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Monday, June 30, 2008


There are certain things in life you just can never replace. You can replace time. However it was spent, you can not go back and replace it with different seconds.

I can sure think of the times in life I wish that was an option. Because there are the times when heart ache came that was undeserved.

It wasn't a punishment. It wasn't because of some choice made that was wrong either. It is just part of the circumstances of life that fall upon every soul.

And even though we can't replace those moments, for the follower of Christ life is full of hope. For the times when in Heaven we no longer have to worry about such things.

It is so hard at times to not feel cheated in life when one is deprived or feels deprived of things that you feel you deserve. Or that others possess, but elude you.

Such feelings are natural if you are suffering. To deny them is worse than to admit them. But the important thing is to take them to the Lord.

That is the joy that only come through honesty. One can not sit down and lie about how we feel to the Lord and expect to have any peace.

As long as we harbor those negative resentments His spirit can never give us the hope for the future.

In prayer and dreams He can speak to us in visions that help to see that there is more blessings in eternity than now. That may not always ease the sadness, but it can bring hope.

Then again there are so many times when life is other than a reflection of how God cares about us. The prosperity advocates imply otherwise.

So they engender this sense of how we can have our heaven in this life. A wonderful fantasy, but no necessarily the truth.

And we never embrace how it is a greater blessing when what we are lacking comes in eternity than now. That can be easy to forgot.

I sit today at the far edge of the times when life was only misery. The past few years have brought changes that have given my life new meaning and purpose.

It is hardly perfect, but I do cherish how it has made a change in ways that has made life more satisfying. Not that it means perfect.

But at the same time I have seen how others who once prospered now are in the midst of valleys. It doesn't make me feel a reason to boast, just helps me rejoice when life is a time we can all savor for the changes and praise the Lord, for the replacement of tears.

Sunday, June 29, 2008


There are some moments in life that were meant to be sipped slowly. So ever detail was inhaled and cherished.

I miss those at times. I get so caught up in thinking about getting something over with I forget the details.

Then later I end up repeating the same situation because I didn't remember all the lessons I should have learned in the first place. Very sad when this happens.

Well the sad part is for me in terms of feeling stupid for not paying more attention the first time. This is not a time for taking a bow.

God is merciful to us in such situations. They are the times when He appreciates how we fail to be as observant as needed.

But the problem is that His way of teaching is to make us repeat the lesson. And hopefully we don't keep repeating it very often.

However, I wish I could say we were all fast learners and didn't need to keep being recycled in that regard. But that isn't the case.

The good part is when we truly learn. When that sip soaks into our minds and hearts until we feel it refresh and inspire.

The down side is when we fail to see this as a blessing. When we in up complaining and being bitter.

Then we merely don't learn the even more important lesson of gratitude. The one where we see God as a loving father who truly does wish to help us.

Even when that help is a little painful. Even when it is hard to swallow. That can be bitter in the mouth and we can resent its taste, but if we let the Holy Spirit purify it with God's filter then we will know it as a pure form of refreshment.

There are times when I don't feel that way. Not at the moment of a swallow. But others, or later I will reflect and remember its healing purpose.

Like any medicine it can be such a pain to take, but in the long run a way of getting better. Providing we truly embrace the truth.

That means knowing the ingredients. Which can be less than fun to think about. Unless we see them as medicinal.

And coming from Heaven's pharmacy it always gives us antibiotics to heal the soul as well as heart.

Saturday, June 28, 2008


Beneath her facade,
created by the layers of life born with quiet courage
there lies a pure gold
radiating through her soft, but vibrant eyes,
which shine with such ardent intensity
that augment the warmth of her smile.

For beauty is the composite of heart and soul,
an aura of inner quintessence,
possessing a pulse you can't feel
by a studious, though superficial glance
at her outward shape.

For in her sweet words glows an aura of love,
to touch with elegance, encourage and inspire,
leaving one the awareness
of how
angels oft come in so many different shapes
and forms,
always known by God,
such a treasure to cherish when discovered.

Friday, June 27, 2008


It is always such a help to have the aid of another pair of hands that truly want to be supportive. There is just a sense of relief when the burden is lightened.

I've always found that alliances often are very tenuous. Oh you can start out on one level where you find yourself making vows of friendship that will last forever.

And naturally words flow with such passion. Just have that sense of this time, regardless of past disappointments things will be different.

What a joy when this turns out to be true. When we have the assurance that life is now faced with a partner who truly cares about your needs.

And how great when this stays a reality. Life long friends are truly such a gift in life. Something that is so precious.

But so often those kinds of friendships don't last. They get lost in all the shuffle of time. Too many things encroach upon them.

Now the one type of partnership that truly will endue is when we let the Lord be a partner in our life choices. Not just an advisor, but truly a partner.

That means listening to the Lord even when we don't want to. It means not ignoring what is being said.

