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Sunday, June 22, 2008


Slants of thoughts that don't always make sense to others. The times when life takes twits and turns that seems wise at a given time.

Impulse driven and focused on some need or pleasure they don't always end up the fruit of blessing. But at the moment we think they will.

Which is the problem with such thinking. It sounds so logical and perfect at the time even made lead to some marvelous emotional vow.

But in the end truth prevails. Reality doesn't veer from the truth and that will never make such impulses wisdom.

On a human level this can result in a host of things. It can make us so prone to consequences from haste.

And there are plenty who prey upon consumer impulse. They will be sure we get that whatever we want at a very expensive price.

Later the bill comes due and we find out we made a big mistake. Oh yeah we find out for years the results of such choices.

However that all dies when we come to the end of life. It doesn't carry over to eternity. That to me is a blessing.

With the Lord things are different. Spiritual impulses are often as bad as carnal ones. If it leads us to some hasty decision that God never expected.

This is more likely to happen with those who are new in the faith. They will be more prone to react out of emotions.

That is part of what truly separates out those called of the Lord from those who just are looking for some spiritual fix. It is part of faithfulness.

The Spirit of God will empower those He calls with an ability to endure. To move ahead regularly and faithfully.

It doesn't mean without hardship or valleys. That is the ideal and not even close to true. Not the way life works.

So for those whose lips speak in terms of things like perfection and how they have suddenly over come ever problem in life, all you have to do is wait a few days and things will change. Not always for the better.

Sadly this crushes some. They can't endure the taste of trial when they crave only heaven. And it is that reality that leaves it mark on time.


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