I do appreciate also is that the only way things can change is with the Lord's help. It won't happen by our doing.

For the Lord knows the heart. He sees inside each of us to what is the most important. This can be so critical.

For there are times when it might seem cruel or hard to appreciate on our part, but there are those who no matter how they appear, will never believe. Always be asking questions, but never changing how they feel.

It is the process of choice. Whether we always prefer to question or reach a point that accepts more is there than we can know.

Then comes the challenge of taking that first step. To be able to simple move one foot into the place beyond our thoughts.

And when we do, God will greet us there.

Saturday, August 16, 2008


Hands holding hammers
build their castles with ardent resolve,
never complaining if they become a shack
instead of palace.
For the will is the architect,
nails made within the heart,
even the weather can't defile
what the oneness of self inspires.
No excuses, not a single plea offered
to any celestial ears,
because they are imagination's passion,
silent except in lore of superstitions.

So the mind wearing faith in individuality
sings it serenade,
drafted construction plans for life
where what we reap
is always the fruit of our sickle,
even if it is rusty or dull.

By the soul, wind is keeper instead of the earth,
sensing the dressing from an ethereal membrane,
life is a kite, flown by third eye sight,
hammers can break, edifices crumble,
but the spirit wears its flight suit
able to soar instead of pound.
It glows with tinctures
shining from one's inner generator,
radiating in the outlines of mood's rainbow,
a repository of an eternal umbilical thread,
tugging, luring to have eyes
seeing the songs with notes,
invisible to reason's orbs.

Halos over the spirit
always following labor of the wind,
mental mallets preferring to fix any problem
with cadence of reliance's thwack.

Friday, August 15, 2008


Ah what a joy when the tempo of a day or week swings between two extremes. It can really drive you nuts.

The mind grabbles with why. There is never a way to always find logic in such situations.

Some times they can make sense. Normal trials are part of life. As are the moments of blessings.

What is hard to deal with are the unexpected. Those times when some heaviness seems to smother a day.

You sit and start out the day thinking it is just another day. Then you get broadsided by some problem.

Perhaps a series of problems. Not the kind that, which gives you complete grief, but more a steady supply of stress.

So one struggles with coming to terms with the anxiety. Made more difficult if you can't find a reason for it all.

The mind is so prone to analyze life. To attempt to apply reason to each situation. And when we can't we can get very frustrated.

Now some times this can just be a case of timing. You are in a bad mood and so is the other person.

The chemistry is just off. Nobody's fault, just one of those challenges we all face. And it doesn't last.

But what I'm speaking of are the moments when life seems to turn upside down. When problems arise and nobody is the cause.

Those are moments when the cause may come from some source with a spiritual cause. The Lord to test, the devil to attack.

It is amazing how quickly a person you thought was a friend will turn on out to be otherwise. And it won't be deserve or because you did something wrong.

Those are the times when one needs to lean the most on the Lord. For the strength to be sure that this doesn't wound.

His spirit will always help to strengthen through the trials. And that is the hope that can carry us through any darkness.
As long as we cling in faith.

Thursday, August 14, 2008


It is always so wonderful to have a special place to keep your treasures. Now they may not be the types of treasures others will value.

But they are the ones that are special to you. It can be fun to see what little trophies of life hold our soul.

Such things can be a simple as an old shirt or some souvenir, to something far more expensive. What makes them valuable is the worth in our minds.

Some people seem to see worth in clutter. They will be human pack rats. Always keeping all kinds of things nobody else would value.

Never found much appeal in that option. I do cherish things like photos and the occasional souvenir, but it is not a passion for me.

Still I do admit to being fascinated at times with how this becomes so important to others. Making sure they never throw anything away.

And the problem is when this gets translated into one spiritual life. That is a problem at times.

Because all the clutter in opinions or bias can truly impede one's faith. It can disrupt one's relationship with the Lord.

And that can be a such a problem if one is torn between what we horde and what God said is important. Too often it can bring us to a point of choice.

Which will test our hearts and burden our souls with truth. Over what we really want to keep in our lockers.

One thing that often happens will be that the Lord will put us in a position to choose. Not that we will have to abandon what we have, but need to have a willing heart of sacrifice.

