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Wednesday, June 18, 2008


There is a difference between courage and being stubborn. In spiritual terms though sometimes tenacity is a form of courage.

Stamina to keep plotting along no matter what. And that doesn't necessarily mean courage, but inner strength.

It is not always easy to know the difference on spiritual levels. So will translate regular values and passions as having an eternal focus.

It is a simple approach, but not always one that is true. Just might sound impressive. What is true is that God can inspire according to His will.

He can give anyone trusting Him the strength or defiance needed to deal with some challenge. It might not even be in the form of change.

How often in my life I have found myself amazed at the ways my life is different now from the past. I wish I could say it was always planned.

Or that I never made any mistakes. But that isn't true. Nor is it realistic either. Instead what remains is the heart beat.

A steady pulse that seldom is able to always adjust to every variable. Oh we love to think we can, but often we can't.

So we become a composite of emotion. Feelings often betray what we fear or worry about.

We try to remain in control and calm, but it doesn't happen. Instead we just find ourselves in the focus of near sighted confessions.

Hardly and enviable state. And with the Lord there is the need to see how we can be walking contradictions.

That is to say, loving in one situation and hateful in another. This is not an easy truth to embrace.

We want to believe we able to so grow and mature we will never fall short in certain areas of life. But that will never be reality.

So we can either embrace the concept of grace and all its variables or we can keep on making excuses. We can be so good at that.

Pity it is not a path that will lead to true enlightenment. Just more denial. And that will never result in the kind of growth we might crave.

Being a person totally focused, means seeing every facet of life instead of only the ones that shine.


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