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Saturday, April 07, 2007


I suppose some would regard this as a lead into a posting about the perils of the tongue in terms of what we say. That would be way to easy to write about. And probably boring too since so many have already taught on the subject.

I can't imagine adding anything new on that subject. But that isn't my focus. Not for this particular item.

I'm thinking instead of what satisfy our appetite. The things that appeal the most to our senses and give us pleasure.

Of course it isn't like we aren't entitled to seek pleasure. That is one of the good things that can happen in life.

But it can be such a spiritual inhibitor if it is pleasure gained at the price of one's conscience. Not that we always worry about that part.

It can be difficult at times if life plods along with any joy or happiness. We can ask ourselves what point is there if there is no joy to go along with the faithfulness? Even if we don't voice it, we can be thinking it.

And one can struggle with the simple issue of whether or not God cares about the times are lives are full of unhappiness. The even bigger question that nags is how come he doesn't do more to end the suffering?

There are times those when it is only natural to wonder why some of the life's problems have to be. And to sit and get totally upset over the inequity.

Then to sit back and let the frustration burn till we decide to get even. We get tired of following the rules. Of always trying to do the right thing.

Oh perhaps we hear about somebody who gave in to some temptation of the senses and find the scandal shocking. In reality, deep down where we dwell, we sit and are envious the person who did what we say we will never do.

In the process we burn a little inside. Ache starts simmering till it burns out of control. Slowly the heat so grows beyond any point of thinking, tell at last our mind surrenders to the moment.

Later, in the aftermath of reflection we attempt to dress up the downfall with some excuse We go away, our heart burden by the guilt still, but thinking it is okay just the same.

Time passes and we content ourselves that the moment was no big deal. Inside we feel the nagging of otherwise. We pray it will pass.

Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. Or it just gets forgotten when the next hunger burns.


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