What does one do when live feels empty? You see this so much and wonder about it at times.
People who on one hand seem to have everything in life you could want. Something just is hallow and empty in their success. On the surface they seem so complete. They have riches, fame, all the comforts life could afford and yet they are miserable.
So obvious there is some void in their reality that is where all the happiness got sucked. It isn't what anyone expects, but does happen.
Yet, even when we see such people later admit their misery in the mists of their success, it just reinforces the fact that such goals, however admirable don't always fill the soul. That doesn't make them bad, but they will never be the kind of god that will save one.
Which is perhaps the sad part. No matter how much we see individuals follow this path and end with the same results, we still cling our envy.
Being poor is hardly regarded as a blessing by most. Just constantly having the sense of being without never leaves a person looking at life as uplifting as we should.
There are some who find strength in such adversity. It drives them to trust to God more for their daily need. You can still feel a void in your life, but when one trust to the Lord, there is a different view of it. One where you feel his presence and purpose in your life.
It makes the void less crippling. And you don't spend all your time trying to fill it up with things that never work.
Instead the mind can let the soul's eyes look more intently at life. To be able to gaze into the eternal and not be consumed with only the now or any one void.
If understood correctly, void exists for the person of faith to discover God's hand in their lives. For the person who doesn't follow the Lord, it instead becomes a god.
And like any false god, sooner or later it will disappoint. The more you try to appease it the more it will fail to satisfy.
Sadly, no matter how long it takes, some people never come to accept this reality. They just keep trying to fill that hole without ever turning to the Lord.
What is even more regrettable is the times when a person claims to be a Christian and still follows such a path. They say they trust God, but that darn void is so deep, they just can't imagine the Lord able to fill it up.
So their view is to try to fill the void in their own way just in case God doesn't keep his word. A good excuse, but in the end, such people end up feeling just as empty as the people who don't believe in God.