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LAIR OF THE PENMAN: February 2009

Saturday, February 28, 2009

The Sanctuary of Charis

I was a crippled outcast from the whitewashed temples,
preserved by those who say love and light in their false piety,
but only anointed by their own strength,
tangential tones of devil’s tongues seducing to have faith in their rules,
no divine touch upon their souls.

Wandering in no man’s land and weeping in my sense of hopelessness,
too ashamed my sin stained heart,
could one such as I find the Lord and taste of His forgiveness?

But a wind pushed me, it was Heaven’s “Ruwach,”
God’s healing breath of mercy,
driving me to the Sanctuary of Charis,
a refuge in grace, that unmerited gift,
cleansing with eternal waters of His living word,
and drinking from the well of Shalom where His peace flows.

Inside came the inexorable caress, numbing in awe over its presence,
the pure intense blast of embrace from His Holy Spirit
that despite how I was yet bruised and bleeding
it compelled me beyond myself, His power using my hands,
to bend down and lift up another cast away,
surrendered to the mesmerizing force from His Agape kiss of love.

The eyes of that suffering heart were so like mine,
consumed with guilt,
unable to face the Lord out of fear
feeling beyond redemption.

Yet, I held him not in my pride of being rescued,
no boast from my lips, just the euphoric sense of obedience,
because I was also a wretched sinner ever committing more ills,
sharing my blemishes as prove I was no better,
clinging to the thread of faith
how God’s promise would redeem
by the trusting in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior,
making us both immortal brethren.

His revelation at last accepted
wasn’t my imperfections that mattered,
it was the vast riches of God’s grace,
accepting us regardless of our wrongs,
what flood of joy came as the fruit of His Spirit,
happily sharing, delighting to see it heal another,
being so amazing that it infected my own indifference
with that reborn compulsion
to embrace all life as sacred and deserving of His mercy.

Friday, February 27, 2009


Ah the joy of having options. Such a thrill to have more than one choice in life for a given situation.

Now most of the time for me this isn’t the case. When it come to the Lord’s will most of the time it is simple.

I am normally only given one option. So it is not hard to know His will. Now that is how things unfold for me.

Still there are times when life does have more then on door appear. And it make seem like there are going to be so many choices.

For a while then I sit and imagine the chance for it to be realize. Let those fantasies persist.

Then in the process they all eventually fade. Until one becomes the only one remaining. And you hope there is a key.

How many times I have definitely not found a key. Really is amazing how the door is there, but for different reasons that I imagine.

I don’t mind so much because in due time I come to see the reason. And in the meantime faith truly has to prevail.

It can be hard. So very difficult to deal with the no. And to take the time to not give up on the process.

That is the way that Satan would have us go. To get discouraged and detoured from our path.

Experience truly helps to us to prevail. To be able to move ahead and no question what at the time makes no sense.

It doesn’t mean we will enjoy the detour. Or be happy over the nos. But it does me we know there will be light to come.

And that is the part that brings the hope in the midst of the darkness. To be able to cherish each moment for the right reasons.

The Lord grants strength for such times. He doesn’t remove the barriers or the problems. Nor does He answer our questions on our schedule.

That is the promise we can hold onto when it is confusing. It is the joy that will allow us to move ahead.

If we chose to listen.

Thursday, February 26, 2009


This is a popular concept to be sure. Something added to a given option to make it even better.

But what is a benefit to one person may not be so to another. Today I was a work and we were discussing changes.

And the one thing that came to mind was about the current state of the economy. You can’t turn on the news without hearing about the problems.

I am grateful that the Lord has blessed me with employment and my wife too. We are hardly rich.

Not as well off as some, but better than others. Still at the moment when I was coping with some problems I was prompted to pause.

To give thanks that I was provided for. That it might not be all I would dream out of life, but it was a benefit.

And so often I wonder if we truly do always remember that part of life. God doesn’t have to make us a given option in our mind.

The question is can we be content with what we have? Can we see it as a benefit when others are complaining.

