Don't you just love when you hear this? Is there ever a time when somebody says this that it is a good thing?
It always seemed to be related to some exception that doesn't improve life. Instead it is like this little cut to one's skin of hope.
Dreams bleed away that you thought might happen. The day turns dark and you feel as if there is nothing good to look forward to.
It is all perception though. Never the truth. Never reality. Just a state of mind one falls into.
The problem with but is that it always ends up with never being a positive. You feel so much worse in the process.
Now if this was in a way truth, it might be different, but it is never that way. So you have to be able to focus.
To not let the negative energy drain you of faith. That is what one has to face. And pride will often keep one from so doing.
We will make excuses or whatever is needed to try and not face the reality. We may even look at the but as a good reason to stop trusting.
But if we stop, if we can sense the darkness and not let it consume us. To be able to discern when life is a blessing and that trials will not kill us.
They may crush at times, but that doesn't mean it has to kill. For that is when the soul stops breathing in terms of expectations.
Such is the nature of life. Well in the arena of faith. It all flows in our thoughts according to our moods.
I've been battling a flu lately. It has made me sick and affected my moods. And in such situations that doesn't offer cures a lot of times.
But that is part of what one must battle to comprehend. To move ahead with the power of the Holy Spirit and see the light as God reveals it.
Then the buts will be detours, but not storms. They will effect us, but not drown us. For that I am grateful.
And that is the level where we are able to see and grasp at life for the right reasons. Which is the blessing.
Providing we hear in the buts what God intends.
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