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Sunday, June 01, 2008


Silence can be very loud if it comes in a way that implies disapproval. Nothing can scream with a roar as much as the silence when somebody doesn't like you.

It is more the absence of what you expect them to say. They withhold any good words and that is even worse.

Parents and others in positions of power can be so effective in using this as a means of control. But that has to be in a case where you respond as expected.

Happens a lot with insecure people who think they can control another by stabbing at your self esteem. Very effective, but not in the least loving.

But that is part of the dynamics of life that we all deal with. We might not like it, but sure confront it enough.

Even in the more subdued ways. Such as when people make excuses for why they don't want to meet you for dinner or say go to a social event.

It is what isn't said that really by the silence impacts us so much. It can really feel like rejection even if not intended, though often it is.

At least that is the perception I often get. You know the person won't say no, they just make up reasons why the no is implied.

It is just so difficult on the emotions because the mind races to why? It all becomes so darn personal.

Can't escape the feeling you know that there must be something wrong with you if they treat you that way. And that can really depress.

Outside of social issues when the moment of silence comes from the Lord it can really be hard. If we feel like our prayers are not being answer in a timely matter or the whole world is suspended then it is really agonizing.

But God is not like you and I. He is faithful and if we feel a silence then it will be for a reason.

Not always because we did anything wrong either. It can be just a matter of testing our faith.

Oh many can come along to plant doubts or guilt. That can happen so easy. But then one has to remember God's promises.

And accept that He is far more loving and caring than to leave us in silence unless it serves a purpose.


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