I am amazed at times how longsuffering the Lord truly is. To be able to watch us be so selfish and ungrateful, yet still provide.

Admittedly this is more difficult when crisis comes. And so easy to get discouraged. But can we face it with any source of praise.

I will always admire and respect the Apostle Paul for how he was able to praise the Lord even when he was in prison. Even after the beatings.

His was in no way an easy life. And so many times his reward for faithfulness meant being faced with criticisms.

I can imagine how that must have been hard to endure. To sit and be obedient and rather that get approval you get complaints.

To have those he tried to help wound him. And still have to love them just the same. What a burden that was to carry.

Yet he did it with grace and faith. And to do it without losing hope. And I wonder if I could have done the same.

One benefit is not having to find out.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009


This is sure easy to not understand. So often truth is one of those things we say we want, but not really.

If it means that we have to change then forget it. If it means we have to see ourselves as other than good never mind

But that is okay. As long as you are only concerned with your image. So many are merely focused on that aspect.

Which is not what God sees. I think it is sad the number of people who often decide what the Lord says without benefit of scripture.

It really happens so often. People will define spirituality without any biblical reference. Such is the nature of some.

Does that work? Not really. Using emotions and personal preference to interpret the Lord’s ways is not really truth.

Still it is often how some approach it. I recently had a case where I wrote this column about grace.

I reference the problem of dealing with a person who had wounded me and had no ability to admit it. The focus was more about the person no understanding grace. For they couldn’t accept they did anything wrong.

But I wrote it without mentioning the name as the Lord commanded. It was again about grace.

Now in my column I mentioned some scriptural truths. I used them to be the focus of the writing.

And not too surprising nobody who responded gave any scriptural references. Oh they had their opinions, just no scriptures.

Now you do get the ones who will misquote the bible. That is never better. But as for the truth, well it does get lost a lot.

In the end I wrote what God wanted to have said. I’m not sure it was received that well by some.

But that is common. How truly can sting when it comes from the Lord. And that is when some don’t want to hear it.

One can avoid that risk. And if the person wishes to deny scriptural truths it is there right.

Just not God’s spirit talking.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009


Sizzling sentences steaming its serenade,
droplets of their notes
drip across the pores
in goosebump waves.

Snippets of passionate phrases
drawn in traces by the written fingers,
tattooing in fiery caresses,
reaching to the heart.

How the mystery unfolds,
this majesty unseen,
raptures strokes streaking to the spine,
from the eloquence spoken as a wind,
cool and crisp,
tingling with its shuddering power
where the language leaves
scars only you can see,
but never can forget.

Upon the membrane of self,
seared and numb by the mesmerizing dialect,
is rubbed the euphoric and timeless vocabulary,
healing and invigorating,
embraced in its stunning message.

Most of all is the soothing sensation
as if silk was pulled over naked flesh,
when hearing those words of such unconditional love
from a divine voice captured in scriptures,
using salvation’s promise as branding iron
to make the sign of cross
upon redeemed skin.

Monday, February 23, 2009


I always felt this was sort of a mystical word. The idea that some lives were planned out before they were born to be great.

Sounds so impressive and wonderful. Makes for great biographies. But so often it seems to miss the ordinary.

Hard to picture live as a place where destiny means you were going to be a plumber or guard or some ordinary function.

Not that the don’t matter or aren’t important. Just that they don’t have that same ring of mystical about them.

And can’t help feel a nudge of disappointment that you know you were singled out for some magical life. Can feel inadequate.

The more we play up the heroes the more we crave being them. And the more we can feel our lives may be insignificant.

This is never true with God. For we are all unique and special in His eyes. And this doesn’t mean we all end famous.

Now the hard part I think is that when you think you to make your life larger than life. To make it seem something it isn’t.

I’ve known people who do this. They have some ordinary job and it has to have some special purpose.

It isn’t enough to have a job. It has to be approved and watched over by angels. Not sufficient to provide you must be there for a reason.

