Being alone is never the same as feeling lonely. That can creep into the senses with a nagging feeling of depression.
I have spent most of my life alone. Grew up as an only child, worked a jobs were I was the only person at the office during irregular hours.
For the most part I can't say that spending so much time by myself has been all bad. I have never been a people person so I wasn't accustom to needing lots of companionship.
And even though I am married and have been for years, my wife and I have worked different hours for ages. So I am used to being myself more often that being around people.
Solitude has been a source of pleasure at times. As a writer it is nice to have hours without distraction or intrusions upon my creativity.
I never regarded it as a curse or bad aspect of my life. Oddly the time I really felt lonely has been when I developed relationships and got used to having someone around.
Amazing how easy it is to go from being more like a monk to someone the feels the need for someone you can talk to or spend time with regularly. I think that is more often the natural state rather than the exception for what we want.
Still as time went by and the gaps occurred when nobody was available to talk, I slowly learned to adjust again. Recollections returned of the serenity that quiet brought.
For those like me, being alone is sometimes a gift from God. I will never be the type who finds lots of joy from being dependent on others.
Still that doesn't mean I don't care or don't want to help others. Just aware how I must focus it to understand the gift solitude can be instead of curse.
Funny how often I've heard people who are too busy complain about the lack of quiet times. I do feel sorry for them.
I am grateful that the Lord helps me to see the gold in the silence. Those times when He can speak to me and know I won't be distracted.
That is the other value. For in that sense we are never alone. The Lord is always present and He does listen too.
Providing we take the time to reach out to Him. Some will see that as an opportunity others will not.
I prefer to see it as a blessing.
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