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Saturday, May 31, 2008


Wisdom's guide
with haunting hoot
in questions,
true learning,
inner epiphanies
one's identity.

Friday, May 30, 2008


Volume with what one speaks from their hearts will be related to the nature of what they value. And the more they shout the more the passion.

This doesn't necessarily mean the person is actually right in their opinions though. Even if they toss in the name of the Lord.

Noise by itself doesn't necessarily mean it is from the God. Oh it might be impressive in its dramatic quality, but it doesn't guarantee its origin.

Which is part of the problem with spiritual issues. The presentation doesn't ensure that it is divinely inspired.

Wish that was the case, but it isn't. Instead show merely means the person is skilled at the presentation.

The more whitewashed and righteous in appearance will not mean that it has God's approval. Might be simpler if this was true, but it isn't.

It is hard to always get people to appreciate that the presence say of miracles, real or otherwise does not mean that the Holy Spirit is present. The attitude of some is that this is a miracle and they only come from God.

Sounds less than like a good choice from my view. Because no matter how impressive if there is no true, then it doesn't matter.

What dazzles the mind and what is from the Lord are not the same. One only has to look at the disciples to appreciate this.

They were not arrogant or boastful as a rule. They did not hail from rich and powerful backgrounds.

Instead they were ordinary mean and what they did at times was incredibly, but they always gave God the glory and the Lord the credit. This is central to their testimony.

For they did not draw attention to themselves, but to God. And that is the way it is suppose to be if you serve the Lord.

It isn't about getting rich while preaching the gospel. Not about earning praise for yourself.

Instead the purpose was to do what made the Lord the thing that is important. Heaven was the place you went when you died, not the place you build for yourself in this life. And that is hard to always have some remember.

Thanks to the Lord we can always remember this truth and in the end knows the blessings.

Thursday, May 29, 2008


Wastelands of the mind. The desert created by our thoughts. Gardens that never blossom nor flower in any hope.

We sow the seeds in the soil of our lives. What we plant will thrive either for good or bad. That is what we choose.

Course we do have help. Most often we will observe what others plant such as a parents. And if they planted weeds, most likely so will we.

Not that we have to farm the same way. And there are so many cases when there are other factors.

For we are affected by our surroundings. Other elements such as circumstances can influence our options.

That is when our attitude comes into play. You know the option of if we choose to face the future with hope or despair.

This is where faith matters. Now some relate it to confidence and optimism. But I'm not always sure that is true.

I don't have to have faith in my abilities to know God can do the impossible. I don't need to see my future as promising as much as to know the Lord can alter anything.

The big problem I think is coming to terms with when the land is meant to be desolate. There are occasions when it truly is necessary.

That doesn't mean we like it. Nor will we be likely to say thank you. But still there are occasions when God makes it our journey.

The reasons can be many. They can vary from a test of our faith to other reasons such as teaching us obedience.

But what we can not do is look at our neighbors garden with any degree of comparison. As if to ask, why is mine better or their's more blessed.

How often that is human nature. How prone we can be to such choices, but the problem is that God will have times that it is to our benefit to face adversity.

It does challenge us and make the trip difficult. Something that is not always easy to appreciate.

Even more so if someone else is not suffering. And if we think they should that just makes things more difficult.
That becomes our test with the desolation measuring what we value.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008


To toss a rock at another's life as if our own heart beats only pure is to presume we have no flaws. It is hard at times to find a balance.

For we are both sinner and saint. Not that saint implies perfect, but some act as if that is true.

I find it sad when that is the case. For while we might wear the robe of saint, which is to be set aside by god, it doesn't mean we stop sinning.

How much the pity when we listen to those that decide once we become a follower of Christ we no longer need forgiveness. Or somehow become devoid of any future sins.

There is a challenge in life naturally, to be able to balance the way we are with the way we must serve the Lord. The difference defines if we become hypocrite or bearer of truth.

To see error in life and know it offends the Lord is not to sit and feel we are superior. It is to look at life as a participant and not a monk.

For we must be the arms of faith extended in love to say we will help those who have fallen. Not to put ourselves on some throne.

Judge is the Lords choice. It is His right to decide our fate since He does know the truth. However there are times we are called to be His messenger.

And to that end we deliver His message, not ours. Not from the vantage point of it being our message or finger pointing, but His message.

How oft we do need to do this in the right way. First is the challenge to even accept our duty.

Some will never do that. They may be the anointed person, but their response is to send somebody else.

Only God doesn't always pick an alternative for a given calling. If we refuse there are times we keep His will from taking place.

And if along the way we also need to hear the message then that is good too. For some times the truth when spoken also convicts.

