This for me is a wonderful hiccup of thought that you think is genius. When you do it and blame it on God, then it becomes inspired. At least according to the person doing the rambling.
It is so amazing to me at times how many people are incapable of being honest about their feelings or can't admit when they don't know the answer to a question. It is for me an issue of pride.
Which gets even sadder when people are dealing with spiritual matter and think you have to be able to defend God by explaining every mystery that is unanswered in the scriptures. In their zeal to defend the faith they often make things worse.
It is because they really do end up failing so often at explaining things in a way that improves what others thing. That is a result in reality from my view of them attempting to approach this issue by offering up answers that honestly aren't answers.
Oh if you give them to a believer and in church it will work, but to skeptics, never. Only you'll never get those who are filled with pride and think they are never wrong to appreciate that reality.
You might as well sit back and put cotton in you ears for what good it will do to tell such people anything. Too often they only even want to listen so they can have time to figure out a way to tell you why you are wrong.
So listening is not really their strong point. They just do it long enough to get their shot and telling you their opinion, which in their mind is the truth.
It might be silliness, it might even be absurd, but it won't change their behavior or mindset. Oh they will claim they have an opened mind and express sadness over the way some are so narrow-minded, but in reality they always are the most narrow-minded people you will meet. And they will never admit it.
Part of me still has this strange sense of compassion on such people despite their spiritual blindness. I guess it is my feeling that those with such passion for the faith, however misdirected would, if properly focused be such a blessing to others.
However, passion without wisdom and only pride just never translates into spirituality pleases the lord. It might impress others in some ways, it just doesn't mean God approves.
I have to confess that I have wasted way too much time trying to do what I could to encourage such people in hopes it would somehow help them. All I ever got for my effort was mainly grief, being lied about and stabbed in the back. Hardly a reward. Now days I just trust to God to do what only he can do through the power of his holy spirit. That is enough for me.
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