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Friday, May 30, 2008


Volume with what one speaks from their hearts will be related to the nature of what they value. And the more they shout the more the passion.

This doesn't necessarily mean the person is actually right in their opinions though. Even if they toss in the name of the Lord.

Noise by itself doesn't necessarily mean it is from the God. Oh it might be impressive in its dramatic quality, but it doesn't guarantee its origin.

Which is part of the problem with spiritual issues. The presentation doesn't ensure that it is divinely inspired.

Wish that was the case, but it isn't. Instead show merely means the person is skilled at the presentation.

The more whitewashed and righteous in appearance will not mean that it has God's approval. Might be simpler if this was true, but it isn't.

It is hard to always get people to appreciate that the presence say of miracles, real or otherwise does not mean that the Holy Spirit is present. The attitude of some is that this is a miracle and they only come from God.

Sounds less than like a good choice from my view. Because no matter how impressive if there is no true, then it doesn't matter.

What dazzles the mind and what is from the Lord are not the same. One only has to look at the disciples to appreciate this.

They were not arrogant or boastful as a rule. They did not hail from rich and powerful backgrounds.

Instead they were ordinary mean and what they did at times was incredibly, but they always gave God the glory and the Lord the credit. This is central to their testimony.

For they did not draw attention to themselves, but to God. And that is the way it is suppose to be if you serve the Lord.

It isn't about getting rich while preaching the gospel. Not about earning praise for yourself.

Instead the purpose was to do what made the Lord the thing that is important. Heaven was the place you went when you died, not the place you build for yourself in this life. And that is hard to always have some remember.

Thanks to the Lord we can always remember this truth and in the end knows the blessings.


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