Providing we do not let ourselves get all puffed up with pride into thinking we are somehow not deserving of the same message. That being the messenger it doesn't apply to us.

More than one called one has made that sad mistake.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008


A place to sleep without fear
nights of calm filled with cool winds
that bring a breath of serenity.

Yesterday becomes wrapped in quiet's mantle,
and placed inside a dream box,
tomorrow is held as a treasure
where the gold is the joy
found in the sights and sounds,
yet to be embraced as gems.

Listening for the reviving wind of life
to soothe when sunset brings
that sense of peace instead of anxiety.

Sanctuary, the sacred preserve
of love's precious garden
has its welcome sign upon the heart,
passing through its archway
in the mind,
closing the eyes to the world
long enough to enter the paradise,
which never vanishes from within.

Being home in the place
having only sounds of laughter,
inhaled by the spirit
strolling through its landscape,
felt as Eden's touch
because it is divine in inspiration's magic
and behind creativity's wall
to keep out the demons of sadness.

Monday, May 26, 2008


It always helps to understand signs of changing weather. When you can feel and know that something different is coming.

So you know you have to prepare. To be sure you are ready to accept and embrace whatever storm might appear.

But what if the impending weather includes a rainbow? Suppose instead of a storm it will bring a harvest?

I think sometimes we forget this fact. That weather does have an upside in spiritual terms. And it can be important to anticipate and trust for the good as much as have faith to battle the bad.

It just doesn't quite get our attention the same. Blessings we look at as some kind of gift. A reward you don't have to work for.

But some times we are challenged to reach out just as much for an umbrellas as a place to avoid the rain. To be sure we don't let the ill of past storms ruin our eyes to gaze upon the light.

It is the challenge we don't always accept. The call we sometimes don't hear. Then to see into the light as much hope as we see despair in the darkness.

However, this can be easy to miss. We can so easily get trapped in only thinking bad will come.

And so many times it is a problem. Just not always the quite the point of view we care to embrace.

It is sad I suppose that we often expect the worst. Or try some form of pseudo positivism to convince ourselves that bad things never happen.

This is not a path that really copes with the truth. It leads in ways contrary to facing the real weather signs.

But if we will let God's spirit help to inspired and lead, then we can see both the blizzards and the rainbows. And learn to keep them focused as intended.

It isn't easy naturally. Because we must reach out beyond ourselves. And truly gaze into the source of all weather.

Then we focused eyes appreciate when a storm can be a blessing, even when we get wet. Providing we will do more than talk about bad weather.

That can be one hurdle we may never leap.

Sunday, May 25, 2008


There is a big difference between devotion and fanaticism that leads to extremism. I can say that it is easy to get caught up in such things.

And if it the type of extremism that you have during times when your life is normal or usual you may not find a motivation to stop. If there is no impact to your life, no feeling of pain or loss, it is easy to think it is okay.

This happens at times in places we think it is not a problem. Such as a house of worship. A little nudge of devotion and it becomes an obsession.

Lost in the process is the question of whether God inspired it. Was this His will or did we do it for different reasons?

At the core remains the issue of if we are truly searching for truth or our own needs. So our desire stem from a true act of faith or something else.

It can be so easy to rationalize that part and make it seem that it is a good thing regardless of the reality. We can do that so often.

But the center lies within what we are willing to face. To see the deficits in our lives and not be afraid to know how God sees them too.

Only to walk ahead and be joyful that in so doing we might learn the deeper meaning of grace. How it isn't a bargain for our soul.

Works are the gems of heaven when done for the right reasons and out of love. If they are self righteous necklaces then they mean nothing.

Not that you will get those of the legalism persuasion to accept that. They will always see works as tied to salvation.

To move from such shadows of self impressed darkness and into the light can be hard. I will require a sacrifice.

That is to go beyond the world where we see ourselves as the center of the universe to a place where God is on the throne. Trite as some might view such comments, it is still problem.

Otherwise it wouldn't be the issue that we see so often in too many spiritual settings. They are so intimidating perhaps, but not necessarily from the Lord.

Finding that avenue of light to follow can be a challenge. It means being able to see more than ourselves.

Rich is the blessing that abounds if we do it for God's will and no our own glory.

Saturday, May 24, 2008


Writing noon
amid ignorance's midnight
switch flipped
in mind's closet.

Mentor's eraser
cleans the cerebral slate
with wisdom's
candle words.

Friday, May 23, 2008


How often the cards of life get shuffled by someone other than ourselves. And even if we do want to play the game fair, there just seem to be too many times when things don't seem to work right.

In any case, the hard part is dealing with whatever cards do come your way. If they are not a winning hand in appearance even more so.

But we can always improve are skill and maybe even win sometimes. However the real problem is when we fail to remember it is a game.

