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LAIR OF THE PENMAN: February 2008

Friday, February 29, 2008


The traditional meaning of this on a spiritual level would be related to salvation by faith in the Lord.

But there are many levels on which this applies in the life of a believer. For we are all less than perfect and therefore in need of being saved from more than our sins.

However, a lot of times that aspect of salvation gets ignored or missed. That is because so often I think the real nature of spirituality is misunderstood.

I was having a conversation with a friend of mine the other day on that issue. And this person admitted that at one point being concerned if I would accept the individual as a friend because of the person's association with things such as psychic experiences.

That is what some would say. There is sadly an element in the nature of people who are involved in traditional Christianity to justify hate as the same thing as love of God.

Which it never is. And those who wish to relegate the truth to a black and white condition that only keeps things are either or instead of truly seeking God never improves anything.

But is the normal practice with some. If you don't fit into their little confined view of life then there is something wrong with you.

Naturally this never brings enlightenment or joy. Just the opposite. It brings hate and all its consequences.

So there are times when this truly is sad. For it just weighs down the spirit with the heaviness that comes from so may views having no love.

Such is the nature of church life at times. Everything is kept within a certain confine of thought.

And if you question or deviate from that type of thought you can end up suffering in terms of a lack of acceptance. It will all be justified and prove you are not a true believer.

God truly exists outside of such limited thinking. He does not even approve or anoint such mentally myopic vision.

And for some they just keep plotting away at the art of pew sitting and decide it is enough. Then they simple live totally oblivious to the truth.

Which with some can stay that way till they die. This is the ultimate sadness so often. Something that they will never even understand until the stand before the Lord, when it is too late to find out you were wrong.

Thursday, February 28, 2008


At this writer's site where I participate one of the features available is to select from a wide variety of backgrounds to go with your poem. I never gave them much thought till I was involved with that site.

But they do really add something to the mood and image quality of the more it makes what is being express more dramatic. Which truly does adds a blessing.

However, like in life the background isn't necessarily the nature of life. It is a nice view, but doesn't mean it is the spirit of the person.

Backgrounds are the festive essence we color for our world. It is window dressing, but just as with the theme painted for words in a poem, it does affect the message.

However, it should never replace the message. And that is what is most important. Which can get lost in churches at time.

All the fluff amid the pomp and circumstance seldom brings the truth. It dazzles and may impress, but doesn't bring light.

For when we let those moments capture us where our eyes rule our spirit it is the Lord's voice we often fail to hear. And that is when we don't have the power to see the truth from deception.

I can't think of the times I seen the message take a back seat to some glitz. Music is wonderful, and all the other aspect of worship have value, but God's word is the priority.

And if we fail to keep that in focus, we might entertain, but is the Lord really honored? That is hard to say. But it doesn't feel that way in terms of what counts.

Alas that is one of the problems some will never see as problems. They will be all excited by lots of faces in the service, but not care what is being said.

And in the process we miss out on what God really wanted. Faith gets watered down and all kinds of other things seem to count more.

The Lord is not restrained by our failure to pay attention to what He says is important. His spirit will always raise up a true voice when others speak lies.

This person, regardless of what background is painted over their lives will wear the anointing as vestment and be where the Lord places them. For that there is no path we can invent to be where God leads.

But backgrounds still bless when we accept them as backgrounds and not solutions. Such is the choice each of us has to make when we decide to see God in the temple or just the temple.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008


Ever have those times when the world just seems to turn weird? Strange things happen that leave you wondering what is actually real.

And you hold onto your view of reality, but things just never seem to turn out in any way that makes sense. So you just end up being frustrated.

Course you can quite tell friends you think the world has gone insane. Because even if they feel the same way they won't mostly admit it.

The more one gets involved in the realm of spiritual teachings the more one appreciates just how the world isn't all we think it be. There are just too many areas where there are far too many question marks.

And to pretend it is otherwise is perhaps the great problem. For one can not really look at life and say it was truly intended to make sense.

I do admit that is a very general comment, but for me I don't care who we are, there will always be elements to life that will leave their questions. People often spend a life time investing in exploring in trying to find the meaning to life.

I think from my view if one tries to make sense of it without including a divine aspect ir really doesn't work. Because you don't allow for the impossible.

And we see it happen often in life as miracles. Those things we are told will never happen.

People do vary on how to explain them. Some see God as the source, others just fate. But they do contradict wisdom so often.

I also understand how often people figure if there is a god then wouldn't life be more logical. Would a divine being really let His creation end up so crazy?

For me that isn't a problem. After all if we are allowed to make our own choices we can easily make mistakes.

Some aren't mistakes unfortunately. They are the intentional evil acts of dark spirits. Those who truly don't want there to be a God.

