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Monday, June 09, 2008


What cross our thoughts in the cool of eve as a breath that stirs our minds? Not an overt an intentional act of nature, but then something far more subtle.

And it comes hopefully at a time when one is calm and reflective. A time when reason comes as a friend and non-threatening.

But then this is quiet time when the Lord can truly breath a special blessing upon us if we are ready to inhale it. Providing it is not a wind from another source.

Spirituality is an interesting aspect of life. It never ceases to amaze me how some can go from no spiritual experiences to suddenly feel they are experts.

And if by chance this means they encounter some form of spiritual energy they never question its source. As if the experience by itself is proof it comes from God.

To me, this is not a complicated issue. For me God revealed Himself through His word. And any message will never say something to contradict His word.

That makes it relatively easy to understand from my view. You just need to know the scriptures well enough to know what He says on the subject of salvation and others that are often misunderstood.

Now there is nothing that will come from the God that will in any way deny that faith Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior is required for salvation. Likewise nothing else will be a message from any source that will not affirm what God has already said.

I am amazed at times when someone speaks of talking to angels or some suppose divine messenger who brings a message other than what scriptures declare. A true angel of the Lord wouldn't do that.

And it is really sad how some so easily assume they could never be fooled. Like we truly are a match for any angel's power.

That is a sad comment on human pride. When you start assuming you can somehow tell angels what to do.

Or accepting that a being of a false source is somehow from God just because you presume you would know the difference. There is no school that you can attend, which truly can mentor this effectively.

It requires the power of the Holy Spirit. Something that doesn't get mention that often by those who claim to have divine from some immortal source, only the message contradicts scripture.

Complicating it can be when the person is right on some facts. That just makes them more convince they know truth. So easy the human ego is deceived by a little delusion.


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