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Friday, August 08, 2008


Neutral is the in-between. The place where you are neither making progress or retreating. There is no sense of movement at all.

Just a sense of stuck, no chance for change. Transitions in life are interesting. The come in such unexpected ways.

How often they occur when we don't want them while when we crave them they seem to elude. This doesn't make us thrilled.

I am not one who adjust to change easily. I know it will happen, but that doesn't mean I enjoy knowing it will happen.

Even good change can be difficult at times. It can cause stress from the unknown just as any other type of change.

But that is still nothing that keeps one from being bored. Those times when we end up craving any kind.

The days of routine that come like an anvil being placed on the head. You wonder if life will ever change?

But not really wanting the disturbance of the parts we cherish. Sort of a selective change. Just touching the parts we dislike.

God doesn't deal with things on that level. He will not only change what we want change, nor for the reasons we want them altered.

Instead He will touch both good and bad. To heal and to teach, to guide, direct, reprove and enlightened.

So it is a sword that must slice away what limits and also prune what prevents growth. All for the purpose of our welfare.

However, it doesn't mean we can't resist. That we can't keep from accepting what is placed upon our shoulders.

All of which will not be improved with time. It will only get worse. We could work so hard to avoid the obvious, but that doesn't mean it will change the outcome.

For the Lord also knows when neutral is a position where we have to learn to move ahead for our own sakes. And sometimes this can be case of simply when we are willing to accept that change is also standing still.

Because it is when we grow in our understanding, which is part of what we also need o change. A blessing if we accept it.


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