None of which will make a person believe in God. But perhaps it does make us appreciate that we can't always trust to the experts either. Some where in the process we learn.

Hopefully a lesson that can cherish and grow with instead of simply remaining confused. Such are the choices we have in our lives and sometimes they work better for us that others.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008


Even in the dark of night,
its flame is felt deep inside,
voices haunting from heaven's plain,
watchers still its wood thus claim.

Hearts awakening in Cupid's cradle
sealed their tomorrow's with nuptial rings,
energy forming its aura of joy
absorbed in the walls.

Souls of life captured in their intense passion
leaving behind hopes and dreams
in every pew and timber.

Shadows carry their phantom residue
through the changing sunrise canopy,
though life has leaps beyond its breath,
and the cornerstone of founder's faith
lies silent before the world's eyes.

But God still tends to his inspiration
his spirit occupying it with his love,
so none can pass its quiet citadel to belief's passion
and not sense its lingering magnetism.

On Heaven's fields its form is placed
where all those who visited
have their prayers and fellowship
echo for eternity.

Each service of true worship
bearing its light forever
warming those who ever saw it
just as it did when the doors were opened.

Monday, February 25, 2008


Life in amounts we measure in our hearts. So often we do end up calculating life by some kind of total.

What totals we use depends on our values. The things we give price and worth that truly reflect our ideas of gold.

It will vary from person to person. And regardless of what people say, we will always have our chart of priceless to gauge what is worthwhile in our lives.

This is often reflected in subtle ways. And sometimes we don't even appreciate when it contradicts what we say.

It is most noticeable when it involves something spiritual. For we often have preconceived ideas on what it means to be spiritual.

Most of the time it is inspired in some way by what we have been told or taught. So it doesn't involve thought just habit.

It becomes so easy to leave that inside the church on Sunday. Then during the week act opposite of that conviction.

Perhaps during some bible study we admit to our shortcomings, but only in a non threatening manner. As if to solicit emotional support.

The whole time nobody ever bothers to question the whole process. They don't examine the values or their origin.

It is just assumed they are correct. And so they are just practiced without much though. Which never expands our understanding.

I remember being this church one time for Sunday school. They were discussing living their version of being a good Christian witness.

In their view this revolved around keeping the law. There was no mention of things such as faith and grace.

Neither did they ask anyone's opinion. It was more important for them to preach at everyone.

The priority was for us to accept their standards. Whether they were right or wrong, that was the ones that were being peddled.

And that is the sad part. For in the effort to try and portray truth and God what is often short changed is the truth.

It gets replaced by slugs of traditions.

Sunday, February 24, 2008


There are times in the course of following the Lord when the effort brings questions. You wonder if it is all worth it.

This is a problem when you don't see any promise of improvement in something when you are trying so hard. It leaves you feeling truly frustrated.

Nothing blesses or appeases that darkness. You feel you have fallen in a whole and can't climb out.

This gets so much more difficult when you find the path including nothing, but grief. All that happens is you end up with feeling it is all pointless.

What makes it worse is if you see others prospering. They may be doing what you are doing, but with joy and satisfaction.

And then no matter how much you pray or try to do the right thing nothing improves. Like you are trapped in a twilight zone or lament.

This is perception naturally. Not all we see is actually the way we view it. Lots of meaning lies beneath the surface.

And it is so easy to miss it when others don't tell us the truth too. They may paint an image of blessing, but beneath it all things are different.

And they will never admit it to such problems. That would ruin the illusion. But at times they will find a way to leak out the facts.

Often very casually like there is no real problem. But in truth they always have problems. Just like all of us.

But that can be so very difficult to appreciate. For that part when do have to embrace the greater reality.

Which is when we know there are times it counts more than others. Those are the ones where we discover God really loves us all.

And despite the impressions of some, he will not make life perfect for anyone. Just a matter of the battles we must endure.

Some are just better at making it seem like they have no problems. It does sound impressive. Even it if isn't true.

Truth often gets sacrifice in such situation. But God knows the difference and we will to listen to his spirit. That will always give light to what we don't necessarily understand with our minds.

Saturday, February 23, 2008


Desire's summer bloom
blown by seduction's wind,
craving's seeds sown in heart's soil
flowers delusion's garden.

Fall brings regret's
withered leaves
lying in memory's
autumn orchard.

Friday, February 22, 2008


Any time I think of this I am reminded of the movie, the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. I truly enjoy the way the movie approaches the idea of wisdom.

It has such merit indirectly of pointing out how not everything is as it seems and not all knowledge is what we think it will be. Plus how computers don't always solve our problems.

I think the nature of life is such that it normally leaves us with questions. There are so many things that never make any sense.

That is why some reach out for finding answers to all the problems in life. To help forced the world into a small corridor of answers.

