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Wednesday, August 31, 2005


like a tidal wave
the stiff, wooden
gleeful expressions
so etched and rehearsed
by the hypocrite mannequins.
Burnt fingers
of memory
from the passion’s flame
as if it were a demon.
the sweet embers
never warm
nor refine.
What surrenders to the truth
finds a perfect embrace
from the gold
minted in a heavenly forge.

Tuesday, August 30, 2005


The mind is often a maze of desires that creates walls of distraction to keep on wander from discovering the center of real motives. It is so incredible how easy it is to lie to oneself. To be so collectively justified in terms of regarding one’s failures and weaknesses as victories and strengths.

When this process is one you have to deal with as a teacher, supervisor or anyone in a position that you have authority over another, it can be very difficult to learn the truth in a person’s thinking. And it becomes very hard to know the right way of dealing with a problem in terms of someone’s behavior when you don’t know the real facts.

Of course as Proverbs points out “the ways of every man are right in his own eyes.” There is just something within the nature of our souls that doesn’t like to admit we do anything wrong. So we end up rationalizing our sins and failures in a way that spares us any guilt or reason to change.

And sadly church life at times seems to inflame this problem. For too often Christianity is translated into a set of rules to follow. Or in some cases it becomes an issue of hunting and picking out of scripture the verses one can either actually obey or the ones somebody wants to beat others to death with his or her inability to do.

Is any of that nonsense God’s will? I say no. I believe God’s spirit will bring us to the juncture where we must fact the real center of our thought. And that is where the truth lies about how we really are.

What is so wonderful is that even though sin lies at the center of our thoughts in this life, God in his love and abiding grace still accepts us as we are. Yet so often it seems that emphasis is on how we are somehow suppose to change in a way to be worthy of that love and grace. If one examines the heart of that thought the reality is that it stems from a need that some spiritual leader has to control. So by inspiring guilt and a pressure to conform to gain his or her approval he controls the presumed pace of one’s spiritual life.

Eventually all of this chasing the fantasy of conformity and the need to somehow be deceive about living a perfect life one is slowly sucked into the delusion of being worthy in God’s eyes. And thus salvation becomes a reward by such thinking.

In truth though such a point of view only shows how a person has not actually matured in their relationship with God. For if one looks at some of the saints of scripture we find that the more the walked by faith and came closer to the center of thought in terms of God they saw more of him and less of themselves. And that is the true measure of spirituality in my view. We simply see how much more important Jesus is in the scheme of things and how we are not the center of the universe.

Then a real appreciate for his bountiful grace can come into our lives. We can feel free to celebrate his love and forgiveness and avoid the pitfall of becoming off center in our relationship. To live by faith is to never forget that Jesus is the one who is perfect.

Monday, August 29, 2005


There is an old saying about “seeing is believing.” While it is true that knowing is so much easier when you can actually see something in terms of knowing it is true. Such visual confidence does lesson the angst of anxiety. It can relief stress and allow us to relax when doubt swirl in the head over a given problem.

With the life of faith of course, we do not walk by sight. Trust is by very definition the capacity to have faith in the unseen. At least in spiritual terms it applies on that level.

Still that does keep us from craving the absence of stress or capacity to know something with complete certainty. And the question might be posed does God truly understand our capacity and need for such assurance by sight alone?

I think the answer is yes. But the only problem is if the Lord for example manifested himself in some form we could see that wouldn’t guarantee that we would have our faith strengthened. I wish that was the case, but it isn’t.

A good account of that reality can be seen in the behavior of the people of Israel while they were in the wilderness. Time and time again God proved himself to them by one miracle after another. And the next crisis still found them doubting God’s ability to meet their needs.

We might protest and thing we are somehow different. That if God parted the Red Sea for us we would never doubt again? But I think the truth is that wouldn’t happen.

I can’t speak for anyone else. I just know that in my own life even though I have experience God’s provision on countless occasions as well as his grace, love and not to mention forgiveness it hasn’t prevented me from having doubts in times of crisis. More experience doesn’t always guarantee more faith or maturity.

So what should we do if we find ourselves in some crisis and instead of claiming a promise of God we cave inwards and get full of doubts? Or we end up complaining and getting upset?

