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LAIR OF THE PENMAN: Old Beginnings

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Old Beginnings

Starting over in life can happen so often for many of us. Seems like our lives are always changing, never staying the same for any length of time.

Of course there are plenty of us no doubt that would prefer if things didn't change as often or at least not always in a way that we prefer. Instead, change at times is volatile and brings suffering. So we cringe when we see the storm clouds.

And perhaps that is part of what makes us so inclined when returning to some part of life we left, to want the same level of intimacy we once enjoyed. To start a new beginning in the same old place we once knew.

I see this often at the gym. People reach a certain point of fitness and then give up the habit for one reason or another. Later they return and it is amazing how often they want to start out exactly where they left. Only naturally if you were doing an intense work out and gave it up you can't go back to the same level.

Doesn't keep the mind from thinking otherwise. And then when you talk to the person, they often are brimming over with confidence how they are in charge and will have no problem returning to the same routine.

Truth is some do and some do not return and regain what they lost. A few manage for a variety of reasons to actually achieve their former level of work out, others do not.

What cause some to do so and others to fail? I imagine there are a large number of factors including what caused them to give up in the first place. However, I also know when you start over on something you stopped, it is a new beginning and no matter how much you think it is old, it is still starting new in many ways.

On a different level this can apply to spiritual matters too. For if one had a certain abiding intimacy in their walk of faith and then abandoned it, God will grant us the grace to start over, but some times we will need to crawl again before walking.

By that I mean we have to endure not necessarily being given the same level of responsibility when we start over. No matter how much we think we know on a spiritual level, when we start over there will be new discoveries to touch our lives.

If we keep from letting our pride get in the way and humble ourselves before the Lord this can be a very rewarding and blessed experience. If, on the other hand we resist, thinking we know it all, the consequence can be that we fail to go other than get discouraged.

That is the nature of such renewal. And like so many things it does need to something we grant ourselves the freedom to listen to God's spirit and not be filled with pride. If we do, this old beginning will truly be more rewarding than we could ever imagine. A joy I hope we always embrace.


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