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Thursday, August 14, 2008


It is always so wonderful to have a special place to keep your treasures. Now they may not be the types of treasures others will value.

But they are the ones that are special to you. It can be fun to see what little trophies of life hold our soul.

Such things can be a simple as an old shirt or some souvenir, to something far more expensive. What makes them valuable is the worth in our minds.

Some people seem to see worth in clutter. They will be human pack rats. Always keeping all kinds of things nobody else would value.

Never found much appeal in that option. I do cherish things like photos and the occasional souvenir, but it is not a passion for me.

Still I do admit to being fascinated at times with how this becomes so important to others. Making sure they never throw anything away.

And the problem is when this gets translated into one spiritual life. That is a problem at times.

Because all the clutter in opinions or bias can truly impede one's faith. It can disrupt one's relationship with the Lord.

And that can be a such a problem if one is torn between what we horde and what God said is important. Too often it can bring us to a point of choice.

Which will test our hearts and burden our souls with truth. Over what we really want to keep in our lockers.

One thing that often happens will be that the Lord will put us in a position to choose. Not that we will have to abandon what we have, but need to have a willing heart of sacrifice.

That can be very painful if you love collecting things including opinions. And if they don't agree with the Lord's truths even harder.

Because He will put us in those situations over and over until we either take the hint or give up. How sad is the person who abandons Heaven's gold.

And you will never tell in churches. Most will keep their lockers hidden anyway. Except in the words used.

The language of me first always. Yep, that is type of vocabulary that sometimes you never forget.
Because it always comes with a no, when asking for help.


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