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Monday, April 09, 2007


There is nothing more surprising to me than to have someone reach out to give you a hug and you don't discover till it is too late they have a knife in their hand. Ouch! Boy does that smart.

Which it might not hurt as much if you hadn't trusted the person in the first place. But you sure can't go back later and change your mind once the knife is sticking in your back.

Perhaps the most heartbreaking times this happen is when you deal with somebody who you assume is loving. If they are part of some spiritual community you're expectation is every greater.

So that means they have an even greater chance to cause you harm. There is a difference between possibility and something actually happening.

Unfortunately, too many of the hug and stab you people never are just possibilities, they are sharpening their knives constantly and waiting for the right chance to use it. In fact they are very careful to only sharpen it when nobody sees them.

What is really sad is how they are the first to complain when somebody stabs them. They get all self-righteous and act like they are the ones who are innocent.

Sadly, no matter the outcome, no matter how many times that there is bloodletting, the game is still play. Someone decides it is a good idea to pray in the process.

But then everyone hurries off to finish sharpening their knives without waiting to hear the answer. It is silly and I doubt it impresses God, still it doesn't change.

It doesn't mean that everyone has to be that way just because some are. What a joy it would be if people didn't make this their hobby.

Or at least for them to be able to recognize how terrible it was and at some point finally toss away the knives completely. That is something God's spirit truly tries to do with us if he can.

Providing the heart and soul are willing to listen. It can be so difficult too. Made even more difficult when so many intend upon making a place of spiritual healing into a battle ground.

Casualties always occur. And in the aftermath at times the wounded never get treated. Some bleed to death, others manage to recover, but are scarred for life.

It is never a memorable war. Only one where this no real winner. For even those who think they are victorious are not.

They have to spend too much time watching out for assassins.


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