Times occasionally require a feast of reflections' buffet. It is only natural to remember the past and hope you can find a way to find some truth to bless the present.
How wonderful it would be if we reached a point where we could be able to totally recover from any mistakes and harm we suffered in the past. But that is never quite an option.
For years I've existed in a certain valley. It hasn't always been pleasant. And sometimes it can be so depressing.
But through it all, God has not chosen to remove this valley. So I have trusted to him for strength to endure.
It hasn't translated into the valley being taken away. Nor has it brought me the kinds of joy or blessings some would have expect to receive in the process.
There hasn't been anyone to write the story or care about the struggle. No hand to come and say, "let me take away your tears."
That is a great happy ending, just not reality. At least, not for me. And I know I'm not alone in that regard. Too many live lives that never rise about some valley.
Does it mean they did something wrong? Not necessarily. Oh there are plenty of people who will tell you that there is. They view faith as the absence of pain. I don't think the scriptures support that view.
It doesn't mean that people won't cling to that view. Which is their right. Just not one that will necessarily end with satisfaction.
Ironically, my own valley is facing change at this point in my life. And as the Lord has shown me it will a totally different type of life than I'm used to.
Does this change mean I should feel upset about all the years of suffering? That I should somehow be entitled to feel I've been denied something I should have had earlier in my life?
Honestly, for me the answer is no. It would have wonderful admittedly if at some point the smiles would have come earlier.
But they didn't. And should that plain of new life bring the new joy I've never know, I'll just rejoice and savor it.
Above all, to look back, not with sadness or bitterness, but gratitude unto the Lord. That he did see me through it all.
And that makes any chance more blessed regardless of where the change takes one's life.
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