That we won't get to play in life's casino. And no matter how many chips we accumulate it doesn't mean we will get to take them to eternity.

What does last are when we go to God's dealer for our games. Winning isn't the main goal at that game.

You did get plenty who think so. They translate doing thins on a spiritual level as the same as doing them on the natural level.

Which is never really something that gets the desired results. Oh it might seem like it counts, but it doesn't.

At least not with the Lord. If we forget it is only a game in this life and the rules really do count then we lost sight of what is important.

Hard to always remember when the ego gets in the way. Oh do we crave that next hand. And winning is so critical to us.

Otherwise why would so many churches make numbers such a big issue? Just an impression I suppose.

But it sure seems to be the case. The bigger the church the more it is assume it is prove of God's blessings.

But large crowds don't mean the Lord is necessarily involved. Huge numbers can follow what appeals to the eyes.

That can always be such a sad assumption. And in reality that will be the part that separates us from the truth.

For the real game being played involves the heart. What really matters is that we played as the Lord required.

That means coping with the hand one is given. Not complaining or lusting for somebody else's cards.

Thursday, May 22, 2008


How does one start to cope with the times when life is not digested with peace? When it feels like you are sandwiched between choices and neither is good.

Do you feel like you are some kind of lunch meat waiting for circumstances to dine on your life?

Yet we do not have a chance to escape. We know that we will always face some crisis and it really drives us nuts.

One asks oneself why? Must this be the only option in life? Can't we avoid such moments?

It is as if there is a requirement in life that responsibility comes with thorns. And we get to have those private moments of peace.

Maybe it is at church or even somewhere else. But somewhere in it all we ask why us? How come we have to tolerate such insanity?

In the middle of our complaint, if we are the least bit spiritual somewhere we will hear the voices of those who came before. Those who endured terrible hardships in life.

If we have any sense of reality and appreciate how truly terrible some suffered for the faith it can help us make us grateful. Providing we are focused on that reality.

What is hard is to always accept whatever suffering that comes is not necessarily a punishment. That can be so difficult to cope with a such reality.

Which is why at times is the biggest challenge. And why I think the Lord makes it part of life.

That might sound harsh and it isn't meant to be insensitive. But I do believe God really is a loving God and does things for our best.

Sometimes that is so hard to accept. And there are no easy answers for why some suffer more than others.

I do know that this is not all the life we have. True, heaven can seem so impossible to find or believe in during a crisis.

However, God will open our eyes and make us appreciate the truth if we are prepared to see it. Which will always be the challenge.

From such shadows comes the light. One we can cherish for it will shine deep into souls.
Never be extinguished.

Just warm till we see the face of our Lord.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008


Panic seems to quake more than anything else. At least to me. Now I have never claimed to be perfect.

Or a model for heroism. But I have survived. And for that I am grateful. I do cherish that aspect.

Still I live with the choking elements of anxiety. Not with a lot of pride, but with awareness that is a big problem in my life.

There are times that I'm sure if I had a way to be able to avoid this aspect of life I would be better off. To be capable of remaining calm no matter what.

I do admire those who have that ability. It just seems so mature. So quintessentially noble and brave.

But regardless of how much I mine the depths of faith and try to let the ore cover my doubts they still exist. Do I ever protest to the Lord? Absolutely.

Has prayer or petition purged me of this problem? Not at all. Does this mean I give up or believe there is no God?

It doesn't affect me that way. Instead I am able to keep going and trusting. Because I can remember times I have experienced God's hand.

Not that I in any way found myself inspired to stop doubting to the degree that pressure causes, but instead I accept that there is more to the universe than in my understanding. Which does in no way result in me knowing all the truth.

That is part of what keeps me going. Being aware that God is more than I can perceive. So there is no reason for me to assume I could know it all.

However, this doesn't keep me from feeling a little deprived. I would love to have life being simpler and easier.

But then there would be no motivation for faith. I would just be another person living in comfort who thought they were the center of the universe.

And so I embrace what our my flaws, not with pride, but with joy that God's grace is able to help me endure. Which is what makes life truly blessed.

It doesn't end the problems, but it does help to keep us humble. Which does seem to be very important.

I guess if I ever get to the point of problems I will find out what that might be like. For now I will just keep plodding away.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008



Reverie's astral layers of conscious
engulfed in spiritual sanguine streams
divided by inner collisions in conscience clarity,
ethereal passions alabaster nymph
wavering in purity's fleeting flutter of divine plumes
and one's cerebral cerulean intuitive quintessence,
which crafts the creator's sway in surreal liturgical caricature.

