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Wednesday, August 27, 2008


I can remember as a kid this was not a word I cherished. Most of the subjects I had to take were not that appealing to me.

So study was the thing I did out of necessity. A priority sandwiched in between watching television and any other excuses I could muster to deal with in order to avoid the chore.

My results in school were predictable. Plenty of peaks and valleys in accomplishments. Once and a while perhaps amazing, but many less than impressive.

Naturally, the consequences did not improve my attitude. It became very frustrating. More like asking, what is the point?

None of it had much to do with my real abilities. Merely a reflection of how I chose to use them.

Maturity did make a lot of difference. A time of inner ripening when I finally wanted to learn.

Then my eyes truly looked for knowledge. I was genuinely full of desire to discovery all I could learn.

What made the difference? What changed in my life to turn from indifference and into a disciple?

For me it was mainly the presence of God's spirit in my soul. A presence that truly did bring so many changes.

Always when I was ready and never when I thought it should happen. After high school I went to college for a couple of years.

But I wasn't focused or motivated. So I didn't in any way make that much effort to apply myself.

Eventually I left, spend years just laboring at different jobs. Then when God finally got my attention, I was inspired to go back.

This time with a purpose and a passion. It took me on a journey never expected, so much more satisfying than the past.

Looking back now I understand how it served God's purposes and I am grateful it did. When we truly learn to study by the Lord's will, how rich is the homework.

It can last a life time. And be the sweetest joy. And for that we are in a position to celebrate.

Which is the tune of faith.


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