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Saturday, April 14, 2007


One would assume that this was a request because one enjoyed the original process. So the chorus would logically prevail to attempt to repeat the joy.

All of that would be so logical. However, we don't just repeat things that are fun. There are many things in life we do over and over for a variety of reasons.

Sometimes we have no choice. One can hardly stop going to work, eat or breathe regardless of whether they give us pleasure.

Those are not habits necessarily, they are required responses to things demanded upon our essence. The question is whether the spiritual realm should be the same way.

In part the answer is yes. For there are rituals we have to cling to and observe in some occasions. They are at times commanded by the Lord.

But what happens if our optional flights of the soul end up in the same context? Should worship service necessarily be a broken record without any deviation?

Does that in any way help to inspire? That would depend on who you ask I suppose. Some would never be happy with the church service if there was change. They want it predictable.

Others just cope with the way it lulls into a lane of pure boredom. Somewhere the mind goes on vacation and the hymns are sung without even thinking about the words. The heart never calms and heaven remains out of touch.

I'm not saying that there is anything wrong in such repetition. Just that if we do it again with our lips, but not our hearts we lose the whole merit of the intent.

Unto that end we can celebrate the harvest that God can provide. But we must open our heart. Doing it again on a level that truly incorporates mind, body and soul.

We don't have to left a spiritual nest to accomplish that. It isn't a case of departing the known for some place that sounds more spiritual.

Instead it calls upon our heart to truly listen. To grant ourselves the simple joy of letting God touch us in a way that lets us do it again for the right reasons.

Only with the purpose focused in a way that allows us to see what God truly wants us to know. However, that is different for each of us.

Which is why one has to avoid such things as making up formulas that are suppose to be universal that in reality are not helpful in the least. One has to truly be prepare to honor God's sovereignty and in particular with regards to what he wants us to do when communing with his spirit.


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