And that can be such a challenge. It can be very difficult to truly trust to the Lord's wisdom if at a given time it doesn't seem that way.

Which is the matter of faith. And that can be very hard to accept. We love being in control and if our eyes can't perceive the truth in something it does leave doubts.

Those can really tie knots in our system. They can make it so hard to keep trusting when the anxieties get out of control.

And God doesn't necessarily show us visions to prove we should listen. So instead we are left to just gaze and wonder.

The night bears down upon us with its haunting questions. It creeps into our veins and gives us so many doubts.

If we are lucky we will summon enough willingness to keep walking the path towards His light. A trip where we don't always see the horizon.

But one where we know we are not alone. And that is the part of the journey, which we can all cherish, if we keep it focused.

Sometimes that is the biggest challenge in any partnership.

Thursday, June 26, 2008


Sometimes knowing the truth can be less that a path towards light. For if the truth is other than one we want to embrace we can end up running from it.

And then we can get lost in the process. Be unable to find out who we really are. Then get trapped in some hole of thinking that keeps in the dark.

What makes it bad is when you don't even know you are lost. Some will think they are in the light.

But then that is part of knowing the truth that can truly be a detriment. When we use it to impress, but never learn.

Such is the nature of life. And tidbit of facts and we think we are sages. Then one goes toddling off blinding the truth's candle and not noticing how one fell in a hole.

I think pride is a big factor. It truly does impact the eyes. We think we are so wise and the whole time have learned nothing.

Which is where God comes to touch and teach. He lets the truth shine for the right reasons.

Because we quickly learn that He is the source of light and not us. That His light flows with wisdom.

If we hold onto it correctly we end up being able to have it shine on the path we follow. Then we don't end up lost in our own arrogance.

Only problem is accepting God is the author and not us. That He inspires and it is His candle that is the light.

If we are able to keep that in our mind and not treat the wisdom as some kind of reward, then we can avoid the pitfalls of such boasting. For truth is never our personal domain.

It is God's realm. And we are privy to visit it. Do so with the right view and one can be blessed.

Take a detour by thinking we are special and it only leads to dead ends. This is never the way that brings joy or happiness.

But if one is so busy showing of the light then we might not even notice. Until it is too late.

Sad is the step that one thinks will enlighten, but leads to night. Then we stumble along and never find the right direction.

Unless we stop and finally see the reality that God's light is only true source of guiding.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008


Blossoms growing in the heart. Thoughts and emotions which have petals attached to our lips.

Just a great aspect of life when they flower in positive ways that inspire and encourage. Then they will bless others.

Weeds grow in the darkness of the soul. Like weeds in a garden they can be very difficult to eliminate.

How often the take root from something that happened in the past. Some moment or event that left seeds in our mind.

Then they grow silently, festering in so many ways we don't always appreciate. But our lips will reveal their presence.

Now some would act like they have no weeds in their lives. Those are often the ones who have the hugest thickets of them.

Not sure why some feel a need to act like their inner gardens only grow roses. But that is the nature of how some cope with sin.

Not quite a good choice, but some will never find it possible to do otherwise. Which is sad.

What makes the difference. It might sound trite, only the water of the Holy Spirit can truly make a change.

And that is not as easy or difficult as some would claim. Oh there are plenty who speak of the Holy Spirit.

They make it sound like they are experts. And they know all the right terms to say to impress.

But then they never quite undo the contradictions from the vines that are strangling their spirits. Those creepy inner drives that deny our heart's desires.

Oh there are plenty how would make it sound like they have no such problems. But it is obvious that isn't the case.

If you speak of love and God in one sentence then in the next vent with hate and doubt, sorry that is human, but not spiritual. But some never seem to give it any thought.

That is where the true expression of the Holy Spirit makes the difference. For it will always bloom with truth.

Even if not everyone can smell that scents.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008


The spirit soothed in sunset's serenity
heart moored in daydream's harbor,
anchored beyond day's chaos and clutter,
stop at afternoon's bakery of euphoria
to savor quiet nibbles from tranquility snacks.

Mind naps in contentment's hammock,
yesterday's wars
swallowed by snoring.

Monday, June 23, 2008


Little seeds of thought that are fermenting with emotions. So they start out as an idea and then grows into something that boils over with feelings.

And so often the person will not even let you know there is a problem. Until they are bothered enough by it, then you can be sure they will say something.

I can plead guilty to doing this myself at times. It is one of those things where you don't want to say something negative so you don't say anything.

It really is so challenging to always find the right way to express something that is true, but not always pleasant to hear.

Still we do what we can. And it gets more complicated when you are talking about spiritual or scriptural truths.

Because no matter how true they are, we don't always want to hear them. Sometimes we are more prone to preach than teach.

Meaning we let our pride get in the way of God's purposes. Our desire should be to share out of love. To enlighten and encourage.

Yet, how often that noble intention gets lost in the desire to prove we are right. We want to be able to have the last word in terms of being correct.

