I think the Lord is so amazing at giving us object lessons on how a little can be more than enough. Which might not be necessarily if we had the ability to always appreciate the power he truly has to literally do whatever he wants.
Fortunately for us God is a loving God and so even though he could easily wipe out all life, he won't. True, there are times when considering how bad some people behave in terms of pure cruelty you do wonder why not, but he is merciful just the same.
But that doesn't translate into him being like Santa Claus either. He will never grant our all desires or dreams in this life. I'm sure at times we wish it was otherwise, but it isn't.
However, because we do know God does have the power to do whatever, it will sometimes inspire us to hope for miracles. And even when we can do something for ourselves.
I recall a person telling me once about attending this prayer breakfast. The people in attendance were all very affluent.
This person mentioned how the leader offered up a prayer asking God to help the poor and homeless. What struck this individual as weird was how they wanted God to do something, but didn't want to do anything themselves.
Well, it was definitely a case of treating need as God's department and not their concern. This despite the fact they had the means to do so much to help.
Prayer is a good thing. But God does expect us to be smart enough to face the truth too. If we ignore what we can do in a given situation we can't expect God to honor our prayer.
Like wise if we fail to see in the little we have the potential that God can achieve, that too can end in an unanswered prayer. And if we aren't sensitive to this reality we may never even appreciate such facts.
I don't think God expects us to do the impossible. But I do believe he expects us to do what we can.
Sometimes it is a case of do we listen? For he will in his grace tap us on the shoulder and let us know when we have missed the point.
That doesn't mean we will listen. If we were ignoring the nudge to begin with, we might struggle with any other touches.
Fortunately, he does grant us time and mercy to stumble at times. And then hopefully we take the right hint and see when more we have is enough.
Then we can see at times when it reaches us with a greater message.
I totally agree. Prayers are good; but prayers should never be a substitute for obedience.
Thanks for this post.
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