Duality's incarnate illusions sail sandman's sky
rift of mortal and divine desires, two lovers in taboo realm
a drift in the mind's night, unable to consummate a perfect marriage.

Monday, May 19, 2008


It is funny to me how this is so fluid with some. People I meet with principles seem to mainly be stubborn.

I think often principles seem to imply values. But that doesn't necessarily mean they are God's values.

They can sound impressive and even have a basis in morality. However, God is left out of the process.

It just becomes a case of what looks pure and clean, but is really whitewashed and not truth. It never allows for sin or its impact.

As a guideline to follow, principles are a good thing. Abiding by standard can be commendable.

However, if God has no basis in the structure nothing really is tied to faith. Which never guides towards salvation.

I am reminding of the image once I was given where virtue was given a personality and character. Oh the character was discipline.

But it never ended in joy. Contentment over obedience, but a lack of real purpose being self control.

This is also part of the problem with legalism. For you might feel some satisfaction over the process, but what real joy?

I think the Lord gives us joy to be part of any path we follow. There may be plenty of sorrow too, but at least some degree of joy.

Yet, it seems that some want to have it only be painful. Oh they avoid the appearance of wrong, but you can see the boredom in their eyes.

And naturally the impact on life of all that monotony is other than excitement. It can also end any sense of happiness.

Even deplete one's love. Until the events of going to church become nothing more than pew sitting marathons.

Oh it might be justified as tolerance for the sake of obedience. To merit it as sacrifice. Which is fine if God commanded it.

But suffering inflicted by choice is hardly an honor to God. It isn't a good witness and without making sense it means very little.

So are we devoted to God's truth or impressive? Only each of us can answer that question.

Sunday, May 18, 2008


A parting thought, a fleeting vow. The heart takes flight upon the night sea hoping they will bless with good images.

But often we are left clinging to a precipice. A place where we wish truth was our desires and live with our mistakes, but with complaint.

Then we get stuck looking around at the world and feeling really upset when the people we see who are evil always seem to prosper. The mind screams for justice.

Oh we wait and wish, pray and hope it will somehow come out that our lives will transcend the inequity. But in the process, the spirit must endure and see that moments of injustice as neither permanent nor ones that will go unpunished.

Just part of the struggle with faith. Each moment we must cling by trust to the future even when our hearts sag with disappointment.

It would be wonderful if the life was more fare. If evil didn't seem to dominate as much. But that is part of the consequence of sin.

Which puts us in the position that we have to hold onto the truth even when the darkness seems to have dominion. It can truly be so painful in terms of bleeding hope.

That is the joy of the scriptures. They give us the history of such things. We can see the world in other settings.

And that grants us the strength to know we are not alone. How easy it is to become sad to think we are the only ones who ever suffered.

Does knowing others suffer too make us feel better? Probably not, but it can help just he same.

We can draw encouragement from our situation by knowing how the Lord does truly know our problems. And has a means to touch us in the process.

But then it does help to grant us the eyes too keep watching when life is less than perfect. That path of faith is never easy.

It is never without some pain. We can either accept it and keep walking or surrender to the problems.

That never helps to heal the scars, but it can give us joy to know others will feel the path take them were they will face the truth. Only not always in a good way.

Still we move ahead if we can. To places with God's help. And know that it will be the better joy when until then becomes our eternity.

Saturday, May 17, 2008


Tower of Babel's ancient spirit
spreading its roots through the soul,
defiant hearts erecting concrete fingers
attempt with rebellious aim to pierce sky's veil,
trapped in the irony of earthen claims
feet always cursed to eventually touch the soil
no matter how high the elevator rises.

Pride playing God in boardrooms as contrived heavens
using cocktail fables to feel so divine from executive view,
until angels push the clouds across the gaze

Friday, May 16, 2008


So many morns the mind laments how sunrise brings no smiles. No chance to dream of days with hope and nights where happiness still lingers.

There is no life without seasons. Moments of blessing, seconds of tears. They all bear down upon our lives in a multitude of ways.

We do our best to face them with some degree of calm. But the screams inside will beckon if the crisis bears too long.

But we can still focus on the future if we remember there is a God. And if we let our faith be our scrapbook.

Which is to say that we great that part of life where we remember when trust gave us some special kodak moment. Those times when though the world burdens, we can still savor the joy.

And then to allow it to give us strength even if the time of winter comes so we can face them without fear. To know they too will never last.

That is the part of seasons, which can be so hard to understand. When the times are good we like to assume they will last forever.

And when the bad times come they feel like they will never end. In between we find the times hopefully will reflect in a positive way on our lives.

But to do it with accuracy requires the help of the Lord. For with His help we can have the endurance to face any season.

He will not abandoned us, but neither will He take away any risk of winter. That would not be the option either.

