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Sunday, May 04, 2008


There is a difference between excelling at something and being excellent. And this is even a bigger issue when it comes to spiritual issues

For excelling in the Lord means you are faithful to His will. That doesn't mean it will translate into a visible form of excellent.

Not in terms that others will necessarily enjoy. Or ones that they will either chose to honor or respect.

But then what is the goal? What is the main reason to even try? So that is not what the Lord considers as important.

And when we can focus on God's priority that is when it really matters. Because excelling in the Lord's grace is more important that what people thing.

Only problem is that it doesn't always translate into a source of boasting. We can end with nothing to show that impresses.

Yet, with the Lord the focus is faith. And obedience to His calling even when we think our needs are more important.

Still life in the Lord will always make eternity the priority. And that is the realm that counts.

Heaven inhaled in the soul will fill us with appreciation for the most important things in life. That will give balance.

Real peace in the Lord comes from doing what He asks. Even when it doesn't bear fruit to other's minds.

For that is the challenge we all face every day. Because we are mortals and have pride and want attention.

I have tried to cope with the countless times of rejection in my life. But there are times when I do so crave for attention.

Yet that all has to be suppressed in my mind to what God says is important. To sequester the ego for faith.

Does this bring peace? Not always. Sometimes it brings grief and sadness. Yet I do find the comfort in the process.

For I find the Lord through it all. And that helps to keep me focused to keep trusting.
Sometimes that is the best blessing of all.
Not a shout of joy, but a quiet whisper of well done.


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