There are all kinds of silence. Some happen when you are in the middle of a storm. There can be all kinds of noise around you, but you still are able to focus and keep your mind silent.
Well that is the way it should work. It just doesn't work that way all the time. There are way too many distractions.
I am grateful for the times when the Lord grants me silence. Those moments of clarity that really are so loud and clear.
Now I might not have listen the first time. Nope there are times when that doesn't happen.
I wish it wasn't that way. I wish it was easy to always remain calm and concentrate on life the way you would like.
However, what is more important is to not grow deaf. This can happen at times. You get so caught up in the racket you just lose the ability to listen.
Which is not quite a blessing. For it is not being human that is bad. Nor it is being sinner.
What is critical is when we deal with the sounds of thunder incorrectly that we accept it accordingly. Meaning we take the time to honestly accept we are human.
This when we stop pretending we can hear every sound that we think an angel would make. Stop claiming to be experts in our understanding of heaven.
It is wonderful when we come to that point of silence. For in it we shall find the truth and accept it is better to hear the Lord's voice that our own sermonizing.
It really is okay to be imperfect. To be alone can be hard at times. We all crave the attention and companionship of others.
Sometimes we find it others we do not. But always we have the right to pursue the sound the brings light.
It might not be a vision that gives us the appeal we desire. It might be a sight that is disturbing at times.
But with the Lord's help we can always walk according to His will. It might not be a path that allows for boasting, but does offer more peace that pain.
If we are following it as He guides. Even if the quiet makes us hear what we don't always care to hear.
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