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Thursday, May 22, 2008


How does one start to cope with the times when life is not digested with peace? When it feels like you are sandwiched between choices and neither is good.

Do you feel like you are some kind of lunch meat waiting for circumstances to dine on your life?

Yet we do not have a chance to escape. We know that we will always face some crisis and it really drives us nuts.

One asks oneself why? Must this be the only option in life? Can't we avoid such moments?

It is as if there is a requirement in life that responsibility comes with thorns. And we get to have those private moments of peace.

Maybe it is at church or even somewhere else. But somewhere in it all we ask why us? How come we have to tolerate such insanity?

In the middle of our complaint, if we are the least bit spiritual somewhere we will hear the voices of those who came before. Those who endured terrible hardships in life.

If we have any sense of reality and appreciate how truly terrible some suffered for the faith it can help us make us grateful. Providing we are focused on that reality.

What is hard is to always accept whatever suffering that comes is not necessarily a punishment. That can be so difficult to cope with a such reality.

Which is why at times is the biggest challenge. And why I think the Lord makes it part of life.

That might sound harsh and it isn't meant to be insensitive. But I do believe God really is a loving God and does things for our best.

Sometimes that is so hard to accept. And there are no easy answers for why some suffer more than others.

I do know that this is not all the life we have. True, heaven can seem so impossible to find or believe in during a crisis.

However, God will open our eyes and make us appreciate the truth if we are prepared to see it. Which will always be the challenge.

From such shadows comes the light. One we can cherish for it will shine deep into souls.
Never be extinguished.

Just warm till we see the face of our Lord.


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