Trapped in the realm of mummified souls,
the stallion inside so longs to run free,
but the day is stale and suffocating
so tarnished by the tainted thoughts
that stain the heart and ruined the vision.
Softly speaks the feathered siren,
a creature awakened by winds of encouragement
who slumbers in the mind so very encumbered
unable to imagine breathing or dreaming
with hope and power to truly believe
there is life beyond this crippling mental morgue,
somewhere totally filled with liberty.
Slowly the dawn rises within the spirit
when the still small voice inside
urges, and inspires to hold
onto the plumes of independence
and feel the fresh clean air of true reliance
upon those quiet ascensions
above the tombs where so many are prisoner.
Oh gently glide that finally brings release
unto the life so it can float with bliss,
touch the skies never before reached,
While eventually realizing
the wake of transcendence
that siren was God’s presence
as wisdom’s expression in awakening.
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