This never aids in the process of healing or understanding. It does not bring about respect or joy.

What it does do is lead to resistance and frustration. And in the end nobody really benefits.

I wish I had perfect answers for always saying the right words. But even though I am a writer, I still have shortcomings.

Still I do know I have to keep listening to the Lord and let the right timing take place. For those of us who are the in your face time, this can be a challenge.

However, the great joy is in knowing how God can empower in such situations. And He does.

Often in such situations the Holy Spirit really does the communicating. A gift of words doesn't mean you are perfect at conveying thoughts.

But the Lord always can get His point across. And sometimes it takes more faith to trust to Him for the reaction than our strength.

Just another aspect of accepting God knows how to speak better than we do.

Sunday, June 22, 2008


Slants of thoughts that don't always make sense to others. The times when life takes twits and turns that seems wise at a given time.

Impulse driven and focused on some need or pleasure they don't always end up the fruit of blessing. But at the moment we think they will.

Which is the problem with such thinking. It sounds so logical and perfect at the time even made lead to some marvelous emotional vow.

But in the end truth prevails. Reality doesn't veer from the truth and that will never make such impulses wisdom.

On a human level this can result in a host of things. It can make us so prone to consequences from haste.

And there are plenty who prey upon consumer impulse. They will be sure we get that whatever we want at a very expensive price.

Later the bill comes due and we find out we made a big mistake. Oh yeah we find out for years the results of such choices.

However that all dies when we come to the end of life. It doesn't carry over to eternity. That to me is a blessing.

With the Lord things are different. Spiritual impulses are often as bad as carnal ones. If it leads us to some hasty decision that God never expected.

This is more likely to happen with those who are new in the faith. They will be more prone to react out of emotions.

That is part of what truly separates out those called of the Lord from those who just are looking for some spiritual fix. It is part of faithfulness.

The Spirit of God will empower those He calls with an ability to endure. To move ahead regularly and faithfully.

It doesn't mean without hardship or valleys. That is the ideal and not even close to true. Not the way life works.

So for those whose lips speak in terms of things like perfection and how they have suddenly over come ever problem in life, all you have to do is wait a few days and things will change. Not always for the better.

Sadly this crushes some. They can't endure the taste of trial when they crave only heaven. And it is that reality that leaves it mark on time.

Saturday, June 21, 2008


Heart's potter
molds artistry,
love creating masterpieces
hate only shards.

Friday, June 20, 2008


Such a wonderful idea. Sort of along the same lines as enough. Only nobody agrees on that definition.

So we have our dreams. And how many of them deal with things that are other than tangible?

A friend of mine was mentioning for example that when churches emphasize blessings they almost always talk in terms of prosperity. Those things that give you heaven on earth.

What you never hear is people craving things such an abundance in love, joy or peace. Those never seem to carry the same appeal.

Course you could hardly pay the bills with them. They wouldn't enable you to boast or have a bigger house.

They might make the day more calm and happy, but that just isn't enough for some. Poverty with happiness never quite makes the list of preferences.

And so the teacher helps to focus on having you heaven on earth. I haven't noticed it truly helping.

Over the years I know my situation has changed drastically. Today I do have a more prosperous life in some ways.

But with the added material items comes added headaches. Things always need repair. They cost and take time.

So whatever joy I might derive is tempered by the aggravation of constantly having to deal with maintenance. This doesn't add to my joy.

I am not advocating how we should not actually have anything. Living like a monk doesn't necessarily produce a perfect life either.

But what is important I think is to have balance. To seek the Lord for the right reasons and always savor the gifts that don't have a price tag.

We can find these so often from within. If we listen to the Lord. And have the truth of knowing we are also human.

Which means we will still have turmoil and tears in life. Those are part of the walk no matter who we are.

It is easy to forget that at times. To get lost in a delusion of presumption that we can mature beyond our sins. Which is a paradise none of us will ever know in this life.

Thursday, June 19, 2008


Mind seems to gravitate to positive images when thinking of the term up. Just seems like a natural relationship.

But up isn't always a good direction. One can feel a high that is artificial and other than beneficial.

I've been dealing with some people with such amazing radical mood swings. They can be so up and then so down.

But the ups are sometimes result of something other than simple joy. Talking to them you find they simply have this as a life style.

Feeling good is a wonderful thing. However if it is based on some motivation other than reasons that are clear and make sense, will that up be genuine?

I have seen this happy in church life too. People being happy, way too happy. Oh they smile a lot, but it isn't grounded in truth.

So it never lasts. And with the Lord He does wish to bring us peace and joy, but realistically.

Never based on some bogus forced type of happiness that is just a mask. Not sure why there idea prevails that you have to smile all the time.

It does seem to be the expectation on some people's parts. And let me tell you that is not always a good thing.

Sadness isn't necessarily a bad issue either. As long as it doesn't become overpowering and negative.

