Who are we really? Well it truly does depend on whom you ask. And really it does come down not to the person we see in the mirror, but the one we see within our mind.
It is so amazing when the image is totally out of proportion with reality though. I've been coping as of late with this issue at this one net site I am involved with.
Personally, I've never been prone to need to exaggerate my reputation. Which is a good thing considering how often I make mistakes.
There's just something less stressful about accepting I'm human. Unfortunately, that doesn't always apply to everyone.
I've witness people who for the sake of an image they desperately have to create for themselves they will resort to all kinds of deceptions. And I appreciate that this is how some cope when they don't have a choice.
It is in so many ways a form of coping when life is less than one we want. Everyone has that need to feel special. To find a place in the sun where we can call our own spot to shine.
But the more it seems we are entrenched in routine the harder it is to be comfortable with just being ourselves. It just gets to be so hard to live in the shadows and be ordinary.
So I do appreciate how some will grasp at any straw of fame or success of which to boast. I don't really blame them for wanting to take pride in some part of their life if they can.
The sad part is when this becomes an obsession. When we just become so in need of filling that void in life we stuff it full of whatever crap we think will work.
And when you use any mental crap, it is going to stink in one way or another. Fact of life.
For me, I try to remember that this life is transitory. I keep myself remember that no matter what I do in terms of achievement in this life, it means nothing in terms of the Lord's greatness.
Which if we keep in mind during our own preoccupation with our talents can help us appreciate how they truly do become something insignificant compared to what Jesus did. For myself, I've very happy to celebrate the King of Kings for his glory. And along the way I might feel that special joy that comes from simple worshipping the one who deserves worship.
In the light, the Lord is merciful and helps me see myself a little better. For that I feel a special joy. One that I savor as part of what helps me in a small way to see my own identity better.
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