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Monday, August 18, 2008


Some may say that time is not a flavor, but it is to me. I can taste when the ebb and flow of challenge.

By that I mean in terms of faith. For there are days when the texture is a casserole so very overcooked.

It bears so hard on the insides. Produces a heaviness that truly is hard to swallow. And you can truly find such times very bitter.

One of the real hard facts about the life of faith is that it isn't easy. No matter how much you trust God it doesn't become just dessert.

Now it might have times of quiet and peace, but also will have moments of suffering. Those don't always thrill.

But then we do have to be honest with that part. Because there is that thread of teaching out there, which implies otherwise.

It will always be the nature of some to treat evangelism and the gospel as a form of selling. If you spend time pointing out the downside some will reject it.

So even though on an experiential level people encounter this truth, the reject it as a truth to be shared. God does do that though.

He will be sure we all have our faith tested. And the test will be different for each person, which is part of the problem.

One can not come up with some formula for such things. It isn't subject to a set of rules you can follow.

However, you can find plenty of place to make you such a options seem as if you can only have blessings. Such teachings are always popular.

Just not true. Mainly the means to inspire false hope. And it often can destroy faith in the process.

Such I leave in God's hands for they are so doing Him such disservice. And the fruit of their ministry always leaves so many victims.

How sad it is when this is the spiritual legacy of some lighthouse. It only breeds lies and disappointment.

But then there is no light without a few false one shining. To lure and deceive. Hopefully the true ones outshine the false ones.

Which is always in the Lord's hands.


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