And when you are doing that with the Bible it can really be obvious that it doesn't work that well. The Bible is from my view the revealed word of God.

I feel it is truth. But I also appreciate that it is not an answer book to every problem in life.

And because it does leave questions at times, the effort some make to keep life as black and white never truly works. It just means you leave out facts that disagree with your interpretation.

Some deal with this problem by pretending their is no God. There solution is just as bias as the people they complain about.

This is never an improvement. And often causes more problems than it solves. Which only complicates the problem.

It is sad when so many in life abandon the foundations of faith because you can't get perfect answers to all problems. And they will blame god for this fact.

Faith to me is not about having all your questions answered in this life. That is our view of faith.

We are given a core of revelation, which gives us a glimpse at eternity. Enough to let faith endure.

Providing we are willing to accept that has truth without being snared in the process by out doubts. It is a common problem.

For some of us, we just keep plotting away even with those issue. We don't give up on God's reality just because some things in life don't make sense.

And that is a path that brings more peace than ignoring the Lord.

Thursday, February 21, 2008


One of my dearest friends is a person who is so sweet and kind. Has the heart of an angel and truly a very loving person.

I totally cherish our relationship and the times we can enjoy each other's company. However, the one thing I do know with my friend is that there is a big gap between intentions and actions.

That doesn't mean the person intends to not do what was promised, merely that things always get in the way of desires. This is something I have learned to not take personal.

Now my life is fairly routine. So I normally don't have the occasion where I have to make a vow or promise that I can't keep.

So I have learned to slowly appreciate with the help of God's grace to accept when a person means well, but life intrudes on their desire. It is called learning the joys of compassion.

This has been a very difficult lesson for me. I tend to set my own compulsive and disciplined nature as yardstick. But not from the point of seeing myself as perfect.

More a matter of presuming that I am not special so anyone should be able to do what I do. And that is not really fair to others.

But I am learning. I have found myself able to slowly appreciate when the spirit truly is devoted to the will, still things intrude.

And to that end I do feel sad how long it took me to learn that lesson. There is a difference naturally from when a person wants to do something just gives up.

God knows the difference and I am grateful for how he has manage to guide me to appreciate his long suffering nature. I do also appreciate the rewards of faithfulness.

The may not appear that blessed at times. For they often don't come with big rewards. Just a certain quiet element to life.

I have seen many who are the kind who shine so bright, but often fade very quickly too. They look so promising for a while.

Only to get lost in the shadows when their light burns out. Such are the perils of glows that are consumed in their preoccupation.

But for the steady flame that burns regularly, just not that bright, sometimes the light lasts a lifetime. And that is the joy which can last forever.

One that shines right into eternity.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008


The big gullies of loneliness that comes over our lives at times. Not the same as being alone.

They can really be hard on the system too. Because you can feel so isolated and abandoned even in a crowd.

This can even happen when with family or friends. It is the sense of not being cared over and how nobody thinks of you in any positive way.

I have battled with this feeling on many occasions. And it is amazing how often it is more acute in the company of others.

It is as if every thing that happens in such situations makes you feel totally unwanted. For me that happens more in church settings than anywhere.

The reason is because I have higher expectations from such settings . Which is complicated by the illusion created that you will be loved in those environments.

Only problem is that it never works out that way. Because in all fairness can we really and honestly love strangers like our spouses or family?

I do believe it is what the Lord would want. And he wouldn't have mentioned it if we would have done it naturally.

So some give it a token effort. Because it does help to stem the feelings of guilt. Just doesn't change the fact that it doesn't come from the heart.

And that is the part, which others can sense. Now admittedly we are all different. So that means some are naturally going to be more loving than others.

How much it will be felt by strangers I can say. I just know that I prefer honestly to false love.

I would much prefer to deal with a person who treats me with sincerity rather than being all smiles and in reality they don't actually care. At least you don't get disappointed.

A friend of mine once observed how often it seemed that pastors who were great teachers were often not good caring pastors. And the opposite was true too.

I can't say if this is true. I just know that I have seen big differences in leaders. Some are more gifted with knowledge, other with the more talent for ministering to people's needs.

I don't think this is a bad thing. Just the nature of ministry. And one that doesn't have to leave us feeling a void, if both pastor and members reach out as God intends.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008


Compass spins in circular reasoning
crossroads crisis missing signposts
maps mutilated from wrenched indecision,
noon's face reveals the alternative paths,
shines its illumined hints towards many tales.

Inclination's needle dulled
by lack of insight's sharpening stone,
trapped in treadmill lethargy,
sight blurred from squinting at horizons,
shoes scuffed along procrastination's curb
while taking excuse's potty break
in outhouse retreat behind denial's bush.

