Wherein do you keep the safe of your heart? The one that you use to keep the things you value the most?
I think regardless of what we say, our actions truly reflect what is our personal safe. And in reality we might claim we don't even have a safe, but you can be sure we keep it in a closet somewhere.
Craving security in a very insecure world is to me a very natural response to our surroundings. We would predictably want some assurance there is more to our existence that the unpredictable.
But too often despite our best preparations we never quite achieve that utopia of comfort we desire. We linger somewhere with it just out of reach, except for our daydreams.
Is it wrong to at least plan and seek that kind of security? I don't think there is any value on never preparing for the future.
What is not helpful is to make it the only reason for being. That is when we can truly find ourselves losing out on life itself.
There have been so many I've known in my life who invested all their energy with the single purpose in life. Mainly to accumulate the things they thought would insure their security.
The problem is that too often life has a way or eroding our plans. Thus you spent all your time working. Then in due season you retire and the money ends up being used to pay for health issues or some other way that for something that brings happiness.
Still, what is amazing how such people no matter how many hints god sends them on that issue, never pay attention. They never make the connection that putting their trust in their own strength rather than god doesn't lead to any permanent reward
Sometimes we can learn from our mistakes. We can lose sight of what is important and fail to see clearly what is really important.
The good news is that God in his grace will restore or forgive if we open our eyes to the truth. If we embrace the reality of vanity and turn to him it will slowly give us more balance our souls.
That doesn't mean the problem will be without consequences. But the lord will help one have peace in the process.
There are times when we must go down in order to go up. Seeing heaven in the midst can truly warm and inspire. Providing we don't lose our vision from fretting over other issues.
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