We might wish for only summer. But the Lord knows that would never keep us able to grow.

Sometimes that is the part we battle the most. To be sure we can remind ourselves that all seasons ultimately are under God's control.

And if we embrace this truth then we will be able to grow. We won't have to merely find ourselves sad and feeling depressed.

But it only happens with the Lord's help. And often that doesn't take place by our priority. Even if we wish we had control over the weather.

Moving ahead with all the joy of knowing even when we think we love the summer best of all.

Thursday, May 15, 2008


It is always such a great feeling to find something you lost. That sure does work to make one have a reason to smile.

But some times the treasures are hard to find that were lost before. They may have been lost for our own good. Though we don't always see it that way.

How hard it is to always be able to fathom when a lost is a blessing. We don't always enjoy when that is our truth.

I can think of so many times when I lost something and thought it was the end of the world. Then later discovered it wasn't true.

For that I found myself feeling so depressed. And that never improves how the day looks or the future.

In quieter moments of reflection we can look back and discover what we found in the process. Some truth comes into our minds that we see what we lost in a different light.

I do find that to be a blessing. To be able to learn from that loss in a way that makes it a good thing.

I do cherish such times and am grateful when I find them in ways that make my life so much more fulfilling. And that is the nature of reality and truth.

God will open our eyes to such situations if we are willing to look. And then we can cherish it even more.

How truly blessed is the person who is so graced with such light. That will truly bring about such a joy.

And for all of us when this moment comes we will know it is a mark of change. A moment we will savor if we try.

But there are pains too. Grief does come with the process. A time we will feel the need to totally embrace the loss.

Then later we can move ahead. Into the sunrise and face a new dawn. This can be a new birth of types too.

But when we do so it also means leaving part of lives behind. A part that we may feel we still need.

This is also part of the process of loss. Facing those changes without sadness. For it is a form of celebration.

And that is a time where we find something even more special.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008


What price do you place on your conscience? Or do you feel you have a price tag? We might say no, but I think the answer is yes.

Just a question of the type of denomination you like the most. Sometimes it can even be in the form of spiritual pride.

In these days of super ministries it is easy to see how numbers become so important to some. They become a god.

Not that we will necessarily admit to such obsession or idols, but it does affect us just the same. And always will if we are honest.

That can be difficult at times. We don't enjoy admitting any sins, but that doesn't mean much in terms of behavior.

Now I have to confess that I am amazed at how often people really are quite content being in such situations. They don't mind them at all.

However, none of which is necessarily sane or remotely logical. But they do feel so good following the process in any event.

I do wish though that they would spare me the need to justify their behavior with some excuse. Or decide to come up with some untrue interpretation of scriptures to feel good about their approach.

None of which truly works in God's view. Oh if we get enough people to agree with our point of view it has to be the truth.

Sounds so wonderful. And I wish it was true, but it isn't reality. Just another trip down denial's path.

Which doesn't bring one closer to God in any way. No matter how much we feel better in the process.

However, we know this is a practice that will always be popular and attract more fans that the truth. It doesn't even matter if everyone is wrong if you have enough numbers.

It is all a sad spiritual farce. No one in heaven is laughing though. Nor would they have reason to when God is not honored in the process.

How sad it is when faith gets bent sideways and nobody notices. They all think everything is the same.

Only it never is. Just in the mind, which is too busy lying to itself to even care what the truth is.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008


Shooting arrows in a fog,
jubilantly hearing thud
from hitting target.

Consumed with
power to drawback
never checking
darts destination,
stench of corpses
treated as imagination.

Monday, May 12, 2008


What we wrap around our packages of thought. The form of belief used to keep our lives feeling as if they are flowing and functional.

Course tape never lasts. Oh it can bond for a while, but time can make it brittle and fail to keep working.

I remember when we had to keep some items in storage for a very long time. Some of the boxes were sealed with tape.

However in time the tape got dried out and barely worked. If you touched it then it could easily break.

And so can be our thinking if we are holding it together by some means other than truth. Which the mind can so easily do.

When we live by such methods it always brings problems. Oh maybe for while things hold together, but sooner or later they fall apart.

All based naturally upon the whole aspect of us somehow being able to control life. Just put whatever you can get to work right in a box and store it away.

That is not a way to be sure you ever end up with solving problems. It does create a great deal of storage though.

But eventually that runs out. Then all the stuff you can't control becomes a form of litter. And that makes life a problem.

Because you are always finding it cluttering your head. Hardly a way to make life improve.

Now the bad problem is when we keep trying to tape up the same types of failed trophies. All those crack badges from the times we thought of victory, but got something less.