Heart pumps so loudly to walk,
to find the journey's oasis,
but one can never taste
it's destination's well
until mind decides
which North Pole of desire
will be the vision followed,
when one stops being preoccupied
with just watching someone else
stroll towards where their own
discovered truths.

Monday, February 18, 2008


It would be nice if everything in life made sense. A wonderful concept, but not even close to reality.

And the more you get involved with knowledge that you can't prove with concrete facts the more you deal in theory rather that details. It is hard to consider it clear either.

So we face the most critical aspects of life, mainly those dealing with life after death and can't prove a thing. Which is to be sure a little unfortunate.

And it doesn't seem that God worries about that part of our brains. I'm sure I'm not alone in wishing that was clearer to our thinking.

But that is not how life seems to work. And admittedly when it comes to faith, if we knew everything it would no doubt really make have a lot more to worry about. That is how I view it at times.

I don't imagine others do though. Really, wouldn't be that likely to me that they would enjoy that option either.

However, it does rattle in our minds. And there are times when I'm sure we all struggle with questions.

Hopefully they don't drive us insane. That is not what makes life better. Nor will it in any way get us the answers.

What we are left with is a choice. Do we trust the Lord when he leads even if it means we don't understand something?

That can be one of those excuses some make. And it can sound so impressive. Sort of like claiming you are not going to cooperate on any terms, but your own.

That never works when dealing with God. We can expect him to come down and obey us.

Which seems to be the attitude of some. This only naturally does nothing to truly get the Lord's attention or approval.

I know I use to think that way. And it never improved a thing. Eventually, when my life fell apart enough and I stopped thinking of only my needs things changed.

Namely I managed to start listening to the Lord. When I did, I didn't get tons of answers that I craved.

But I did find a peace that I hadn't known before. The difficult aspect was dealing with people who still hadn't found that peace. They weren't ready to listen, some still arent.

Sunday, February 17, 2008


A term of flexible definition to be sure. Great has different meanings and interpretations. But never is it objective.

For that would be a challenge for the details that might get strained in the process. Doesn't keep us from bantering the word around though.

We do that often as a means of bestow an endearing title on someone. And how much of it is justified is hard to say.

For it is the process of opinion. One we follow according to our desires. Not that it is based in reality.

This can be difficult to say the least. And since none of us is perfect, what constitutes greatness is never without some mar.

Of course the only being that is truly great is the Lord. We have varying degrees of achieving success, but never the level where it is eternal in a divine way.

This is the problem of pride. It can inspire us to see ourselves at something flawless and almost god like.

Then comes the difficulty of having our lives fall into a crevice when we fall. The struggle is that it brings us to a point we can never truly see clearly all that is within us.

Instead we lean on own understanding. And it is never perfect of without problems. Such is the nature of this kind of thinking.

But in God's hands and through the Lord's eyes we see the facts. No matter our accomplishments we will always be in the Lord's shadow.

It isn't a bad place to be. His light is always so bright and touching. It heals and guides. And it is a great place to walk.

If that means we see him as the greatness of all time and we are merely in his wake, then is it a bad thing? I don't think so.

However, some will always feel compelled to see themselves shine. So they will find some reason to talk only about their own flame.

This is part of the choice we make in life. And when we choose to see God's light as more important, then we shine for the right reasons.

I am grateful for such experiences and how they bless. For in the long run is it a blessing when we see with eyes focused on more than ourselves. God will bless those views when we obey him.

Saturday, February 16, 2008


I lifted my soul's song on a celestial wind fueled in hope's fiery sheen
it was carried through the luminous layers of shimmering silvery sparkle
possessing my panged petition for light to rain down upon all creation
so I could feel eternity's golden rays of love shine into every darkness.

My eyes gaze in longing desperate stare at the cosmos black canopy
for one merciful streaking shower of starry serenade
that might guide us out of the hate's and greed's caustic shadowy crannies
where life might find a plateau to garden compassion's fruit and healing.

The music came in twilight's notes, a candle glowing on a homeless child's face
inside the whisper came, each finger already has the match to be God's refrain.

Friday, February 15, 2008


Those are the ones that always seem to happen to others. When they involve bad situations one might not feel upset over not experience the event.

However, if they are good, then we might tend to feel a need to wonder why the blessings came to somebody else and not us. Just a normal element of human nature.

And it is made even more complicated if we feel the person doesn't deserve the blessing. That always leads to less that good feelings.

I do know that we do make decisions that contribute to our consequences both good and bad. And how we are very good and not wanting to admit when it was a bad choice and we made a mistake.

This is all part of human nature, which we don't necessarily enjoy admitting. I also don't thing most of us relish celebrating our failures either.

We might be inclined to look for what lessons that will help us not make the same mistake again, but otherwise we probably savor not thinking about the errors. Just moving on to the next part of life.