The answer is simple. Learn from the experience. Respond as God would lead, bring it to the Lord and most of all don’t give up. Many is the follower who draws a line in the sand so to speak and makes faith and all or nothing situation. If they fail they have no capacity to start over.

God is longsuffering and forgiving, but we have to turn to him and accept who we really are. Excusing our failure isn’t the solution. Rationalizing how we are still more obedient or faithful that somebody else doesn’t do it either.

Instead we have to learn how it proves we are other than as mature as we think. And to rejoice that God will still love us despite the fact that we aren’t as perfect as we assumed. Then we take another step of faith and keep trusting. In the quiet shall come the pure calm of forgiveness and the type of sight that doesn’t turn blurring from dishonesty.

Sunday, August 28, 2005


I flew
the crest of haloes
and pulsing effigies of dreams
wearing a golden vest
of hope
for the power
it gave as wings.
this was a flight
where landing came
like a phone call
in the middle of the night.
that sentiment
having no taste or light
I cast aside
my little god perils
knowing I was
mortal after all.

Saturday, August 27, 2005


In the Sermon on the Mount Jesus spoke of how the meek will inherit the earth. And this particular passage has certainly prompted plenty of comments.

I recall in one movie there was this false teacher who used this passage to quip, “That is what the meek are going to get, plain dirt!” And in this one other movie they did this satire about misunderstanding what was said and thinking Jesus said “Greeks.”

I think both movies in part reflect the general sentiment when one thinks of the general idea of what meekness is thought to mean in our society. It implies weakness or someone lacking courage who is doormat for everyone and everything.

And I think it goes against the basic view of our society to see that someone of that kind of nature deserves any reward. So in part the question is whether our Lord was really saying those who are weak or lacking aggression are the one’s who eventually be rulers of this sod?

In reality this word conveys the idea of something that has been tamed like a wild horse. It means someone who still has spirit, but has it properly controlled to use it in a positive way.

This is many ways makes sense to me. A person who can control his or her rage and impulsive beyond is far more capable of obedience and faithfulness than the person who is hopelessly unstable.

But not all of us are filled with only courage. We all have the things we fear and also have weaknesses. And I feel that unto those of us we do have such weakness we too can be apart of this intended meaning.

It is the capacity for faithfulness regardless of who we are that is what saves us. To continue day in and day out to follow the Lord is able to tame our spirit whether is it passionate or stoic. And ultimately like with everything in our relationship with him, the truth remains the same. Basically that the “just shall live by faith.”

To live by faith and not works, to obey and continue in trust through the failings and successes is to I feel personify the meaning of meekness intended for every believer’s life. And that is a view of this promise I can cling to when my life falls so short of God’s glory.

Hopefully if you have had trouble with this passage in your own thoughts this posting will perhaps encourage. God isn’t after all looking for perfect people. He is looking for those who will trust him. And unto all who call upon him in faith, shall we have an eternal inheritance. That is the kind of promise that can keep me going when I wonder if anything I’m going really matters.

God knows. That is the ultimate understanding. Rejoice and keep trusting and in due season those who have kept the faith will receive the inheritance promised.

Friday, August 26, 2005


The most familiar use of this phrase in scriptures I think would be in reference to the Apostle Peter and his confession regarding Jesus as the Christ. And as a foundation for the Christian can there be any more important or solid foundation that to acknowledge him as Lord and Savior?

But how often do we end up building some other house of belief on that foundation till it is no longer what people see? It is hard to avoid that terrible reality in this day and age when the church is so consumed with trying to offer up some magnet of teaching to draw as many people as possible.

There is admittedly more to the faith that just John 3:16. For Christianity is in part something that should touch all aspects of life. Not necessarily as a means of change. But something that affects us just the same.

Hopefully though in the quest for understanding and seeking God we don’t forget or lose sight of the foundation. And that we build our Christianity in a way that is support by this basic fact instead of resisting it or trying to paint over it with something that we think is more attractive or appealing or that will be less offensive to those who aren’t yet saved.