That can be very painful if you love collecting things including opinions. And if they don't agree with the Lord's truths even harder.

Because He will put us in those situations over and over until we either take the hint or give up. How sad is the person who abandons Heaven's gold.

And you will never tell in churches. Most will keep their lockers hidden anyway. Except in the words used.

The language of me first always. Yep, that is type of vocabulary that sometimes you never forget.
Because it always comes with a no, when asking for help.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008


Nice to live in an ivory tower. Above any strife and concerns. Living on a cloud, prefect and without fear.

I was in the gym the other day having a conversation with one of my acquaintances. He is a nice person and intelligence.

However he wants to think of spiritual matters only in logical terms. There is a need to learn, but only on his terms.

It is sad to me. I mean how he does so want to find God, but only on his level. Trying to analysis anything related to eternity on a human level is rather pointless.

Still some try. Only the answers they seek will always elude them. They will be vapors one never is able to hold onto.

Sitting in some tower where you don't gaze at eternity in a way that it remotely realistic is not going to help. To wrap oneself in reason can be good.

However, if it becomes just another case of expecting God to become what we define Him to be. Which is not my idea of inspiration.

One can not blame people for trying make sense out of the eternal. But when you look with mortal eyes and not the soul, it will never make sense.

Just not something you can get those who want only black and white to understand. It will never be something we can measure correctly.

What is amazing in how the mind really does have the ability to probe into eternity. Theology does grapple with all the questions.

However, that is not to be some formula or definition that is so perfect and special that nothing else can be included. That type of attempt to define the Lord never works.

Yet, for all the effort and pondering, truth just doesn't always prevail. We let it get lost i the questions.

There truly is only one way to approach heaven. By faith. Trust in more than oneself. To look with spiritual eyes.

It will always mean seeing some parts and not others. But know the Lord is there and has all the pieces.

For that we can celebrate. And it is always a joy if we let it become one. But some will never find that choice.
They will be too busy looking up meaning for God in the dictionary.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008


Flickers in the flame of fancy,
bejeweled shimmers in vanity's glow,
guttural whispers incarnate in the mind
are cerebral windmills turning to winds of inner twine.

Candle flares upon mental tapestry
eyes through bias spectacles
craft the vivid caricatures from within.
Truth turns mannequin in philosophical dress shop
fashioned by the season of our whims.

Mirages blur with silhouettes
sunset cast in hues reclaimed from rationale's well,
poured fourth as conviction's canvas,
brush by the strokes born in one's soul
where the hollows of the heart echo
what in the veins is our gold.

Day weds to night in chains of preponderance,
fire stoked by hour's kindling
gives vision its sight,
experience laced with mistress of one's light
becomes the beacon for one's steps.

Monday, August 11, 2008


What is beauty is never totally in agreement by anyone. We each have eyes that view the world by our own perceptions.

So naturally we will in beauty in a variety of ways that will touch according to our own needs. And by our own values.

The physical realm is obvious. But also able to be fake. We may know that outer beauty is not all that makes up beauty, but it doesn't kept us from still admiring or reacting to what on the surface is attractive.

It is sad when this dominates a church. I remember being in this one congregation where they clearly were bias towards certain age groups.

It didn't matter who you were or what God had gifted you to do, if you were not in the twenty to thirty age group, they didn't care about you. Oh they never said that it was their view, but you sure could feel it.

And it was truly regrettable because they prided themselves on being so spiritual and loving. But sure wasn't obvious by there behavior.

This wasn't the first place I encounter that kind of discrimination. No matter how you defined it, the eyes were dominating.

Which truly is a regrettable element of being human. Not one we can take pride in or celebrate.

God fortunately sees the heart. He can find gold in the most unlikely places. And calls whom He will.

Pity we can't always see that reality. Even with the help of God's spirit we just remain blind at times.

The Lord does open our eyes on occasion. Enough to see ourselves in others. And to appreciate how much we all need grace.

Then when the Lord works through us He can also make something beautiful in the process. That can be hard to always appreciate.

For our vision might not see the change. We can't always tell when the Lord has taken a weed and made it a rose.

In the process we end up being deprived of the joy from seeing spring blossom in a life. Forgetting what blesses.

Which is an ugliness that truly doesn't ever improve with time.