This is a process of discovery at times. Some times to the good, others not. Which is all part of our journey at times.

I think the hard part for me is always coping more with the times that faithfulness brings some form of grief. You do the best you can to do what God want and bad follows.

That can really be demoralizing. And honestly it really does rip at one's spirit so much. We just feel the pain from disappointment.

I can think of the times I have ask the Lord why when things turned out like that. It just never makes any sense.

I wish I could say the answers came when I wanted or in a way that in a way that I preferred, but it doesn't happen that way. God's spirit does convey light, but I can be too blinded by shadows.

So I don't truly find myself always coming away understanding or appreciating that particular situation. Not at first.

It takes longer to make sense. And in the end when I do understand it often makes me go, darn I wish I had seen that before, but at time it is very obvious.

I savor the learning experience once it is clear. Then I can look back and am able to appreciate better why life's other choices weren't always the best in my situation. It can be a quiet discovery, but so loud in the spirit.

Thursday, February 14, 2008


I will admit that even as a poet I don't always have as much appreciation for the psalms as I should. I didn't say they weren't wonderful, but just not my personal most inspirational part of the scriptures.

I'm not saying they aren't important. They are full of passion and faith and the struggles of life.

An anthology in part of the path of trust some follow. And all the challenges faces in the process of life.

But they are not dressed in some false expectations. There are the parts where they truly do reflect an agonizing wrestling in the heart with times life falls into valleys.

Bearing one's soul is so apart of the inward struggles that faith does inspire. We see the valleys and mountains, and truly feel them, not just think about them.

And because we feel them inside they can wear us down. For the journey never reaches a point of sanctuary in this life where you never have to continue the trip.

I think in part we all wish we could reach that point. Just no longer have to put up with the challenge of taking one more step.

However, that is not how life works and even more so when it involves trusting the Lord. It makes for nice theory, just not reality.

Life does follow so many avenues of choices. And some come with joy other with tears. But we still do have to walk that struggle just the same.

And the good thing is that God grants us the strength to walk those valleys. He does it with love and compassion.

It might be hard to always appreciate when we are in the middle of some shadows, but it is still the way he helps us. And it is a source of rejoicing if we allow it to fill us accordingly.

In that view then reading to draw strength is always a good option. To see where others have walked and be willing to use it as encouragement.

For that I do find a reason for hope. To know I am not alone in my struggle. And to savor when it helps me move ahead.

I have fallen plenty of times. But do try to return to the path once I am able to get up again. Such is the trials we always must endure in life and when walking with the Lord's help. Which can truly be a blessing when we let it be. Hopefully on more occasions than is not.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008


Tomorrow's power sits on a playground and probably isn't totally aware of its destiny. Unless you are talking about somebody whose parents or teachers are encouraging them and making them believe in their own abilities.

This doesn't happen much in life from my experience. Oh it does to some, but so many times it doesn't take place.

Oh you can find plenty who will complaint and find fault in others. That never improves life. However some still feel it is the only choice.

And I can't help wonder at times how many tender young hearts had their joys shattered by some cruel words. Their flowers just wilted and never blossom because somebody told them it was a waste of time.

Such unkind words always leave their marks. And they can truly crush a person's spirit. Sadly that never helps us to rise to our potential.

What is also sad is that in God's eyes he sees the person should be. And for the redeem the ones we will become in eternity.

That would be a good thing to remember too when looking into the faces of youth. Some are will rule and reign in eternity.

You just can't always see the gold when they are flashing their horns. The scriptures share so many examples of people who were regarded as losers and outcasts by others, but not by God.

For he can see so much more deeply into soul and our hearts. He knows when we are more than something to be discarded.

Would that all could become that light of life than is capable of shining in each of us. Unfortunately, that will never be quite the reality of life.

Some will shine on this earth, with or without help. Others will fade and stay in the shadows.

However with the Lord the light is still there. It might not burn as bright as hoped on this day.

Yet, tomorrow has yet to come. And for that we can always cling to hope. Which is what I chose to do.

And especially when gazing into the eyes of some child that is bruises as I was and is hurting with nobody caring. A said aspect of life that reflects the way our hearts are not always the vases God seeks.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008


Endless fields of vibrant blossoms,
colors more radiant and
diverse than the rainbow,
sky constantly changing hues
from turquoise, to silver, to gold and back again,
little angel whose life went to sleep
way too young
picks her favorites from its shimmering petals.
Sending them into the air,
where their scent floats on a heaven's breeze,
reaches mother's nose,
which lingers in haunting flowery scent.

Petals settle upon astral path,
waiting for mother to sleep
when she'll follow them to meet her child
for a picnic of hugs lasting forever
and will make every moment,
feel as Mother's Day.