Sometimes when that edifice of traditions and teachings gets too tall and it completely makes one lose sight of the foundation I think God has a way of sending an earthquake to force us to go back and rebuild. It may not be that our edifice was all bad, just that it was giving people the wrong understanding of what Christianity is truly suppose to be about, which is Jesus.

However if we have in one way or another used the wrong timber for our building and it for one reason or another collapses, gritting one’s teeth and building it the same way a second time will not improve the problem. It just ends up carrying the risk of God once gain having to send an earthquake.

I have seen the sad times when people were so proud of their edifice and wouldn’t even dare think of tearing it down. It is THEIR creation. They are the product of their hands, their labor and their reason to boast. You’ll never hear the words, God did this. It is always I did this! One can only appreciate how the foundation of Jesus definitely was carpeted over by their ego and they have no intention of you seeing Christ instead of their carpet.

In such situations if the heart is corrupted and will never respond if the Lord were to shake the foundations then he not bother with the earthquake. The building may even get expanded and improved and the people will regard it as a sign of Lord’s approval.

Thus is the lie that adds to the structure. One that becomes a sad form of cement to hold together what truth would cause to decay.

May God grant us all the wisdom to never forget what rock is the real foundation of our faith. And the wisdom to rebuild when we do forget.

Thursday, August 25, 2005


There are wings unto the spirit that one will never see. We do look for them. In the praises and worship tumult of Sunday services. “Fly, fly, darn it, rise above the goo of cares!”

I’ve said that to myself at times. But reality has a form of gravity that often trims those wings no matter how hard I flap my muscles of desire.

Then there are the wings of Christian service. Surely those ought to be able to carry us permanently beyond the muck and mire of daily life? I’m speaking of just an abiding chance to soar upon a blessed tailwind to the greater heights of spirituality. (I can almost feel the yawns coming to my own lips as I write that one.)

Well if there are wings to that option, I personal never had any that lasted permanently. I still had moments of tailspins and crashing and burning. And praying didn’t even earn me a parachute! But at least I did find that I could bounce in terms of having God pick me up off the ground once I smash into it face first. (Perhaps next time I should consider seeing if I can pray for flying lessons the next time I luck out and find a pair of those spiritual wings that actually fit without a need to lie about it!)

I have maybe taken this idea to an extreme with a certain twinge of satire. And that is in part because I feel an extra sadness when I see the panoply of directions that often encumber our energy to discover the answer of “where the soul flies?”

Ultimately flight is God’s sovereignty. Which is why if we are to find that flight intended for us it must be by letting him provide the wind and wings.

It can’t be conjured by some scriptural formula. Some try and it doesn’t work. And neither can one control where one flies. While we might prefer to only fly over a lush landscape there are times we will only see desert.

And there are times when we are not intended to fly, but walk. Those can be very humble and difficult moments if we choose not to let God’s spirit help us understand the moment for the lesson we need to know.

The plain fact is that it is okay to not always fly. It is okay to accept that there is a whole lot of following some boring and dull path that others tread before us. I’m not sure where the idea came that it is a sin or wrong to feel bored. The real sin resides in lying about it.

But that reality only makes the moment when we are lifted up even more precious. They become more endearing and special when they are rare.

So smile and keep the pace as God leads. Remember the moments when that special joy came and you knew more that the reality of having sore feet from walking on a difficult path. Then rejoice in knowing like all things this is yet another destination one will reach in faith rather than a permanent path of life.

Wednesday, August 24, 2005


The chores of too many days
are like corrals
with flaming barbed wire gates.
means pains and wounds,
but we must enter them anyway,
letting the anxiety and screams
test our faith.
Instead of band aids
one covers the injuries
in a paste
made from the will
and strength,
there is no breath
absent air
that is both at times
sweet and sour.
Smiles and frowns
express the scent we smell.

Tuesday, August 23, 2005


This is one kind of giving for which there is no tax deduction. Pride rises in the soul too often as yeast makes a loaf of bread rise. It leads to an inflated sense of greatness that is more an illusion than the truth.

In my opinion a wise steward of the heart is one that comes to that crossroads with the Lord where one chooses the path to the right that leads to “not my will, but your will oh Lord.” That is a wonderful path to follow in terms of boasting about it to others. It is just very hard to follow in terms of truly surrendering the will.