There is a lot of times this holds true in both situations. I feel sad when I notice such approaches of up or down that are not genuine or balanced.

For with the Lord He will let us see the light. It will grant a person the sight to see the reality of colors in moods.

For as the scriptures declare their are seasons in life. Those are both times of joy and times of sadness.

Denying either one will test the spirit's ability to embrace what is real. How often this does other than bring long term contentment.

Like so many things, God wishes us to see ourselves as we really are. How many never want to look.

Others will never even try.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008


There is a difference between courage and being stubborn. In spiritual terms though sometimes tenacity is a form of courage.

Stamina to keep plotting along no matter what. And that doesn't necessarily mean courage, but inner strength.

It is not always easy to know the difference on spiritual levels. So will translate regular values and passions as having an eternal focus.

It is a simple approach, but not always one that is true. Just might sound impressive. What is true is that God can inspire according to His will.

He can give anyone trusting Him the strength or defiance needed to deal with some challenge. It might not even be in the form of change.

How often in my life I have found myself amazed at the ways my life is different now from the past. I wish I could say it was always planned.

Or that I never made any mistakes. But that isn't true. Nor is it realistic either. Instead what remains is the heart beat.

A steady pulse that seldom is able to always adjust to every variable. Oh we love to think we can, but often we can't.

So we become a composite of emotion. Feelings often betray what we fear or worry about.

We try to remain in control and calm, but it doesn't happen. Instead we just find ourselves in the focus of near sighted confessions.

Hardly and enviable state. And with the Lord there is the need to see how we can be walking contradictions.

That is to say, loving in one situation and hateful in another. This is not an easy truth to embrace.

We want to believe we able to so grow and mature we will never fall short in certain areas of life. But that will never be reality.

So we can either embrace the concept of grace and all its variables or we can keep on making excuses. We can be so good at that.

Pity it is not a path that will lead to true enlightenment. Just more denial. And that will never result in the kind of growth we might crave.

Being a person totally focused, means seeing every facet of life instead of only the ones that shine.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008


One day when the sun rises
full of magic
because mother waved
her magic wand of promises.

Traveling by the tales
she shares of enchanted lands,
heroes and charmed creatures.

Most of all
a time when one feels
the glow of love
the shines happiness
as a constant smile.

Monday, June 16, 2008


When we feel a detail or fact is completely true and have no doubts about its veracity it can be such a thrill. In a world full of uncertainty those little moments of anchors can be so enriching.

Providing they are really known and not just some illusion or wishful thinking. That happens a lot.

The problem is one as I see it one of perception. How difficult it is at times to always appreciate when somebody is being truthful about some experience.

The more abstract or bizarre the more we are likely to question if the person is telling the truth. And even more so if we haven't had the same experience.

However, it does not make their event a lie. What we can not say is the cause or origin.
Lot of people speak about things such as encountering angels or ghost.

A few might make things up, but not all. Some truly sharing what they encountered. What can't be said is if they really correctly perceived the moment.

I have appreciated how often in the Christian view of what is known there is a certain sense of rigid thinking. A tendency to try to keep things black and white.

Life is never like that. And in reality even what we take on faith such as eternity is not so concrete in terms of evidence that others will take out word for its truth.

What is said is in more subtle ways is how often one expects others to accept Christian truths, but not show respect of other point of views. Not to say one has to accept them as true, but at least show the other person courtesy of listening to what they have to say.

It is sadly a double standard. In part I can appreciate it. When you see one view as universal truth it isn't easy to tolerate views that contradict one's idea of truth.

How to achieve a balance can be so hard. To hold onto the truth, yet not be unkind to those of different opinions.

God's spirit can help to counterbalance the reaction. Only through His power can we both firm in what is known and yet tolerant at the same time.

But listening can be so hard. For emotions can always get in the way. We can allow ego to dominate.

When that is what speaks from our lips it never brings any fruit that honors the Lord. All that comes forth is something hurtful.

And that will never help our view of known to find new believers.

Sunday, June 15, 2008


Don't you just love when you hear this? Is there ever a time when somebody says this that it is a good thing?

It always seemed to be related to some exception that doesn't improve life. Instead it is like this little cut to one's skin of hope.

Dreams bleed away that you thought might happen. The day turns dark and you feel as if there is nothing good to look forward to.

It is all perception though. Never the truth. Never reality. Just a state of mind one falls into.

The problem with but is that it always ends up with never being a positive. You feel so much worse in the process.

Now if this was in a way truth, it might be different, but it is never that way. So you have to be able to focus.

To not let the negative energy drain you of faith. That is what one has to face. And pride will often keep one from so doing.

We will make excuses or whatever is needed to try and not face the reality. We may even look at the but as a good reason to stop trusting.

But if we stop, if we can sense the darkness and not let it consume us. To be able to discern when life is a blessing and that trials will not kill us.

They may crush at times, but that doesn't mean it has to kill. For that is when the soul stops breathing in terms of expectations.

