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Sunday, August 31, 2008


One of the favorite buzz words with Christianity at times is the phrase spiritual gifts. Always makes it sound to me like some kind of present.

As if God is Santa Claus and passing out these blessings. So we can sit back and feel good about ourselves.

Show them off and boast how we are so deserving of them. Which totally is contrary to their purposes.

Perhaps if we could think of them as the ways the Lord's spirit actually expresses His power through us. To understand that these are done for His purpose.

They gift to teach and preach, to enhance faith and love. Grant us anointing to minister unto others.

They are not meant to be sources of pride, nor do they came as rewards for serving him. That is the voice of arrogance speaking.

And God doesn't grants us such expressions by any standards that are based on our worthiness. Another issue of the pride.

How often we can indulge in some way. To drift from His will and think we are better than others.

Again, spiritual gifts do not imply some special favor with the Lord. As if we are more approved or better than someone else.

And naturally there are far more inclined to see the office of Pastor that to say be willing to walk in the shadows and never be recognized. Nope that will never appeal to some.

However, this will not keep some from taking that approach regardless of the truth. That is normally the one thing sacrificed the most.

Which is the challenge to always let the path be walked with humility. It can be so easy to get caught up in thinking contrary.

Still it is God who is suppose to be put on display. And it is for the purpose of lifting up the Lord.

If our efforts find their goal in otherwise, then we are truly the saddest of all creatures. For we end up forsaking what we really cherish.

Mainly a balanced relationship with the Lord and one that will bring us to His altar of truth. And be happy to be there.

That is the measure that is absent when we think we are the reason for the altar.


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