Without the Lord's tape dispenser all we will ever have is something other than the truth. We will never reach the point where our boxes are sealed for the right reasons.

Happens so often in life. And we all know that will continue when we don't let God's spirit help us seal what is meant to be sealed.

Such as forgiven sins. Oh how those can come back to haunt. And we can try to put some tape of excuse on them.

But it never holds. Only God's grace can truly endure. We know that we are not going to be perfect.

Just accepting it can be the hardest tape of all to use.

Sunday, May 11, 2008


The world spins as we all know. And while it spins lives also at times go in circles. So many it can lead to confusion.

Not that it helps any of us to try and stop the movements. We can try, but most of the time it never changes the reality.

All it does is make things more complicated. For as with gravity, we find that circumstances can be a force.

One we can't control or in any way stop at times. Oh we might have our moments when it works, but not all the time.

In those situations we will find ourselves in the position to go through the rigors of change as if it is a storm. Which brings plenty of stress and not much laughter.

Now when we can, we do try to remember storms are not permanent. They are not our fault.

But the consequences can be in part from when we fail to prepare. If we now storms will come and do nothing to allow for them the damage is always worse.

Sometimes you can't prepare as one would like. Storms that come upon the soul in terms of adversity are not ones you can always deal with before hand.

What we can do is deal with them in terms of faith. To not let them destroy our hope or faith.

God allows such storms like many things that we might learn. The lessons can be painful at times, but they will always be helpful if we don't resist them.

Now some will and some will not. In part I think it depends on how much we are willing to listen to the Holy Spirit.

I've know a lot of people who don't. They will just keep resisting. And that is because of pride or a need to control.

This never improve the situation or ends the storms. However it will be part of what makes life interesting in its own way.

How we feel about storms will also impact our reaction. If we go out looking for them then we can find they will be there more often.

To live in faith is not to hide from storms or go looking for them. It is instead to reach to the Lord for His help.
Those that do will always survive them better than those who try to fight without faith.

Saturday, May 10, 2008


One chord of thought
sung between several souls
of notes which blend in balance
and create a serenade of cessation
against the cymbals of disquieting refrain
from tongues clashing in their lascivious lashes.

Peace rises from the battlefield of wills
where blood of self was shed in viscous stabs,
because the heart at war surrender to a love's clarion call
swelling deep beneath one's armor of distrust.

Sun of tranquility sails across the serene tapestry
adorned by thickets of unity's foliage,
always distinct in the individual identity,
but entwined in their blossoms
for the sake of beauty's bond in wholeness.

Friday, May 09, 2008


A viewed with smirk by Mayor Rash Limburger for a change in postings

Basement seconds you wish you could forget. Oh yeah I wish there was a cellar deep enough to make them disappear.

But then you can't make everything you hate vanish. Would be great to get rid of a few though.

Well be that as it may, it would be a nice reality if you had a choice. I would vote for that.

Wish there was a place to make it a law. But then I get enough complaints over how I deal with the law.

Which is a program I do work on. Yeah, that is the fun I have as a law maker. Just adding a little extra zing to life.

Why let it be boring? All the much more fun to give it a change of pace that gives a few laughs.

So whenever I get the chance this means giving my council meetings a little variety. Even if they don't know that is why.

It is all part of the joy. Well I call it joy. Some might call it a chance to drive another utterly insane.

And who says that is all bad? I keep saying that whenever I bring up things such a suggestions for raises taxes to build a public golf course. Now that would be fun.

With the exception of the fact that we have so few who actually play golf in the first place. That is why we have a country club.

Which only has a small group of members. Most of which inherited the membership from their families.

This is one of my tests for when I want to find out if the council is really paying attention. And they always fail.

Now what I really like is when some informed citizen decides to attend the meeting. Then they will voice their support of my golf ball initiative.

Yep, they were definitely in touch with what was going on. Well if you don't mind that kind of stupidity then find.

Myself, I enjoy it. I savor seeing ignorance prosper. And I love when it comes with stupid questions.

Kind of a cellar everyone needs.

Thursday, May 08, 2008


It is interesting to me how this word gets different interpretations. I would have thought that sharing in some way meant giving the other person an equal portion.

But a lot don't seem to view it that way. Sharing becomes a case of I will contribute only what you need and nothing more.

Not quite the real spirit of sharing from what I can sense. Oh it does work for a few I suppose.

They are basically content to do the minimum. And it often extends over to other areas of life too.

It can be a very subtle form of me first, but it will be there just the same. It resides in the core of who we are.

What is the issue here is the focus of desire. Where we want to get the benefit of attention without sacrifice.

The Lord knows this too. He can tell when we truly are doing what He wants with a willing heart.

