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Friday, May 09, 2008


A viewed with smirk by Mayor Rash Limburger for a change in postings

Basement seconds you wish you could forget. Oh yeah I wish there was a cellar deep enough to make them disappear.

But then you can't make everything you hate vanish. Would be great to get rid of a few though.

Well be that as it may, it would be a nice reality if you had a choice. I would vote for that.

Wish there was a place to make it a law. But then I get enough complaints over how I deal with the law.

Which is a program I do work on. Yeah, that is the fun I have as a law maker. Just adding a little extra zing to life.

Why let it be boring? All the much more fun to give it a change of pace that gives a few laughs.

So whenever I get the chance this means giving my council meetings a little variety. Even if they don't know that is why.

It is all part of the joy. Well I call it joy. Some might call it a chance to drive another utterly insane.

And who says that is all bad? I keep saying that whenever I bring up things such a suggestions for raises taxes to build a public golf course. Now that would be fun.

With the exception of the fact that we have so few who actually play golf in the first place. That is why we have a country club.

Which only has a small group of members. Most of which inherited the membership from their families.

This is one of my tests for when I want to find out if the council is really paying attention. And they always fail.

Now what I really like is when some informed citizen decides to attend the meeting. Then they will voice their support of my golf ball initiative.

Yep, they were definitely in touch with what was going on. Well if you don't mind that kind of stupidity then find.

Myself, I enjoy it. I savor seeing ignorance prosper. And I love when it comes with stupid questions.

Kind of a cellar everyone needs.


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