So even if it really isn’t important they will make it seem as such. So you can have them just enjoy the job.

That is never enough. There is no ability to simply see it as mere provision. I do have to acknowledge we are often given certain talents.

And then you know it is a matter of coping with how those gifts are used. We don’t all get those opportunities to shine.

But our hearts can be tested as to our willingness to obey. And part of this is our attitude that is a test.

Plus this life is a mere learning ground. The time comes when in eternity we all will be what is our destiny.

That is a joy to embrace.

Sunday, February 22, 2009


Wish done was always the same as finished. But it isn’t. Not to me. I mean there are times when we just plain quit.

Oh we will always have reason. Made plenty of excuses myself. And it always sounds so good at the time.

Why I might even manage to pray about it. Yeah I can turn it into some wonderful and eloquent.

One can come away feeling so good about the failure. Come up with all kinds of ways to make it sound like a learning experience.

Getting to the truth is hard. It can be so difficult to make that trip. To allow oneself to actually accept those failures.

Fear is hard to admit. It is a challenge to face the shadows of life and do it willingly. So much of a challenge.

And that will impede growth. Of that you can be sure. It is sad. Because it is hard to deal with that honesty.

I wrote this column for my writer’s site talking about grace. And it was centered about some pain I had over being hurt by a person.

Well I never mentioned a person in the column. I just was speaking as the Lord had directed.

Not to surprising I suppose this one person decided to defend themselves in a reply. A lot of rambling that was totally unnecessary.

Such is the nature of guilt. When one has too much to hide and tries to make it seem like the are good inside.

I did have to smile at the Lord’s wisdom. This person just totally exposed themselves for their guilt.

So what was secret suddenly become public knowledge. This did not improve the person’s reputation.

They choose to reveal their nature before the world. And that is how God works at times with making sure lies get exposed.

And I just want to move on. To hopefully have some peace over once again dealing with somebody who wasn’t honest.

Might even meet someone unlike that down the road.

Saturday, February 21, 2009


She stood set free from her stained shroud,
and the fragmented veil of her violated virginity,
serenity sweeping a sanguine swirl across her soul.

Guilt’s gashes having girded her heart with shame’s girdle,
love’s lies had lashed her delicate lace of trust,
shredding her night’s sanctity, seriating her spirit’s sight.

Destitute thoughts brought their wounds,
depression dragged her over despair’s coals,
dirge of dire lament dredged the last of her hope.

On this day it all washed away,
upon this jutting jetty of jagged stones,
breathing for first time the taste of forgiveness flurries,
cleansed of the past with all its mistakes and miseries,
lost in the tranquility of renewal’s intoxicating ocean breeze.

So far she had strolled from the torture cell of youth,
drained of dreams, a vagabond filled with rage and fear,
presuming she was cursed to be
a victim trapped in the pit of depravity.

Now singing a psalm for God’s boundless grace
purging her mind of that sin soiled image on her face.
By His mercy she found a reprieve to the darkness
while claiming comfort in a rescue mission.

Salvation’s lips a ladder she climbed out of her pit,
joined by the one met there who will become her groom,
taking this detour of praise and thanks,
the Lord’s whispers of mercy upon the waves,
later she’ll rise an angel on rebirth’s flight,
bliss before her wedding day beyond her dreams,
one redeemed life, finally finding happiness’s wings.

Friday, February 20, 2009


Yep, this is supposed to be the kind of stuff where you get all excited. I can feel so happy over that.

Now all I got to do is figure out the way to get the stuff that I really love. Boy is that a chore.

Oh I do get like jelly beans. But not all the time. And so there is other junk I wish I could have more often.
Like for example having more time without rat boy, junior being a rat boy. Now that would be so cool.

Only I think he is a mind reader. I mean he seems to know when to be sure an act totally like a butthead.

Now that would be a great blessing. Otis mentions that word a lot. Suppose to be something cool.

Kind of hard to always see it though. I mean really when stuff ends up being crappy don’t see blessed.

