To toss a rock at another's life as if our own heart beats only pure is to presume we have no flaws. It is hard at times to find a balance.
For we are both sinner and saint. Not that saint implies perfect, but some act as if that is true.
I find it sad when that is the case. For while we might wear the robe of saint, which is to be set aside by god, it doesn't mean we stop sinning.
How much the pity when we listen to those that decide once we become a follower of Christ we no longer need forgiveness. Or somehow become devoid of any future sins.
There is a challenge in life naturally, to be able to balance the way we are with the way we must serve the Lord. The difference defines if we become hypocrite or bearer of truth.
To see error in life and know it offends the Lord is not to sit and feel we are superior. It is to look at life as a participant and not a monk.
For we must be the arms of faith extended in love to say we will help those who have fallen. Not to put ourselves on some throne.
Judge is the Lords choice. It is His right to decide our fate since He does know the truth. However there are times we are called to be His messenger.
And to that end we deliver His message, not ours. Not from the vantage point of it being our message or finger pointing, but His message.
How oft we do need to do this in the right way. First is the challenge to even accept our duty.
Some will never do that. They may be the anointed person, but their response is to send somebody else.
Only God doesn't always pick an alternative for a given calling. If we refuse there are times we keep His will from taking place.
And if along the way we also need to hear the message then that is good too. For some times the truth when spoken also convicts.
Providing we do not let ourselves get all puffed up with pride into thinking we are somehow not deserving of the same message. That being the messenger it doesn't apply to us.
More than one called one has made that sad mistake.
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