Monday, February 11, 2008


How far life slips from its expectations when we are out of sink with our essence. When we are not in balance and listening to the Lord.

The reality is though the even when we do follow God we will not keep from making mistakes. Being obedient is not the same as being perfect.

And the Lord never promises us that will be our destiny. Only that by following Him will make the trip more one that will have less guilt than when doing it our way.

For all of us are sinners. And no matter how much faith we have, we will still sin. There are always consequences to this sin.

But when one follows the Lord, we are forgiven and often the consequences will be tailored to be a lesson and not as much punishment. I always find it so amazing at times when I hear a person that doesn't want to admit to sin.

Everything wrong in their lives is somebody else's fault. Which never gets to the root of the real cause.

Now I can't say that being a Christian means one life is painless or without struggles. In fact there are times when it is down right frustrating and has hardships.

Thus you get the usual group who will water down the reality and some up with some version of Christianity that is easy to swallow. It will taste good.

Only it won't actually end up being all the satisfying to the soul. For it lacks the nutrient of truth.

And thus it will never truly satisfy. However at the time the flavor makes you think it will be great.

Sadly we all our victims of our own delusions. We just end up excusing our behavior and thinking that will make it all okay.

It never does naturally. We just are left at the doorstep of promise and never quite enter. And we have plenty of company.

Pity we travel that path. For it doesn't end up leading to a blessing in the long run. Just a detour to some alley that we get lost in the shadows.

God is merciful and will always shine a candle into our darkness. He will guide us even in our defiance by his grace.

Which hopefully will help us farther along to places we have to look at in reflection and joy if we see His hand touching.

Sunday, February 10, 2008


There is a difference between seeing light and following the right light. For light or the flame of the soul does appear in many forms.

What we call as spiritual always shines with its own light. Just it isn't always from the Lord.

There are always forms of truth that will shine. They will carry some form of truth. But it doesn't mean the match came from God.

What is called spiritual differs from person to person. Some will always give it certain qualities that don't necessarily apply to real spirituality.

Such things as feeling love, joy, peace and a host of other feelings can be spiritual, but doesn't always mean it always comes from the Lord. If all the feel good is not given with God's message it doesn't mean his spirit is involved.

And for something to be from the Lord it must first point towards Him and His message. If it doesn't then God is not the author.

Some will never appreciate the difference. They will think that metaphors and using certain words is being spiritual.

And you can be sure they will exude the image of saintly behavior. But it doesn't mean it comes from God.

By that I mean that you can have all this insight and knowledge, but the Lord isn't the author. Oh some will insist it comes from the Lord, but they would hardly admit otherwise.

For me the difference comes in part from when honesty is involved. If the leader for example appears all righteous and never admit to having problems then you can be sure it doesn't mean God was involved.

Those truly chosen of the Lord will not avoid being honest about being imperfect. For Jesus is the light and not us.

If we hold us his light and not our own candle then we are able to not fear the truth of our own shadows. This often happens when people see themselves as perfect or a need to be blameless.

God doesn't inspire that attitude. And I'm not saying being imperfect as a leader is a good thing. Merely that we need the pedestal that is not whitewashed on which to put leaders.

For that way if they fall off we can see perhaps the pedestal itself was part of the problem.

Saturday, February 09, 2008


Held with pride, shadows in its shade spare the eyes
from the burning shears of sunlight's slicing questions.
Vision loses capacity to gaze in clarity beyond its shelter,
but wind sensed still brings illusion of seeing perfectly,
all the world described as vivid and known.

Doesn't matter it is opened inside,
at night or even when sleeping,
a special covering it remains in the mind,
pity it doesn't guard against storm inside,
because no one else can see its presence.

Friday, February 08, 2008


To live through the shadows and feel love despite the storms is to feel the light of God even in the midst of questions. To be able to hold up the candle of faith despite the storms is truly a blessing.

Survival might not be viewed as a blessing to some. They would only regard it as a blessing if things improve.

And yet, it is all part of what is watched over by the Lord's hand. A shelter where the sacrifices of the heart fall upon altars not always seen by others.

We can feel them for God's spirit will lay down their foundation. But as altars serving God they don't necessarily ring out in ways that impress.

Upon them our lives visit the precipices of change. Because during our encounters in this valley of challenge, we find ourselves confronted by what is God's truth.

It is amazing how at times in silence and shadows we can hear more clearly and see with more intensity that in times when there are not problems. Because the chaos of distraction is muted by the moment.

So truths become more vivid and remembered. Which is a blessing in its own right. Only it might be hard to always embrace that truth.

Each moment of such altar experiences was meant to be a time of learning. One where we gain in our insight.

However, if we get too caught up preoccupation with our own struggle and not with the greater purpose of our journey we can is the gold we might find. It is lose of biggest regret when we find ourselves learning this reality later.