I am working on it though. Really trying hard to appreciate how this to work out in a way that I enjoy.

Now I suppose it is all good. That is what Otis says. Really have to wonder when it seems crappy.

Which really I try to not think about enough. So that is part that I am not going to let bother me as much.

What I am going to do is work on making sure I take my bat when it is needed. Really now god to love that option.

Otis don’t seem to like it. But that is okay. I just practice more when he isn’t around. Yeah that is fun.

Try to keep things simple. Which is so much fun when you don’t have to explain it. Just go what a lot.

And that is what I enjoy. Yep peace is the big joy here. Can’t complain on that one. Just have to work on it.

And I do. Maybe not like the times I want to. Only when I don’t get caught. But then that is good enough.

Got to love it, yep a smile with wood.

Thought for the week: "Does a bowl weevil do better in a bowling alley than other insects?"

Thursday, February 19, 2009


Well it is a far question at times. And would be nice if in every case the answer was yes. But it isn’t.

Now the thing is I’m not sure fun was intended to be with every experience. I know there are many events were happiness doesn’t follow.

I do think so many would truly say that being happy is something they want out of life. And it is obvious by all the money spent on leisure.

We crave that need for fun. A chance to feel something that takes away any sense of sadness.

Something to fill the void and remove the sense of pain. Now some will be able to do that more than others.

But is it healthy to pretend on the subject? Really is that a good option? I’ve know people like that.

In both extremes. They either smile and pretend they are happy when any sane person would be crying.

Then there is the opposite side. The people who can be at party and still be miserable. They have no ability to enjoy life regardless of the circumstances.

Now the problem to me is that reality is somewhere in between. That life is neither all smiles or all frowns.

Holding onto the truth can be hard. It can very difficult to always get an accurate view of what the Lord plans in given situation.

And it is made worse when the person’s mind set influences their view. I personally have so much problem with the positive thinking crowd.

Only because the ones I have encounter were never factual about their confidence. I think hope is very important.

Faith even more so. But it isn’t enough to merely want things to come out for the better. You need some kind of plan.

Merely saying everything will be fine just doesn’t cut it. And that also applies to times you need to accept the down side.

And in the end while some are contemplating if the glass is half full or half empty the true person of faith finds happiness in whatever God offers. Without lies.

And that is when you can truly call it fun.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Unto The Lord Of The Impossible

Heavenly Father
who controls both earth and sky,
that breathes life into all creation
for whom nothing is impossible,
we praise your mercy
and petition in humblest words,
to touch with loving hands of healing
this heart who is so need.

Make a miracle before our eyes,
so it will bring honor unto your name,
grant us this request
let it be the redemption from the reaper’s grasp,
which only your divine power can provide.

By your grace we know
every creature is special
in thanksgiving do we claim
the promise of your word,
declared in your holy name,
where you are revealed as,
“I am the Lord that Healeth Thee.”

May you shine the mercy of this truth
upon this moment and soul,
in Jesus name we pray,


Tuesday, February 17, 2009


Heavenly Father
who controls both earth and sky,
that breathes life into all creation
for whom nothing is impossible,
we praise your mercy
and petition in humblest words,
to touch with loving hands of healing
this heart who is so need.

Make a miracle before our eyes,
so it will bring honor unto your name,
grant us this request
let it be the redemption from the reaper’s grasp,
which only your divine power can provide.

By your grace we know
every creature is special
in thanksgiving do we claim
the promise of your word,
declared in your holy name,
where you are revealed as,
“I am the Lord that Healeth Thee.”

May you shine the mercy of this truth
upon this moment and soul,
in Jesus name we pray,


Monday, February 16, 2009


I can definitely say that I don’t always get thrilled over some of life’s detours. And even more so when they seem to offer pain.

Now the real problem is knowing that you are suppose to go down the path anyway. I can tell you that is not fun.

Because if you do it by accident you don’t feel so bad. But when it is on purpose you really get upset.