Such is the nature of life. Well in the arena of faith. It all flows in our thoughts according to our moods.

I've been battling a flu lately. It has made me sick and affected my moods. And in such situations that doesn't offer cures a lot of times.

But that is part of what one must battle to comprehend. To move ahead with the power of the Holy Spirit and see the light as God reveals it.

Then the buts will be detours, but not storms. They will effect us, but not drown us. For that I am grateful.

And that is the level where we are able to see and grasp at life for the right reasons. Which is the blessing.

Providing we hear in the buts what God intends.

Saturday, June 14, 2008


cold and alone,
bereft of beauty's gaze
has ebbed in the pulse of hope,
hollowness smothering the spirit,
life toils in solemn silent tears
dressing tomorrow in funeral's thoughts
where nothing thrives nor teems
in a promise of intimacy's paradise
until every cloud seen
only brings a risk of storms.

But when love
comes by fate's transfusion
it pumps the blood throbbing ecstasy
as every breath taken
rumbles with the thunder of passion,
leaving mind struck constantly
by infatuation's lightning.
Vision flows from the soul,
angels found in every corner
able to view even dark threatening skies
with expectation it is alive with magic,
knowing you will share it with another,
inhaling inspiration's aphrodisiac
that gives flight unto the heart.

Friday, June 13, 2008


Standing tall in adversity is an admirable quality. And some view inner strength to never have to depend upon another as important.

However in reality can we go through life without even having needs that require some assistance? Not saying one should be dependent, just more realistic.

Which will always be revise in some people's eyes. They will always see themselves as totally independent.

It is so hard for some to admit when they need help. Or even that they have some weakness.

And with the Lord as part of the process of faith there are times He will put us in the position where we must lean on Him for help. That can be very hard to do.

I have seen those that can't bring themselves to do that. Oh to them they are pillar of faith.

They can quote scripture, but honestly never actually trust God for anything. If they face a problem, they never mention a single promise of God to deal with the problem.

But they still believe they have faith. Why? I guess in reality they see believe as the same thing.

And as long as they don't have to actually risk anything they are fine. Providing they never have to sacrifice.

Oh give up control or be the least bit other than in charge they will be fine. Not in terms of how God views them, just in their view.

Some go through their whole live in such views. They got to church and feel they are true hardworking and obedient servants of the Lord.

They just never did what God asked in terms of trusting Him, by leaning on His word for some situation. They resisted.

God did not punish them. He didn't strike them dead. He just let them continue in their delusion.

And will right up to the point the die if needed. For if one never reaches past a given barrier they will never face the next challenge.

Oh they may keep on going thinking everything is fine. And will live their whole life in such delusion.

Finding out too late it was not the truth like so many such myths.

Thursday, June 12, 2008


Harmony of mind, body and soul is hard to find. We often are so flawed in one area that it is impossible to feel the peace of oneness from balance.

When I think of oneness I often think of the eastern mystics who seem to do amazing things and live such disciplined lives. Have to admire that kind of quality of life.

But outside of a few that seem to accomplish such things on the surface, most never seem to achieve it. And while the Christian focus is primarily faith you can't help wondering how come we don't do a better of having balance in our lives?

For example, to know you are saved and be filled with the Holy Spirit would at least make one thing the person would be happy. Yet, I know plenty of Christians who don't necessarily seem happy.

As far as having problems, never met a single believer yet who wasn't imperfect. And all have some burden to bear.

Does appear unfair at times. You pursue some disciplined path of rigid life and you feel great.

Well at least in theory. What we don't know is what goes on inside the person. Because we have no way of knowing if it really is true.

Not unless they admit to still having bad thoughts and other detractors in their thinking as the rest of us have experienced. Which seem to be the norm.

We know that to be save is to also be a sinner. God does provide us promises in His word to fit so many of our situations.

But He is still sovereign over life. Thus they become a backdrop for faith and not the focus of our happiness.

We are to celebrate His grace instead of feeling sadness that He doesn't make our life perfect. Might be interesting if He did, but He doesn't.

Part of the reason I think is because it is all part of the test of faith. If simply becoming a Christian met God suddenly made one perfect, it would sure attract a lot more followers.

But would they be seeking the Lord or some problem solving? I think we all know the answer no matter how hard it is to accept.

Thus circumstances don't end when we become saved. They simple become one more reason to trust in Him.

Sometimes that is the only truth we can follow when things are other than oneness.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008



Being alone is never the same as feeling lonely. That can creep into the senses with a nagging feeling of depression.

I have spent most of my life alone. Grew up as an only child, worked a jobs were I was the only person at the office during irregular hours.

For the most part I can't say that spending so much time by myself has been all bad. I have never been a people person so I wasn't accustom to needing lots of companionship.

And even though I am married and have been for years, my wife and I have worked different hours for ages. So I am used to being myself more often that being around people.

