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Thursday, May 15, 2008


It is always such a great feeling to find something you lost. That sure does work to make one have a reason to smile.

But some times the treasures are hard to find that were lost before. They may have been lost for our own good. Though we don't always see it that way.

How hard it is to always be able to fathom when a lost is a blessing. We don't always enjoy when that is our truth.

I can think of so many times when I lost something and thought it was the end of the world. Then later discovered it wasn't true.

For that I found myself feeling so depressed. And that never improves how the day looks or the future.

In quieter moments of reflection we can look back and discover what we found in the process. Some truth comes into our minds that we see what we lost in a different light.

I do find that to be a blessing. To be able to learn from that loss in a way that makes it a good thing.

I do cherish such times and am grateful when I find them in ways that make my life so much more fulfilling. And that is the nature of reality and truth.

God will open our eyes to such situations if we are willing to look. And then we can cherish it even more.

How truly blessed is the person who is so graced with such light. That will truly bring about such a joy.

And for all of us when this moment comes we will know it is a mark of change. A moment we will savor if we try.

But there are pains too. Grief does come with the process. A time we will feel the need to totally embrace the loss.

Then later we can move ahead. Into the sunrise and face a new dawn. This can be a new birth of types too.

But when we do so it also means leaving part of lives behind. A part that we may feel we still need.

This is also part of the process of loss. Facing those changes without sadness. For it is a form of celebration.

And that is a time where we find something even more special.


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