Sunday, August 10, 2008


It can be difficult if you are feeling you live in a cave and perennial darkness to find a reason to smile. Now some seem to do this easier than others.

I was listening to the radio on the way home from work this morning. The person doing the talking was discussing the meaning of life.

Now I did agree that without the Lord you never truly will have that sense of completion. So many you can see the emptiness in their eyes.

They are rich in the things of this life, but not happy. They have all that one is told is needed to find joy, but have none.

Now this given speaker was advancing the view that the true Christian life meant one lived to its fullest. Meaning, happy and abundant.

Well, the longer I listen the more the speaker brought the message to a predictable level. Basically how purpose in life meant you would have what you really wanted if you followed the Lord.

I thought back to those in scripture who followed the Lord. Some were martyred. Others spent lives in hardships.

And these included many who were truly loved of God. I had to ask me, was I more deserving of blessings than these might souls of faith?

That was hardly a difficult question to answer. I would never see myself as even worthy of being mentioned with their names.

But despite whatever problems I had, they are often no where near as demanding as those some of these biblical characters faced. It does humble one to see that truth.

However, when we live in a land of prosperity and see it abound in so many places it does affect our frame of reference. That I understand.

It is to bad though that more emphasis isn't place on blessings that don't have a price tag. The spiritual gifts that touch so deeply.

Never heard anyone giving thanks for being rich in peace or love. Of celebrating it in a way as if it really was a joy.

I imagine there are a lot of churches where if you got up and wanted to share that as a blessing it wouldn't bring smiles. Might bring a few strange looks.

Still it is truly a blessing. Even if we don't look at it that way when counting the numbrs in our checkbook.

Saturday, August 09, 2008


Their seraph spread of ethereal feathers stretches from heaven to earth
no single spot, not a tiny spec of grain is beyond their reach
or will go ignored by their immortal constant and compassionate gaze.
In their shadows of their perfect plumes, all life dwells and is begotten of breath,
with silent loving vigil they stir the spirit and touch where others never see.

Though are hearts can stumble and fall into some deep chasm
its beat is not forgotten or neglected by their eternal watch care
For they can soar to anywhere that mortals laugh or weep
pass through any mountain and visit in our sleep.

They will ever penetrate a soul that trial as harden with disbelief
who may be lost in doubt, but still caressed by God's loving and forgiving wreath.

Friday, August 08, 2008


Neutral is the in-between. The place where you are neither making progress or retreating. There is no sense of movement at all.

Just a sense of stuck, no chance for change. Transitions in life are interesting. The come in such unexpected ways.

How often they occur when we don't want them while when we crave them they seem to elude. This doesn't make us thrilled.

I am not one who adjust to change easily. I know it will happen, but that doesn't mean I enjoy knowing it will happen.

Even good change can be difficult at times. It can cause stress from the unknown just as any other type of change.

But that is still nothing that keeps one from being bored. Those times when we end up craving any kind.

The days of routine that come like an anvil being placed on the head. You wonder if life will ever change?

But not really wanting the disturbance of the parts we cherish. Sort of a selective change. Just touching the parts we dislike.

God doesn't deal with things on that level. He will not only change what we want change, nor for the reasons we want them altered.

Instead He will touch both good and bad. To heal and to teach, to guide, direct, reprove and enlightened.

So it is a sword that must slice away what limits and also prune what prevents growth. All for the purpose of our welfare.

However, it doesn't mean we can't resist. That we can't keep from accepting what is placed upon our shoulders.

All of which will not be improved with time. It will only get worse. We could work so hard to avoid the obvious, but that doesn't mean it will change the outcome.

For the Lord also knows when neutral is a position where we have to learn to move ahead for our own sakes. And sometimes this can be case of simply when we are willing to accept that change is also standing still.

Because it is when we grow in our understanding, which is part of what we also need o change. A blessing if we accept it.

Thursday, August 07, 2008


What truly clothes your soul? Is it the spun gold of the Holy Spirit's loom or some other fabric?

Funny, but the text book scriptural answer might be the right one, but it isn't if you don't mean it. Which to often is more a case I think of simply being distracted.

I really don't think most believers truly try to avoid this aspect of faith, but it merely gets sidetrack by all the cares of this life. We don't mean it to be that way, but the bills do have to be paid.

