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Wednesday, April 25, 2007


Is something really a temptation if it does appeal in any way? I marvel at times at the nature of how sometimes you hear so much preaching against a given sin. It often is either a sin everyone is guilty of doing or one that isn't a big problem in Christian circles.

For example it can be about something like gossip. We all are guilty, so we can hardly complain when it is mentioned as wrong. It doesn't mean when enjoy it, but we do know we are responsible as much as the next person.

However, on the flip side, those sins that might be considered as safe to condemn in some circles would be something such a smoking. That doesn't mean it is even a sin you find specifically mentioned in the scriptures, but since so often you don't find lots of people in churches who do smoke, it is safe to say it is wrong.

It might be wonderful if temptations came with warning labels. Some flashing neon type that truly hits you in the face with, "wake up stupid, if you do this you're going to be in big trouble."

Unfortunately, life never works that way. And it is amazing how easy it is to slip from knowing something is wrong to excusing when you give into the temptation.

We often never even notice the change if it is subtle and slow enough. The whole time we will naturally convince ourselves that everything is fine.

Tempting is what truly kisses the heart. It licks our desires and makes them flame in a way we totally ache.

But are all desires bad? That depends on who you ask. What people think is wrong really is so often a choice we make for ourselves.

Which is fine until we decide everyone else has to also embrace our values too. That is when it gets vague and a problem.

And if you let the person's guilt touch you, oh is that the end of the world. All of which makes figuring how God's view of right and wrong even more difficult at times.

Somehow despite all the confusion, despite the times when people work so hard to beat us up for not conforming to their opinion, God's spirit can still guide if we are listening. And that is what truly is the most redeeming.

Is something tempting? And if so, is that temptation one that will hurt you or someone else?

That can be a very difficult question to answer. At times not even one you can do without God's help. Providing we are willing to listen in the first place. Some will, others will just make up excuses for doing it there way.


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