But then God is patient with us in our struggle. He understands our shortcomings and times of failings.

What He won't do is force us to his altars. He won't make us learn or change if we refuse to accept the joy intended.

Then in our rejection of the feared pain we feel only the coldness inside since we didn't not allow ourselves to be warmed by His light. It is the fire that always brings more pluses to our spirits than negatives.

Still, once one has touch those altars. And felt how they bless then we move ahead, not in fear or excuses, but with joy.

Having learn the joy that comes from knowing we are where God is helping to guide to better eyes.

Thursday, February 07, 2008


What is it that ties your life together? And how do you keep it from unraveling? Is there a thread you use to keep the day from losing its stitches?

Now I'm sure everyone has their own view on that one. I imagine some don't even have an answer.

At least from what I have observed. So many people I have known regardless of their abilities or intelligence seem to have totally messed up lives.

As if the one thing the person feels they need in life the most always eludes them. Which only complicates and frustrates.

Just amazing how often that seems to be true of people. It is so hard to understand at times.

I don't consider myself to be any exception. I have my own issues of unfulfilled wants. And I don't handle them much better than other people.

It is sad, but a reality. So our choice is not if we have problems or needs, but how we deal with them.

And that includes when it means they go unfulfilled with no chance of improvement. Now some would presume every problem has its solution.

Yet sometimes life doesn't open a given door. So we must content with the issue of reality.

Not that we enjoy it. We may even try to find reasons to avoid it all together. A common practice with some.

Through it all we can sometimes forget to actually check with the Lord. And that is when it truly is difficult. For that will mean we will fail to honestly listen to any words he might give us to understand our condition.

When this happens it means we end up not being able to gain a peace that only he can provide for any valley. We can lose the chance to find the words that will give strength.

This doesn't mean we can expect the solution will always result as we desire. Only that god will grace us according to his will.

Which robs us of any blessing to the soul. For standing in the shadows can be cold and dark

But with the Lord's help they we won't be alone along the during our travels and not feel a need to give up.

Wednesday, February 06, 2008


Anchors of life that we build our houses of thought. Not an intentional use of poetic license, but I think it is appropriate.

I guess because we often need those foundations in our lives to give them any sense of balance. Which is essential to help with our feeling secure.

Personally feeling secure has never been one of my strengths. I've always been dogged by the sense of feeling inadequate.

And it seems to only get worse when I feel tired or my emotions are in some valley. Then the creeping, snarling sense of despair really comes over me.

That is not a way to feel good about things. Nor does it ever improve the situation. I think the main key is to not let it rule your decisions.

No matter how dark the day or hopeless making major decisions when feeling like you are under a rock will not improve the situation. However, it is important to not ignore this reality either.

For to deny what is part of one's foundation is to also be unable to build upon its foundation in a way that leads to stability. Denial is never a glue that leads to a stronger life or abode of thoughts.

I have been unable to divorce myself from the attitudes that overpower me at times. And I have appreciated how God doesn't necessarily remove those cracks in my foundation.

What he does do is give strength to weather the storms. He will grants us the need to see when our foundation and how we need his help.

And when we do embrace our need and are able to move ahead with building it correctly then what is gain outweighs what is weak. Too many never do this kind of building.

I was chatting with a friend last night. And this person's personal life was a shambles. I listen to a litany of comments about all the times in his life that failure wasn't really failure.

His view was that the problem was the result of others falling short of his expectations. Which is fine, except he never admitted to doing anything wrong himself.

And the more he talked the more I appreciated there were many factors in his behavior that contributed to his problems. Just not ones that he wanted to accept.

Thus he never truly came to terms with the foundation in his life. And so his house was left in shambles, which he groped to understand. And kept looking for new building materials, without actually accepting he had bad building plans.

Tuesday, February 05, 2008


Vestibule masons
brimstone traditions
over soul,
God's true light
missed by
legalism black eyes,
blinded by
false glow.

Monday, February 04, 2008


This can be taken so many different ways. As in big desires, but little results. Just one view I suppose.

But I do think it has relevance. After all you do have to appreciate the times this is the nature of life.

Not the we enjoy it, still it happens. Our mind is so capable of imagining things that will never become reality.

Which I don't think is necessarily a bad thing. After all there is a need to the release through imagination.

As long as we don't turn it into reality. Or at least keep it in perspective. That can be very difficult to accomplish.

Some manage it more than others. But as long as we cling to fantasy as our reality we will trip over our imaginary wings.

And this gets even worse when it relates to spiritual matters. For we can easily make the Lord's reality something based on our desires.

If one prays on those terms it never ends with a truly maturing faith. Just an abbreviation version that seeks to simplify faith in God.

