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Wednesday, August 20, 2008


This word conjures such great images to me. The concept of what is worded in a way that drips with images and feelings.

Leaving the reader to come away from the experience truly feeling touched by the process. Not everyone will feel it the same way.

Some can look at a passage and shrug while others will see something utterly profound. Eyes are so subject to interpretation as inspired by the mind.

And it is always so interesting how much truth will be loss in the process off questioning eloquence. That can be a true challenge.

I can remember so often in the past when I would have looked at the scriptures with sight that didn't see anything special. I would appreciated the eloquence.

Time and encounters with the Lord certainly did impact my view. And yet it didn't keep me from appreciating who others don't share that sight.

Such is the nature of faith and the soul. We just don't have the ability to always grasp its reality.

What I do understand is the need to always respect how eloquence will not impress with such intensity for all. I have the same reaction to things such an abstract art at times.

I know how this can easily be lost when we want to start out doubting the beauty of something. How often this is the mindset you face.

To look within an see what is truly there is a form of opulence. One that is easy to miss or ignore.

The devil will certainly help in that regard . He has no reason to want us to know our true selves if it meant we might serve the Lord more.

And he sure can find plenty of help to dole out the kind of verbal acid to make things worse. This happens so often.

We just might not always recognize it as being from his hand or when it is something else. That is part of the process of learning.

At least in terms of what is heaven's eloquence. Which may never come close to our view.

It is easy to miss. Much easier to ignore. Unless the Lord is getting our attention in that regard.
But only in the soul will we be able to tell for sure.


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