Solitude has been a source of pleasure at times. As a writer it is nice to have hours without distraction or intrusions upon my creativity.

I never regarded it as a curse or bad aspect of my life. Oddly the time I really felt lonely has been when I developed relationships and got used to having someone around.

Amazing how easy it is to go from being more like a monk to someone the feels the need for someone you can talk to or spend time with regularly. I think that is more often the natural state rather than the exception for what we want.

Still as time went by and the gaps occurred when nobody was available to talk, I slowly learned to adjust again. Recollections returned of the serenity that quiet brought.

For those like me, being alone is sometimes a gift from God. I will never be the type who finds lots of joy from being dependent on others.

Still that doesn't mean I don't care or don't want to help others. Just aware how I must focus it to understand the gift solitude can be instead of curse.

Funny how often I've heard people who are too busy complain about the lack of quiet times. I do feel sorry for them.

I am grateful that the Lord helps me to see the gold in the silence. Those times when He can speak to me and know I won't be distracted.

That is the other value. For in that sense we are never alone. The Lord is always present and He does listen too.

Providing we take the time to reach out to Him. Some will see that as an opportunity others will not.

I prefer to see it as a blessing.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008


Scribbles on the parchment, soul and heart entwined in ink,
paradise's title deed mortgaged with banker angel,
claimed a castle in the middle of track home labyrinth
crown of paper snugly fits a brow beaten by life
convinced to have staked a realm of rule amid debt's tyrant lord.

Shudders awaken in the night from flaws in dream throne,
which brings summit meeting with home loan guardians,
trust shattered when demon smirking counselor
speaks of "fine print" facts that render one's monarchy as impotent,
leaving defeated to purgatory reality, never aware facts were a bluff.

Monday, June 09, 2008


What cross our thoughts in the cool of eve as a breath that stirs our minds? Not an overt an intentional act of nature, but then something far more subtle.

And it comes hopefully at a time when one is calm and reflective. A time when reason comes as a friend and non-threatening.

But then this is quiet time when the Lord can truly breath a special blessing upon us if we are ready to inhale it. Providing it is not a wind from another source.

Spirituality is an interesting aspect of life. It never ceases to amaze me how some can go from no spiritual experiences to suddenly feel they are experts.

And if by chance this means they encounter some form of spiritual energy they never question its source. As if the experience by itself is proof it comes from God.

To me, this is not a complicated issue. For me God revealed Himself through His word. And any message will never say something to contradict His word.

That makes it relatively easy to understand from my view. You just need to know the scriptures well enough to know what He says on the subject of salvation and others that are often misunderstood.

Now there is nothing that will come from the God that will in any way deny that faith Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior is required for salvation. Likewise nothing else will be a message from any source that will not affirm what God has already said.

I am amazed at times when someone speaks of talking to angels or some suppose divine messenger who brings a message other than what scriptures declare. A true angel of the Lord wouldn't do that.

And it is really sad how some so easily assume they could never be fooled. Like we truly are a match for any angel's power.

That is a sad comment on human pride. When you start assuming you can somehow tell angels what to do.

Or accepting that a being of a false source is somehow from God just because you presume you would know the difference. There is no school that you can attend, which truly can mentor this effectively.

It requires the power of the Holy Spirit. Something that doesn't get mention that often by those who claim to have divine from some immortal source, only the message contradicts scripture.

Complicating it can be when the person is right on some facts. That just makes them more convince they know truth. So easy the human ego is deceived by a little delusion.

Sunday, June 08, 2008


Well I guess I might have titled this more some part of many days. At least on some occasions it feels that way.

I'm not recommending it naturally or saying you can see them as a blessing necessarily. Only that they are part of life.

And if one can learn to see them in context it does make coping with them easier. From my view that seems to be true.

I always love listening to people who try to get me to believe they always remain calm in any crisis. To be able to magically, never be afraid or angry or any other emotion that is so hard to control.

Now I don't want to be cruel, but let's be honest here, if a person has some weakness such as an addiction to sugar or any other opiate of denial, then claims to keep balanced, isn't it rather a contradiction. I'm not trying to claim to be perfect. I have plenty of my own compulsions, but then I don't clam to have control over my emotions constantly.

I don't take time to pretend I have all the solutions to life, nor do I offer myself and mentor and guide to every other soul in terms of how to improve their live. What I do seek to do is be honest.

To simply say in my own stumbling way, can you really get pass the point of lying to yourself? If you are so busy telling others how to life can you first start by admitting you have a problem that you can't control?

I admit to that problem at times. I use to sit in such a mindset, but these days I've come to accept through my failings, a basic truth that only the Lord can solve people's problems in a positive way.

Even if it is by giving one a peace about having to deal with living life in the midst of such emotional liabilities. How much easier would it be if so many extremists in their religious convictions could truly show they were not the paragon of hypocrisy?

That would truly be so wonderful if it happen. But that isn't very likely. Not that I have noticed.