Everything is kept in black and white and never all the gray elements of life. Such is the disadvantage of living under some delusion and expecting everyone else to do the same.

Still it is the habit some often find as necessary. In any case, I do savor the times when I can not indulge in beating myself up because God didn't do what we expected.

Instead we need to move ahead letting God grace us with his wisdom. Grant us eyes to see truth as he holds it.

This might be uncomfortable at times. Because we have to face the truth not dressed in our deceptions.

Some do this easier than others. And some will never stop treating their opinions as fact. For they will always regard their version of life more important than anything else.

But in God's hands we are lifted up. And if we allow that lifting to bring true sight, then what we see is the view he wants us to see.

For that we can be grateful. Providing we view reality according to wanted the real truth and not dress it up with excuses or our bias. Gone along the path were only the spirit can follow.

Sunday, February 03, 2008


I imagine the first and obvious way this is applied is to the subject of cooking meat. Well done being a condition where the beef is cooked till their is no blood in it at all.

Of course everyone would perhaps interpret that differently, but that is how I would view it. Which is not really the main focus of this posting, just a reference.

On a spiritual level, the term is often associated with a faithful servant. As the Lord's comment to the one who lives of those standing before him as his judgment seat that followed his will.

I am grateful that God's standard for being well done is different than ours. And so many seem to never understand how it is difference.

All we do in obedience to God's leading is what he would be watch and gauge as our well done. It isn't simply the time spent doing things like going to church or whatever else gets us seen by others.

It is the passages of the soul we have to take at his leading. And it is how we respond in our hearts that truly tests our faith and values.

Well done is not doing it grudgingly or for bragging rights. It is not the process of out doing another by most time spent going to church.

That might impress others, but doesn't mean it will impress the Lord. How often we are brought to a point where we have not sight for the things of God.

We may forget he is everywhere. That he cares for the least and the outcasts. His love isn't limited to those who are members of a church.

And if we don't pay attention we can truly miss out on what is the times of being most well done. Those nudges at the spirit that inspire us to do more than just pew sitting.

We are told in scriptures beware of strangers from some are angels. The focus being that God tests our hearts by other than the predictable.

It means not leaving ourselves isolated in our thinking in terms of what God truly care about. To see his love in unpredictable places.

We reach out with sensitive souls and drink of the water of life where he let's it flow. Not basing our tastes on it being in a traditional well, but rather a place where his spirit dwells.

To live in awareness that God's gold is precious in any form it takes. And including one's where it appears tarnished. Such are the choices we face even when we ignore the Lord's voice.

Saturday, February 02, 2008


Trudged and tarried, flung into the recesses,
footsteps followed by fated decree
echoes of sweating laments
chained to a coffer of my calling,
no throngs to see my legion of strides
nor to worship my anguished pilgrimage,
tale of its monotony left unwritten.

I shall not give into the soul smothering
though it drags me into the darkest pit,
for my Lord has set my steps by his hand,
and no storms or ravages winds
can slay my soul in its journey,
amid the fields of melancholy.

Time clock sentinel ticks its guardian beat
over the seconds with uncharitable indifference.
Still I stroll against the shadows
not because I am hero or knight, but because I follow God's light
each new horizon another test of my faith
in the end, resting in reflection's sanctuary, seen in praise

Friday, February 01, 2008


Those special places used to display one's talents. And they are present so often in the world.

Only in ways that doesn't necessarily give glory to the Lord. Which is not always a bad thing in God's eyes.

But the focus is whether or not we are prepared in the times of limelight to truly remember he is our source of strength. How easy that is to forget.

To simple be caught up in the joy of attention and not remember it is a blessing. That doesn't mean it isn't deserved.

Just that we can so easily lost sight or what is important. To forget that without the Lord's help our labors will simple be eventually lost to the wind.

We are all gifted by the Lord in different ways. And it is important to not forget this reality.

You don't have to be a pastor or missionary to serve God. We are all called according to our talents and his purposes.

To that degree what we do is his will. And as long as we do not forget that then we can have balance.

If we forget then we suffer. Maybe not in terms of having the blessing remove, but on a spiritual level.

How? Well the first way is in terms of lost joy. I have seen so many who didn't remember the Lord and kept being blessed, but were miserable.

Oh they kept going to church and bible study, but no love touched their souls. Instead it was full of deadness.

Such a tragedy when there is no happiness. Just the stuff that ends up as clutter. Really is less than a joy.

And does the person change? Of course not. How often that creates a problem. People just keep thinking that since nothing bad happens they are approved of god.

It is so sad to see so many fall into this trap. They just never appreciate the sadness is a warning.

Instead the mill around in the delusions and are miserable. This is not God's will or choice. And it should be a message we all listen to with awareness of the price of such attitudes.