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Sunday, July 29, 2007


I suppose if I really thought about this, there really isn't such a place as nowhere. Regardless of where a person is it is a place. However, I think it refers more to the fact that some places are in a location where it is out of contact with where we prefer to be. A island of solitude apart from the suburbs of conformity.

What makes it feel like nowhere is the lack of opportunity to be seen. No witness to appreciate the drama we write with our actions. So it feels like nowhere.

In reality, nowhere is a state of mind. A place we languish by choice. Whereas if we were to have the vision to see how this spot can quiet our thoughts and grant refuge from confusion then it becomes other than nowhere.

I am reminded of the number of times when the scriptures speak of God having those he called taken to some place of isolation. Not out of punishment, but for spiritual reasons. Chances to have a closer communion with him. And a time for reflection.

For without the intimacy of spiritual communion our souls often decay. It is so easy to occur.

Even the concept of worship time involved separation to some degree. Only in such communal climates part of the precious elements of union with God are missing.

On this particular day, as it happens, I am alone. My wife and son, along with his wife are all gone for a variety of reasons.

So I am left with my mind, soul and the computer to tend to what God brings into my spirit. Hardly complaining either.

Perhaps to some that would be nowhere. For me that is a joy. And for that I am grateful. For how could I truly write as God leads if at times I did have some quiet in the midst of my routine.

Not that I'm wishing this to be all the time. I am content for it to be a refuge, not a permanent state of existence.

But I don't feel sad over the experience. I relish my peace in these situations. And the chance when God grace in some special way.

Perhaps it isn't heaven, but it is a nowhere I can cherish. Then I do know how tomorrow it will change again.

I will adjust and savor when this time passes my way again. It won't happen enough to see as permanent. Just enough so I know it will happen on another day.

There is always a good time for prospecting for spiritual gold.


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