Along this path one has to step upon the stones of veracity. Honesty has to fuel the progress. That can only come with the help of the power of the Holy Spirit. When the Lord’s spirit is aiding one in this journey each step helps us to see how God is the really giving us the strength for the journey and it isn’t the result of our own strength.

But even more difficult is being able to appreciate how our stride is never perfect. It is often strained by the distractions of the heart. Mainly sin. And if they becomes too painful sometimes people step off the path to find a trail less stressful to their conscience. They ultimately do find one. Only it is seldom one that will lead in the direction God desires for our lives.

How often the little web of desires that covers our heart and lures us out of pure lust to follow our own way causes us to stumble. Sadly there are times in order to help to heal us of our dependency on this comforter of the ego God has to allow us to suffer a broken heart. Then he can repair it in a way that finally makes us willing to see his way as the real path towards heaven and not the one that looks more appealing to our selfishness.

But God knows are heart well enough to understand when that process will do not good. Thus there are some who have spent a lifetime marking time in the pews and thinking their membership in some house of worship is the measure of their spirituality and salvation.

They have a heart so filled with the dross of “me first” that it can never been turned into a true born again instrument for the lord. That would require submission of the will and a surrender to trust God by faith rather than the self-righteous delusion of their own works.

While I believe God would truly desire all would learn the kind of stewardship of our lives and heart that lead to obedience. He will not force us to do so unwillingly. We are given the free will of making that choice for ourselves.

And for some time and circumstance can and do guide us to the point of reaching the crossroads of submission. For others they are so busy racing towards the noise and clamor of man’s approval they can worry about the sign that points towards the Lord’s path. May the Lord be merciful and fill our hearts with his desire instead of the need to follow only our own ways. And may he give us the joy of finding out the wisdom and peace that comes from finally doing things according to his will.

Monday, August 22, 2005


Wisdom in the scriptures is sometimes portrait in the image of a woman. This was at a time when it was a male dominated society. And I can’t help feeling that part of the reason it was portrayed as a woman is because at times it is easy to overlook. Just as woman in that day weren’t always regarded or treated with the respect they should have been entitled, so likewise wisdom can’t be ignored if one fails to appreciate it because of how it “appears.”

And thus is can be so easily with the wisdom of God. We are told the beginning of wisdom is the fear of the Lord. In another part of scriptures the Apostle Paul points out how the wisdom of God is often made to appear foolish by man’s standard of wisdom.

But the problem with true spiritual wisdom is allowing it to come into your life by God’s will and not by one’s own desires. I believe that is why at times the Lord anoints those who seem the most unlikely to serve his purposes. Because he doesn’t want us to base our response on the things we value, but what he says is important.

There are all kinds of wisdom in the world. Some of it very profound and that contributes in some way to the progress of humanity. And every belief system offers up its own version of what is presumed to be wise.

Spiritual wisdom is not intended to suggest that nothing else is wisdom. Merely that the wisdom that counts with eternity and God is the one that starts by being aware that he exists.

I am amazed at times when I listen to some teachers of the bible who seem to have grasp this idea, but always link it to some other versions of wisdom. Faith in Jesus as Lord and Savior is suppose to be the foundation of our wisdom.

From that beginning God will as we trust him add to our understanding with revelations and experience that guide us to where he wants us to dwell with the kind of wisdom that keeps us focused on eternity. But that doesn’t seem to be enough wisdom for some. They want to shift attention away from God’s light of revelation to grant one a more practical wisdom. It is the type of wisdom that supposedly will help with all the areas of life where we need understanding.

But just because one is called of God to be a minister does that truly mean they are wise in all things? I do wonder at times. Yet how often does a pastor feel a need to offer wisdom on subjects he might not be an expert because of the feeling of pressure to express an opinion?

When it comes to the word of God I yield to those called by God to help me understand what I need to understand as the spirit guides. But if I need to know something like how to fix my car I go to a mechanic. I don’t mind admitting there are all kinds of wisdom that I don’t possess and at least I feel wise enough to look in the right places for what I do need to know. May the Lord lead each person to the place of knowing that will help the most with finding the wisdom that is needed.