Instead I hope that perhaps I can by my own postings to simply encourage. It is okay to be honest and admit you are not always without times that lack smiles.

That it is fine to have a few tears as well as smiles. There is a difference between falling into a shadow and living there.

So along the way perhaps we can all find a few moments of grace. Chances to do more than see a reason to where a mask so nobody sees the truth we lie about.

Saturday, June 07, 2008


The collar around my heart
was given as inheritance
I never knew that once worn
there was no way to remove again.

Sometimes it squeezes
on my flow of blood
until my mind suffers
from a plethora of impulse ailments
making me stumble
when I should have raced.

Others occasions it tangles my tongue
so it can't speak with sincere vowels
by the language of my soul.
Worst of all is the infection
that comes as a thief and causes
an ogre legacy I hate to awaken
to prowl as a hideous beast
having lips that spit
a caustic verbal drool.

What can I say to ease
those burn marks left
beyond the pain I truly felt myself?
Hoping you will understand
this vile emotive pox,
which is never satiated,
does also bring a numbness
leaving me crippled in my expressions,
so truly sad and hollow inside
for how it makes my face and features
appear as an iceberg.

Friday, June 06, 2008


This is a skill to be sure. That ability to adapt and fit into any situation or climate. To do it in a sincere and convincing way.

I'm not personally very good at it. I will confess I don't succeed at playing the social games and small talk dialogue that so excel in expressing.

I'm not saying it is always a good benefit in terms of spiritually. It can be if it helps you in terms of relating to others.

As long as values and principles aren't sacrificed in the process. Then it can be a major problem.

For if approval becomes the priority in life then you know it will lead to compromise. And when it impacts one's convictions to the point they erode and stop functioning then it is not a good blessing

Another facet of this form of chameleons is in the area of those who adapt to certain climates for deceptive reasons. They will take on appearance of being apart of a given community, but in reality have corrupt motives.

If they are masters at such masquerades they can easily fool most people. And unless they stumble in their charade it will be successful.

This is truly sad in the spiritual realm. For they will taint the image of what is a true follower of the Lord.

Which ends up impacting the rest of us because often they move on and leave behind a trail of wounded. Who will then look to anyone of similar identity as a person deserving of punishment.

And it will end up with misunderstandings and presumptions that everyone of the faith is the same. Hence comes the often over used label of hypocrisy that is tagged on believers.

It does apply at times, but there are others it does not. And that is the tragedy. For in the long run the chameleons of deception run up a bill that others end up paying.

It might be easier if the Lord made this problem more exposed before it caused as much harm. But normally it doesn't follow our wishes.

Instead the person will continue to play their games till the time comes when some internal mechanism goes into motion and their true nature is exposed. Which naturally will most of the time come as a surprise to many.

Perhaps that does show the Lord's wisdom in some ways for He will exposed them in His timing, which always ends up so perfect in the long run.

Thursday, June 05, 2008


Hills are as much a part of the journey of faith as are valleys. They do offer the promise of reaching higher levels.

Which is the part that is wonderful when this relates to things such as insight. Small steps of discovery that will end in clearer and more profound sight.

Knowledge as many hills. There is wisdom that comes from divine truth and then there is wisdom that comes from other sources.

Oh it can be considered wisdom. For does have knowledge that will serve a purpose in guiding and correcting.

And to that degree it is valuable. As long as one doesn't use it as a path to eternity. I heard it said once that everyone considers themselves an expert on religion.

Even if their opinion is that it is all baloney, they still won't hesitate to tell you what they think. And even make it sound like they are experts.

But does one really benefit from such information. Are the ramblings of someone who never gave the subject any serious reflection truly count.

When you are talking for example someone who is educated in a given discipline they deserved respect for their achievements. But that doesn't necessarily qualify them to voice their view on God as an authority.

Naturally, they will try to persuade you as to their qualifications. But does one truly wish to invest salvation on such shaking foundations

People do it every day though. However, said it might be, they do it. And that always makes a difference.

Because if you given them sanction they will keep participating with more dialogue. Which doesn't necessarily enhance the situation.

For myself I prefer to lean towards those that actually believe in God as a more reliable source. That seems to be a fair option from my view.

But then I figure those who focus on the subject will have a better chance to at least know the truth. This can also be a false assumption though.

After all if all were truly privy to the same knowledge there would be only one religion. Sorting out the truth is a long process and doesn't work for everyone,

Which is why God speaks through so many sources and some more true that other, but you have to let His spirit guide and sometimes that is difficult to do.

Wednesday, June 04, 2008


A sense of flight for the soul is a rise above the muck and mire of life. To be aloft in one's mood where there is some degree of peace in the process.

It does elude when the times are such that this is not a source of true discovery. If we purge ourselves of cares, but don't really learn in the process that can be such a disappointment.

But if we are feeling good, we might not notice at the time. And that is when we have a problem.

