A fair question at times to be sure. The big void in finding meaning to something is not being clear on where is your destination.
That can be a major drawback to discovery. Not very surprising though. Way too often we do have that problem. A case of clarity in many ways.
What is important in such situations is to be able to learn to let the Lord lead. Now that might sound so contrived, but it isn't intended to be.
The problem is that to often we know all of that, but don't listen anyway. This week I had the misfortune of dealing with somebody who had this problem.
They were experts on knowing all the nice and wonderful words by rote of what it means to be spiritual. Only problem is that they were only words. Had no real meaning to the person.
Somewhere in the midst of learning them the person never once let them influence in any way. It was like memorizing the directions to get to a given location, but not making any attempt to get to the place.
That might seem strange, but I see it all the time. Just too many people who are such prisoners of their thinking to the point they can't accept what lies beyond their limitations.
Oh well, all you can do in such situations is prayer for such people. What is so sad is that they never in any way will ever see their darkness.
And the more they are inclined to see themselves as God's own, the more they will not listen. It is the nature of life.
That is the biggest pity perhaps. Such people never in anyway are able to in the least internalize the reality that something is wrong with knowledge you never apply in your life that was intended to be used.
They don't have that capacity. And never will. Such is the tragedy of thinking you know when you really don't
But life will go on and some will never learn their lessons as intended. God never promises to some how make that part of our lives.
It makes it worse when we resist too. That happens way too often. People just don't see it as resisting.
And they never will. For spiritual blindness is something that also blinds the heart. Which is a tragedy that never quite gets accepted as such from people content to like to themselves.