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Friday, July 20, 2007


Which is the side of your thoughts that dominates your life? That might not be a question we are all willing to answer.

It can be tough to admit what truly drives our values in life. What can bear its burden in our heart that colors our priorities?

And are we prepared to truly confess this reality, if even only to ourselves? That can be such a difficult question to answer, unless we prefer to ignore it.

How hard it is to drink from the well of truth that has a taste that can burn at times. It is truly difficult to always accept the flavor.

In fact it can be very bittersweet at times. Until we get used to if, providing we really do. Some people spend a lifetime without such taste becoming acceptable.

Sadly there are so many who simply have molded their self image around some false details. They just could never imagine that any darkness lingers inside.

So they block out the reality and keep sipping on the wine of denial. It just tastes so much sweeter, no matter how bad it is for us.

That becomes the addiction if we let us. Keeping us drunk upon some inebriation that says lets us think we are okay. Really can go down so smoothly and be so satisfying on some levels.

Such is the nature of when we refuse to see what is really the dark side of our essence. One where we will just let ourselves be seduced into the wonderful world of this is fine and I'm perfect.

Sort of like a tavern for the soul. It is a fun place to hang out that has no mirrors and makes us just appreciate it being without any need to do other than enjoy ourselves.

Those crosses on the walls make a wonderful decoration. They may have actually even vaguely remember what they stand for. Not enough to let it affect their behavior, but enough to think it is included in their thinking.

All of which in no way improves a thing. It just leaves one with the illusion they are good people.

And you can spend as much time as you want pretending. God won't stop anyone from such option.

He won't be impressed either. That you can count on. Not that those who caught up in the joys of denial will truly worry about it.

For them it is life as usual. Even though God isn't listening.


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