Such a wonderful idea. Sort of along the same lines as enough. Only nobody agrees on that definition.
So we have our dreams. And how many of them deal with things that are other than tangible?
A friend of mine was mentioning for example that when churches emphasize blessings they almost always talk in terms of prosperity. Those things that give you heaven on earth.
What you never hear is people craving things such an abundance in love, joy or peace. Those never seem to carry the same appeal.
Course you could hardly pay the bills with them. They wouldn't enable you to boast or have a bigger house.
They might make the day more calm and happy, but that just isn't enough for some. Poverty with happiness never quite makes the list of preferences.
And so the teacher helps to focus on having you heaven on earth. I haven't noticed it truly helping.
Over the years I know my situation has changed drastically. Today I do have a more prosperous life in some ways.
But with the added material items comes added headaches. Things always need repair. They cost and take time.
So whatever joy I might derive is tempered by the aggravation of constantly having to deal with maintenance. This doesn't add to my joy.
I am not advocating how we should not actually have anything. Living like a monk doesn't necessarily produce a perfect life either.
But what is important I think is to have balance. To seek the Lord for the right reasons and always savor the gifts that don't have a price tag.
We can find these so often from within. If we listen to the Lord. And have the truth of knowing we are also human.
Which means we will still have turmoil and tears in life. Those are part of the walk no matter who we are.
It is easy to forget that at times. To get lost in a delusion of presumption that we can mature beyond our sins. Which is a paradise none of us will ever know in this life.
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