Sooner or later any person on the walk of faith will face the place of an altar. The occasion where sacrifice is faced.

Now it doesn't mean we have to sacrifice in every case. But we have to be willing to accept that option.

The first altar is often very difficult to face. It can come along when we are feeling blessed and think we are above any crisis.

But then we come to this place of choice. And God's spirit will tug at us to trust Him even if that moment involves some pain.

Pain is not a popular concept, even though at one time martyrdom was part of the way of the faith. Just not all that appealing these days for many.

How often the crossroads is reached and we turn back. Just deciding we can do it later or have some other excuse.

But even if we pass this time, we will face it again. God won't keep us from avoiding that meet point.

However we will always end up very lacking in spiritual satisfaction if we do. And so many make that a practice.

Just are left with their treasures and a hollow feeling.

Wednesday, May 07, 2008


What truly is caring? Where does that term become a gift and not something that hurts or brings pain?

So hard it is at times to focus that caring, which doesn't help truly is beneficial. Still we do get that frame of reference at times.

I always enjoyed dealing with people who said they wanted to help, but really didn't. Just wanted the image of help.

And when the heart is bent towards a given frame of thought, but never actually is intent on actually helping it does take its toll on people. We just get our expectations raised to think this time will be different and it never is.

I really wish that life wasn't so full of such contradictions. The times when we participate in making it all seem like a nightmare.

Which only makes the problems worse and the reality never improves. Does any of this impress the Lord? No.

He does see our heart and knows our intentions. Regardless of how much we wish to impress and all, without truth it doesn't matter.

All the trappings and actions having none of God's love attached mean little. And sadly too much of what is peddled as love is just for show.

Oh that doesn't mean it won't look sincere. But if you honestly don't care while trying to be caring it does fall short of helping.

There is something sad when help is offered that makes the person feel less than a real person. Robbing them of their dignity never helps.

Only some never seem to appreciate that problem. They want to help, but only if it makes them feel superior.

This never in any way improves the point or purpose of such activities. They are the nature of when we dangle other purposes besides aid.

At the core then is the real question of why? Why do what God wants instead of anything else?

The answer can take a life time to really find. For it lies within. And those can be hard to find.

Because they must come from the soul. And sometimes our spiritual ears get clogged singing our own praises.

Tuesday, May 06, 2008


I embrace the light of morn to come with eyes full of recollection's images
my heart calmly adrift upon night's sea of questions,
but peace flows in the quiet where cries once echoed.

For my mind flips through scrapbook of bygone days
and finds the lingering warm glow in nostalgia's spell,
remembering past kisses and hugs that brought hope when I felt despair,
joy coming in sweet caresses as soft strokes inspiring faith in a divine hand
that in former darkness made tomorrow a jewel instead of refuse.

By a sigh with strained smile I face this current heaviness upon my chest,
refusing to forget the power of dreams or prayer when tears dried by miracles.

Monday, May 05, 2008


I am reminded of the potato chip commercial where they talk about not being able to eat just one. It is almost a dare as if they know you can't eat only one of their product.

Some temptations are like that. They can seem harmless enough and not threatening at all.

And we can amble along thinking that everything is fine and there is no real problem. Then we decide to just say no

That is when the claws did at our insides. When the harmless indulgence we thought was no big problem turns out to be our master.

Oh that is not the truth we want to admit. Nope that is hardly a source of comfort. It can be a source of pain or embarrassment.

There is no way to truly control the times when we feel addicted to some weakness. People often spend their whole lives trying to overcome such problems.

And some succeed, others do not. Does that mean the one who fails is not saved? Does it mean there is no hope for the person?

There are those who preach the gospel that would imply that. They would make it seem as if there are no problems in life you can't defeat.

They would imply that a lack of faith is what keep some from such victories. Which is all intended to create a case of guilt.

And that will always burden with a need to come up with some excuse for when one fails. Even if they are lies.

But that is never quite explained in that way. It is more a form of intimidation without being expressed that way.

However, the truth is as with any form of healing, it is in God's hands. He has the right to deal with us as He desires.

Which means that the problems of the flesh will not always get solved in this life. Some will last until the eternity.

Part of faith in that ability to actually accept the Lord's wisdom. Which means trusting Him even when we don't get what we think is best.

Sometimes it means living with a thorn we would so love to lose. But we just have to keep marching regardless.
And no matter what others think.

Sunday, May 04, 2008


There is a difference between excelling at something and being excellent. And this is even a bigger issue when it comes to spiritual issues

For excelling in the Lord means you are faithful to His will. That doesn't mean it will translate into a visible form of excellent.

Not in terms that others will necessarily enjoy. Or ones that they will either chose to honor or respect.

