Life always presents challenges. Some are of a general nature, some common as part of just existing.
Others, however, are specific. Challenges intended to test our souls and hearts. And they don't have a time limit or schedule which we can always appreciate or understand.
The problem in the spiritual realm is when people honestly fair to gleam how some aspect of their live is a challenge or test by the Lord. We are so prone to gauge life by blessings and hardships. Thinking that is the measure our life has as prove that God accepts us or honors our faith.
What gets lost in all that brain fluff is an appreciation for the fact that such tests serve a more important purpose. Namely that they can test our obedience or faithfulness.
One has to really stop and in all fairness look at the lives of those god called to some major purpose. Such as Daniel, Joseph, Moses and the Apostles to name a few.
How many of them lived lives only knowing what we would call blessed by the traditional idea of blessings? The truth is so obvious when you look at the biblical record. Those called of God always face terrible obstacles in their lives. And sometimes that even includes obstacles to the point of death.
We might see that as terrible, but the soul is eternal and so is our relationship with him. When we truly belong to him, our being and what happens to it is not just limited to this life.
You just won't get churches where they want you to believe that you can have your heaven on earth to accept such facts. If they were to tell people that following the Lord can mean a whole of things other than comfort and the people will go elsewhere.
So the result is that there are some places that thrive from their less than scriptural teaches. Oh the people crowd in by droves to hear how they can become rich and never get sick.
But is God really honored or thrilled by such teachings? To be honest I can't speak for the Lord on that one. I can only say how to me I haven't seen how such teachings truly helps people mature spiritually.
What does happen is they reach a certain plateau of spirituality. And are unable to go any further. Oh they never even appreciate the stagnation.
They just go on memorizing verses, content they are doing so well and being nothing, but blessed. It is sad really. For somewhere along the way they just forgot the Lord has the right as Lord to lead us according to his purposes. The heart craves its fantasies, the mind invents reasons to only see what you want to see.
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