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Wednesday, July 18, 2007


How wide is your life? Does it have endless possibilities or does it feel more like a prison?

That can be a really hard question to answer. Mainly because it can be difficult in some situations to actually appreciate how vast one's personal universe might be.

The problem to me is that there is a difference between what is our actually universe and the one we want to be our reality. Some will enter into that predictable mental dialogue that tries to be used to convince ourselves we have control over life.

It is helpful to always be hopeful. A life spent without hope can truly make the darkness even worse. But there is always so much of a problem trying to find the light in a way that you don't get blind in the process.

Too much light in terms of looking with intense analytical sight can result in the worse kind of delusions and blindness. One can just simply dig so deep you pass the point of truth.

When that happens we are naturally less that able to look at anything clearly. Our view becomes clog with other issues. Leading to other understandings than the one intended.

All of which often leads to confusion and something other than clarity. We just can't focus as God would want us to do.

There are some who are brought to a point of presumption that every situation can improve. Only problem is that we can easily keep ourselves from the acceptance of those things that are not going to change.

I was having a discussion with this one person on that issue. There view, which was logical, was that if you had something in your life that didn't work right and made you unhappy you just change it. Sort of like tossing out an old appliance when it stopped working.

There is merit in that in many ways. However, what if you are doing something God asks?

I find that a question that often gets ignored with such thinking. I think of the number of people God chose for a given calling.

I don't recall that having a happy life was exactly a priority with such callings. I can't imagine being martyred was on the list of things to enjoy while retired.

What counts in such situations is obedience. Doing what the Lord desires may not be some people's idea of joy, but with the Lord, there are more blessings beyond the now than whether we have one smile.


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