Now some people try to balance it by putting their spiritual into a cubicle where we step inside on Sunday morning. We can still hear the sounds of the week in our head, but still try to silence them with prayer and song.

Maybe for a few minutes we do actually succeed. And we cross over to the plain of light where for a short period of time the world is forgotten.

Now if we become skilled enough then we can move on to the level where this becomes easier to do. Only like with all things, it doesn't last forever in this life.

For me I have come to appreciate how in reality this time is not restricted to Sundays. How God can visit us in so many other places and times.

But it is so easy to miss them. To be so caught up in the moment we don't listen. That nudge inside just gets ignored.

Which never ends up as a blessing. It always is a time of worship and fellowship lost for simple reasons, we are mortal.

The Lord does understand our weaknesses in that regard. But it is sad that it deprives of times just a meaningful and intense as what might happen in the pews.

Only the problem is often how we lose what might be a true gold for our soul. A chance to savor what really is precious and builds our faith.

How easy it is to miss though. Just a time when God uses a whisper instead of a thunderbolt.

But the joy comes when we find these moments and don't lose them. When we truly are able to savor what is not seen.

If this comes from the Lord and we find it, then we prosper in the things that count. Which can truly make us rich, regardless of how we are dressed.

I love that kind of fashion.

Wednesday, August 06, 2008


A few years ago after I had my live threatening bout with pneumonia and had to change my life, cold stopped being my friend. When I was overweight, I loved the cold.

It was my friend. I seldom had need of a jacket, didn't even like wearing long sleeve shirts. They all felt too confining.

But once the pounds were gone, I found myself having to wear such warm clothes in winter. Actually enjoyed it.

I do admit that when I got a robe to wear for winter nights it was a new experience. However, one that I did enjoy.

And for a while it was a great blessing. Even added some slippers. Ah, the times of sitting to stay warm, heater on and drinking hot tea.

Felt so strange after years of sweating. Eventually the novelty wore off. I just didn't the same need or joy in wearing the robe.

And finally it just ended up in the closet and I just went back to wearing sweats in the winters. Just seem more appropriate.

It wasn't that I hated the robe, just never quite got adjusted to it. Still had to adjust to winters, but did so on a level that I preferred.

In the scriptures we are told about how in heaven the redeem will be dressed in robes. They will be washed white by the blood of the Lamb.

It is a metaphor about how the blood of Christ covers us with forgiveness. However the aspect of the robe has so many more meanings.

For it is the covering that adorns us in God's righteousness. And also the fabric of His love.

It will be perfect and be the replacement, a soul's weave, that is not blemished by sin. A robe that is also our essence, part of who we are.

This is a garment of eternity that will give us immortal sight and senses. It is of course a form of enlightenment.

A way to empower us to see and know all there can be known in the Lord's presence. In contrast, the condemn are covered in judgment fire.

It doesn't do anything, but consume. Whatever gold might have been part of life is vaporized.

Meaning an eternity in darkness and all levels. No creativity, nothing but agony. Which is the worse kind of hell in so many ways.

Tuesday, August 05, 2008


The heart is a light that shines upon discovery's ageless road,
as sagas of seeping shadows travailed to stain the soul
still the pulse throbs to tread towards reverie's distant destination
while visions flood over every horizon envisioned by one's fiery expectation.

Golden cities to claim by deed are conjured mind's imagination wand
besetting the steps of day with castle mirages where dreams come true,
scenery sprawls through one's hope, hills and valleys are strewn along the trail,
yet the soul finds flight upon the breath of faith,
stumbling, bruised of being, feet of spirit keeping their pace,
coming to crossroad of inner truth where traveler's identity within is revealed.

Monday, August 04, 2008


These play such an important part in life. We need them so often when we fall into a hole.

And that is so essential to continuing whatever path we need to follow. But no matter how often we know to avoid the holes there will be new ones.

The hard part is to avoid the rope that becomes a noose. It is so easy to grab for just any rope.

The motivation being that escape is the key. That any means available to escape is the one that you reach to embrace.

Course it might look good at the time. It might be something that your mind says is the perfect answer.

Only when you are half way up it breaks. Then you notice that it was not as strong as you assumed in the beginning.

