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Thursday, May 08, 2008


It is interesting to me how this word gets different interpretations. I would have thought that sharing in some way meant giving the other person an equal portion.

But a lot don't seem to view it that way. Sharing becomes a case of I will contribute only what you need and nothing more.

Not quite the real spirit of sharing from what I can sense. Oh it does work for a few I suppose.

They are basically content to do the minimum. And it often extends over to other areas of life too.

It can be a very subtle form of me first, but it will be there just the same. It resides in the core of who we are.

What is the issue here is the focus of desire. Where we want to get the benefit of attention without sacrifice.

The Lord knows this too. He can tell when we truly are doing what He wants with a willing heart.

Sooner or later any person on the walk of faith will face the place of an altar. The occasion where sacrifice is faced.

Now it doesn't mean we have to sacrifice in every case. But we have to be willing to accept that option.

The first altar is often very difficult to face. It can come along when we are feeling blessed and think we are above any crisis.

But then we come to this place of choice. And God's spirit will tug at us to trust Him even if that moment involves some pain.

Pain is not a popular concept, even though at one time martyrdom was part of the way of the faith. Just not all that appealing these days for many.

How often the crossroads is reached and we turn back. Just deciding we can do it later or have some other excuse.

But even if we pass this time, we will face it again. God won't keep us from avoiding that meet point.

However we will always end up very lacking in spiritual satisfaction if we do. And so many make that a practice.

Just are left with their treasures and a hollow feeling.


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