But then what is the goal? What is the main reason to even try? So that is not what the Lord considers as important.

And when we can focus on God's priority that is when it really matters. Because excelling in the Lord's grace is more important that what people thing.

Only problem is that it doesn't always translate into a source of boasting. We can end with nothing to show that impresses.

Yet, with the Lord the focus is faith. And obedience to His calling even when we think our needs are more important.

Still life in the Lord will always make eternity the priority. And that is the realm that counts.

Heaven inhaled in the soul will fill us with appreciation for the most important things in life. That will give balance.

Real peace in the Lord comes from doing what He asks. Even when it doesn't bear fruit to other's minds.

For that is the challenge we all face every day. Because we are mortals and have pride and want attention.

I have tried to cope with the countless times of rejection in my life. But there are times when I do so crave for attention.

Yet that all has to be suppressed in my mind to what God says is important. To sequester the ego for faith.

Does this bring peace? Not always. Sometimes it brings grief and sadness. Yet I do find the comfort in the process.

For I find the Lord through it all. And that helps to keep me focused to keep trusting.
Sometimes that is the best blessing of all.
Not a shout of joy, but a quiet whisper of well done.

Saturday, May 03, 2008


Feeling fine is a great time of life. And I think when we talk about it we are often more referring a state of emotions than the physical part.

However, it never seems to affect only our mood. It also effects our level of energy an that will definitely cause problems.

This morning I got up and really felt totally drained. It wasn't that I felt depressed, but I sure didn't have much energy.

And that didn't make me ready to face the burdens of the day. I wish I could call them opportunities, but they didn't feel like it.

It didn't keep me from my routine, but fun wasn't part of the equation. There are times when life gets like that.

And perhaps that is where the real times of faith truly are obvious. All the occasions when we know only God is watching.

When we want to give up and forget any vows or challenges. And then just take it easy and not have any need for further headaches.

I was at the gym when most of these thoughts were running through my brain. Then came the predictable time when that voice inside tried to convince me to quit.

The only thing that kept haunting me was the reality of how this was not just a one time thing. It was for every day of life.

Each day is a struggle at times. And no matter how much faith we think we have or how many times in the past we were victories.

The only thing that helps with time is the knowing how one can remember the past and savor the awareness that is not just a one time experience, but a journey.

And as a journey it means the landscape will change. It doesn't change because we didn't something wrong at times.

That can be just a process of traveling. For that we can always know there will be peaks and valleys.

If we don't forget that part then the steps will be balanced and seen with endurance, not with thinking they will end soon. That truly is important to not forget.

From that juncture the eyes have vision that sees from the soul. We do not gaze and not see the storms.

But our feet listen to the Lord and keep marching in trust.

Friday, May 02, 2008


By rustic flights and vernal plumes
my soul immerses
within the flow of tranquility's tides.

Basking in the splendor
of that harmony
between soil, stream and sky,
which clings to my essence,
tracing the eagle's soar,
where I see
through the Holy Spirit's eyes,
a dove,
forming Heaven's wings
upon my heart.

Thursday, May 01, 2008


The wonderful file of life's memories. Each a case of seconds experienced, some with a good ending, some without.

Each preserved with a fuzzy collection of scribble explanations. Not done in a way to actually translate into anything clear, but containing memories.

Some of the cases are more vivid than others. The ones with traumas seem to truly be so alive and stick in our thoughts.

Still we move ahead and try to find the joy hopefully instead of the heart ache. Though some are harder to close than others.

Reliving the past can be beneficial. If it helps us to look at the future better then it is a good thing.

But if it becomes a eulogy for the future, if we give up and never write another file, then it is other than helpful. And we only suffer from that process.

Unfortunately that doesn't keep us from trying to rewrite the cases when we can. Does that really work? No.

But it might make us feel good. And that is the part we will probably always be a major difficulty.

How I wish there were ways of rewriting the facts. I would love to take one of my cases involving a missing joy in my life and redo it.

All those segments of what it used like liquid paper may make the day seem more pleasant in the mind, but it doesn't change what bleeds through the whitewashed effort. Just makes it still obvious to the mind.

In any event I am aware that no matter how hard we try to massage the facts or change them, in God's file cabinet the truth remains. We can change those no matter what.

And the joy is to have the times when we know He feeds them into forgiveness's shredder. Then the never are able to be seen again.

Providing we don't mess with adding too many of excuse's staples the always make the file hard to eliminate. Not for the Lord, but in our minds.

Through it all we survive and keep going. Cases keeps piling up. They never decline. And that will always be the fact we can't ignore.

Unless we decide to do like some and let ourselves take the time to stuff them in denial's closet. Though the door lock is broken and we can never stop seeing the files.