So you end up back at the bottom of the hole feeling worse than when you thought you had no help. Which is not a good thing.

The Lord knows the rope that we really need. For that is the one that you have to accept is the best.

Oh it might not look ideal when you first look at it. For with the Lord faith is always part of the process.

And that is the part that aspect that can be hard to deal with. Because the mind is under stress and wants only what is logical.

But that is not what is part of how we are supposed to deal with things. It is a lot harder to trust to His rope than the one that looks perfect.

For that I am always grateful that even though I have reached for the wrong rope to many times, e still is there the next time. His grace never stops making the rope available.

Oh perhaps we can you know give up on looking for it, but it will still be ours when we can to trust. Even if we have grabbed for the wrong one way to often.

The hard part is truly being able to swallow one's pride and accept you were wrong. Admitting it in a prayer can be even harder.

But avoiding it can a sad option. For we never learn or grow in the process. Which is the tragedy.

Seen so many do that. Easy to forget to look first to God for our deliverance.

Sunday, August 03, 2008


I have this one pair of white shorts that I love to wear. Mainly, in the summer and probably most inspired by the fact of all those years when I was too self conscious about being overweight to wear shorts.

So now that I don't have that problem any more I practically live in them during the summer. Just don't like giving them up when falls turned cold.

But because I love the white shorts, which is just one of my quirks, the one thing that happens to often is they attract all kinds of dirt and stains. I will get them fair dirtier than my other shorts.

Still, I wouldn't give them up. Have a different white pair, but just favor these most of all even with the mars.

So my standards for "clean" get adjusted according to whenever I try to wear them. Sometimes an extra long shirt helps.

Doesn't change the stains naturally. Nor make them go away. But helps to take away from attention to them.

Shoes and socks seem to help too. At least in my mind. They might not be a success with somebody else, but in my view it succeeds.

So I go through my little delusion and try not to dwell on how it really doesn't work. And that is a process of just not thinking about it.

And in many ways I think we treat sin that way. We see ourselves in some white garb of forgiveness.

One given by God and it never needs washing or cleaning in any way. It always stays spotless and perfect.

And no matter what happens we will still see it that way no matter how many times we sin or do something to soil its purity. God never said such a garment wouldn't need cleaning.

It is suppose to be a robe to help us appreciate our need for forgiveness. To help us keep us in focus on what is important.

So even the best of us needs our journey back to the pool of cleansing from time to time. To let the water of the Holy Spirit wash over us and heal and refresh.

That doesn't happen by accident or just lying about sins. It happens by acts of faith and truly surrendering unto the Lord.

Hard to do if you are too busy admiring your robe.

Saturday, August 02, 2008


Lips compressing
the heart's fruit,
contents squeezed
by hate's trash compactor.

Bled of pulp,
it pumps toxins,
until eyes
see only garbage dump

Friday, August 01, 2008


Lately it seems I have found myself too often in a place that I really don't enjoy. Having to be a voice for God's spirit to those who aren't listening.

Now the problem is that the person has often been told what I have to say before. So what I am saying isn't new.

And it does seem rather pointless that I would need to say what isn't new or unknown. But still I do as I was inspired.

Naturally when you deliver the truth is doesn't get a thank you. It is more apt to earn a defensive reply.

Or a diversion where the person wants to point the finger at the messenger. Which never ends up in helping the situation.

Yet it is human nature. None of us enjoys being told things that somehow disturb our illusions.

That just doesn't give us any joy. It will do otherwise. It will most likely end any relationship.

Or the person will simply take time to act as if they didn't really do anything wrong. Or are not in need of change.

Such a familiar story, but never one that leads to growth. Just more need to follow the same path.

Even if the path is filled with detour signs. And the person decides that they are written in a way they don't mean what they actually suggest.

It is all part of the journey from denial to self discovery. A distance that can take a life time to complete.

Even more so if you aren't willing to notice when it is time to change paths. That sadly does happen to much.

Now in all of this am I saying I never have gotten lost? No, not at all. I made my share of wrong choices.

But the joy comes from not needing to pretend about it. For I know the Lord is there and even when I'm off track, I still try to listen.

So life moves along and maybe we find the right steps in the process. Hopefully without it being too painful.

And including to our pride if we walk by its light.