How often the cards of life get shuffled by someone other than ourselves. And even if we do want to play the game fair, there just seem to be too many times when things don't seem to work right.
In any case, the hard part is dealing with whatever cards do come your way. If they are not a winning hand in appearance even more so.
But we can always improve are skill and maybe even win sometimes. However the real problem is when we fail to remember it is a game.
That we won't get to play in life's casino. And no matter how many chips we accumulate it doesn't mean we will get to take them to eternity.
What does last are when we go to God's dealer for our games. Winning isn't the main goal at that game.
You did get plenty who think so. They translate doing thins on a spiritual level as the same as doing them on the natural level.
Which is never really something that gets the desired results. Oh it might seem like it counts, but it doesn't.
At least not with the Lord. If we forget it is only a game in this life and the rules really do count then we lost sight of what is important.
Hard to always remember when the ego gets in the way. Oh do we crave that next hand. And winning is so critical to us.
Otherwise why would so many churches make numbers such a big issue? Just an impression I suppose.
But it sure seems to be the case. The bigger the church the more it is assume it is prove of God's blessings.
But large crowds don't mean the Lord is necessarily involved. Huge numbers can follow what appeals to the eyes.
That can always be such a sad assumption. And in reality that will be the part that separates us from the truth.
For the real game being played involves the heart. What really matters is that we played as the Lord required.
That means coping with the hand one is given. Not complaining or lusting for somebody else's cards.
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