Because those sails of the spirit should inspire faith. They should make one feel closer to the Lord.

If they do not, then we lose the intended meaning. Which is inspiration instead of something else.

It is good to soar and feel the serenity and peace it inspires. But if we lose sight of God in the process it does not end up a benefit.

Mainly if all we seek is the pure emotional rush and not the truth then we really may come away feeling better, but we didn't learn what God seeks for us. That is the sad part.

Likewise if one sees the clouds and thinks only of storms our expectations can be skewed in the other direction. Neither view being truly balanced.

And neither will result in our actually discovering what is the true spiritual gold, which will truly bless. It is not about the trip, it is about see the Lord more clearly.

But how often we trade the long term for short term benefits. Those feel so good in terms of euphoria.

Still if all we end up doing is craving more euphoria then we miss out on its impact in terms of faith. Which is to make it more real.

It one tastes of heaven and only love the sugar without really appreciating the nutritional values, then it is incorrectly focused. An avenue of change that will not lead towards the light.

Thus is true of those who seek the dazzle of miracle. Oh they are entrance by the supernatural, but it is a looky-loo view.

Not the kind the leads to one truly letting one's soul ride to the place God would chose. Where we see Him and sense His glory.

This has happen so many times among those who trust God. So easy to stumble, but at least God will be there to help pick us up.

Tuesday, June 03, 2008


She weeps no more
for innocence
lost by lake
ages ago.

Living in shame
from betrayal,
left with child
to raise alone.

Then came
the traveling evangelist
who baptized her
with forgiveness.

Lord bringing
love of her life,
preparing for wedding day,
returning to lake
saying goodbye
unto guilt's waters.

Monday, June 02, 2008


I've only had one chance to fly in a helicopter. It was at this fair grounds where they were hosting the rides as entertainment.

It really was a lot different to me from being in a plane. For one thing, you sit in a seat that is in a cockpit with a clear glass shell.

So you can look down at the earth and surroundings with any sense of something interfering with the view. Then too, the seat was hardly like a seat in jet. It was small with no arms and didn't in anyway make you feel somehow you were protected in the case of a crash.

Not that being in plane is really safer. I couldn't say what the differences in survival rate are, but in plane you sit in more comfort and have more illusion of being secure.

But despite what was for me an extra sense of anxiety over the fact of having less since of being safe, I did enjoy the great view. You could just absorb the whole view.

Thinking of that experience did relate for me in one way to the life of faith. Sometimes there are those occasions when trust is like a helicopter ride. There is nothing left to the imagination.

You can clearly see the dangers and all the challenges, but also the timing races along at a face pace. It can be very thrilling.

This normally happens in situations other than traditional arenas of faith. One where God takes you on a ride that doesn't require anything, but being a solo passage.

That is different than the more traditional settings were sit in the first class pew seats and have the minister pilot describe the flight. Oh he can make it so interesting.

But in that climate there is the loss of any sense of risk. They can just sit back and enjoy the nice little flight without any discomfort.

I'm not saying this is always the case. Merely that there are times when we all know that life is other than perfect.

And there are times, simply, in the journey of faith that you soar alone with God's help. It may not be something that others appreciate.

But God will make it to our benefit in the long run. We can find out the ways to improve our view with His help.

Those are the occasions that really do benefit us the most. The occasions when we can learn so much about all that following the Lord involves.

Hopefully without crashing along the way too.

Sunday, June 01, 2008


Silence can be very loud if it comes in a way that implies disapproval. Nothing can scream with a roar as much as the silence when somebody doesn't like you.

It is more the absence of what you expect them to say. They withhold any good words and that is even worse.

Parents and others in positions of power can be so effective in using this as a means of control. But that has to be in a case where you respond as expected.

Happens a lot with insecure people who think they can control another by stabbing at your self esteem. Very effective, but not in the least loving.

But that is part of the dynamics of life that we all deal with. We might not like it, but sure confront it enough.

Even in the more subdued ways. Such as when people make excuses for why they don't want to meet you for dinner or say go to a social event.

It is what isn't said that really by the silence impacts us so much. It can really feel like rejection even if not intended, though often it is.

At least that is the perception I often get. You know the person won't say no, they just make up reasons why the no is implied.

It is just so difficult on the emotions because the mind races to why? It all becomes so darn personal.

Can't escape the feeling you know that there must be something wrong with you if they treat you that way. And that can really depress.

Outside of social issues when the moment of silence comes from the Lord it can really be hard. If we feel like our prayers are not being answer in a timely matter or the whole world is suspended then it is really agonizing.

But God is not like you and I. He is faithful and if we feel a silence then it will be for a reason.

Not always because we did anything wrong either. It can be just a matter of testing our faith.

Oh many can come along to plant doubts or guilt. That can happen so easy. But then one has to remember God's promises.

And accept that He is far more loving and caring than to leave us in silence unless it serves a purpose.