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Sunday, July 22, 2007


What connects your heart to the fruit of your life? That is different for different people. Some truly do have such a great expression of what lies in their hearts.

Others, well they have to depend upon some artificial flowers for their blossoms since there is no real connection to their hearts. Oh, they go to church and love to make it seem otherwise, but it isn't really the case.

Not from what I've seen. And it truly does make me sad when it is like that. For the stems either don't exist or are something other than what they show off as their fruit.

The stems are the actions we do that truly connect what is in our heart with what we express as fruit. Now if the heart is totally sinful and corrupt there is no way the acts will lead to the kind of fruit that is blossoms from spirituality.

But there are so many who don't seem to care about that part. They just want to do whatever, such as acting immoral in business and still pretend they are so loving on Sunday in church.

As if God doesn't see the rest of the week. I mean man that is so sad. Mainly for the person and not God.

What is also regrettable is how often people in such situations try to offer up their fake fruit for the genuine. They have no real faith or love, but want to act like they do.

And they will get real upset if you in any way point out their fake acts of love don't impress. Just because they lie about it doesn't mean they want to have you tell them so.

What is absent from such thinking and artificial fruit? It is the water of the Holy Spirit. Absent that power to water whatever you are trying to grow, it never blossoms as God would desire.

But some will never care. They will be content to just show you that silly self righteous fruit and expect it to be treated as the real thing

Meanwhile, they will often look at whatever blossoms from your stems and tell you what is wrong with it. People with bad stems also have bad eyesight.

At least it seems too often to work that way from my experience. Which depends upon the Lord to improve.

Sometimes he can severe the bad stems. But only if in so doing it will somehow make the person actually try to rise above who they are by nature.

That can be next to impossible for some. However, with such pruning the result is always so much more bountiful.


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