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Sunday, June 29, 2008


There are some moments in life that were meant to be sipped slowly. So ever detail was inhaled and cherished.

I miss those at times. I get so caught up in thinking about getting something over with I forget the details.

Then later I end up repeating the same situation because I didn't remember all the lessons I should have learned in the first place. Very sad when this happens.

Well the sad part is for me in terms of feeling stupid for not paying more attention the first time. This is not a time for taking a bow.

God is merciful to us in such situations. They are the times when He appreciates how we fail to be as observant as needed.

But the problem is that His way of teaching is to make us repeat the lesson. And hopefully we don't keep repeating it very often.

However, I wish I could say we were all fast learners and didn't need to keep being recycled in that regard. But that isn't the case.

The good part is when we truly learn. When that sip soaks into our minds and hearts until we feel it refresh and inspire.

The down side is when we fail to see this as a blessing. When we in up complaining and being bitter.

Then we merely don't learn the even more important lesson of gratitude. The one where we see God as a loving father who truly does wish to help us.

Even when that help is a little painful. Even when it is hard to swallow. That can be bitter in the mouth and we can resent its taste, but if we let the Holy Spirit purify it with God's filter then we will know it as a pure form of refreshment.

There are times when I don't feel that way. Not at the moment of a swallow. But others, or later I will reflect and remember its healing purpose.

Like any medicine it can be such a pain to take, but in the long run a way of getting better. Providing we truly embrace the truth.

That means knowing the ingredients. Which can be less than fun to think about. Unless we see them as medicinal.

And coming from Heaven's pharmacy it always gives us antibiotics to heal the soul as well as heart.


Blogger Dr. DP said...

I am reminded of the Fact that GOD is never late. In those times of 'Chug-a-luging' i.e. Not Sipping, I complained that HE is never Early. To be reminded that the TimeS HE was Early that I took it for granted without any recognition and continued on 'Chug-a-luging'.

A Refreshing Sip Harry! DP aka 1

11:06 PM  

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