And then you sit back and what to argue with the Lord. Is this trip really necessary? Couldn’t I just learn without the pain?

But in the end we keep walking. And the journey leads where it will. Perhaps to a smile, maybe a frown, but always somewhere.

In the trip to discovery maybe we also find some truth. Those we thought we knew and were wrong and the ones we need to learn.

And if we embrace them as intended we get the blessing. If we resist then we are bound to repeat them.

So that is the journey we all must take with eyes prepared to see what the Lord wants to reveal. Then it will bless accordingly.

How easy this is to talk about. So hard to accept. The mind so chases its own will. The need to feel in control.

So we move into that realm that we debate. Analyze and vow. Reflect and take time to understand.

Only we may do that just by our own desires. We can celebrate when we take the time to learn in the process.

However that will be the trail of choice. And when we talk the opportunity it will always be a blessing.

Now this is not that hard to appreciate. To except can be next to impossible. And then it will depend on our eyes.

Whether we embrace the landscape set before us. Look and ask where God would lead. Do that and we can move as intended.

Ignore it and we will always be denied the very blessings we crave. Not measure in the rewards of our desires.

But by the Lord’s will it gives such light.

Sunday, February 15, 2009


What dwells within that isn’t marred? That doesn’t leave us with the need to improved? And it is the thing that we do think about.

There is just an aspect to life I think whereby we do crave the need for change. But the difficulty is wanting to control the change.

This is the part that can be challenging. Because God doesn’t always give us the option in the types of change.

It will come, but according to His will. And so often we don’t enjoy not being able to control those choices.

Which is part of why I think that the Lord uses it to teach us. He always knows the ways to make it really impact us.

And when we resist it gets worse. We will not enjoy the process. We will get frustrated and upset.

What I marvel at are the ways some need to just find anyway to avoid accepting when life is other than choice. They will work so hard to give any situation a twist that makes it seem other than it is.

I was dealing with this person that has worked very hard to create the image of being loving and caring. Wish the truth agreed.

But it never does. And the problem is when what you say disagrees with what you do. When you contradict the words.

Oh how some will excuse that. They will be more than willing to give you an excuse and call it truth.

As far as real change though. Or being honest about the behavior, forget it. They will always avoid that option.

And it never seems to bother them in any way that others see the hypocrisy. That you can be sure doesn’t happen.

So instead they cling to their illusions. Play their games and are content with their lies. Only God does know the difference.

Nothing is a bigger blessing to me than when we come to that place of real truth. The one where we pause and see ourselves as God does.

I am grateful for when He shows us those realities and it becomes a truth. One that helps us make steps in the right direction without fear or lies.

Saturday, February 14, 2009


I never met a quirk I didn't love,
those little brilliant oddities of invention,
varieties in such demented array,
minds running amuck
in a peculiar and humorous display.

For to see the dawn
and claim it is magical,
hear voices singing on the wind,
remember the past
as if it were a coloring book
is the soul of pure imagination,
the free spirit of dreamers
who say life is more than
what we see.

By the quirks have visions come,
some view as impossible and trite,
which provided such unique changes and progress
to bring mankind its special light.

So I listen carefully to the one
others label as strange
because such have give this world
gifts no normal mind could have made.

Friday, February 13, 2009


It digs at our heart and mood in so many ways. The disquieting shake of feeling out of balance.

How often that really can attack at the oddest times. We can be quite calm and peaceful and then be made to feel so down.

Without any understanding of why. Left confused and unable to shake the feeling, just get more depressed as time passes.

Then perhaps the feeling disappears. We have no idea how it came in the first place. So there is not way grasp why it improved.

We can sit in our confusion and never find the answer. Which can be so difficult to accept.

How complex things can be in our minds. The inner conflicts that truly do wear us down. They will always create chaos.

And if we can’t accept them or acknowledge them then things will never have a chance to improve.

Essentially there are so many times when something exists within, some memory or pain that we’ve forgotten. It is a like a trigger that waits to be pulled.

And so many things can pull it. Sometimes it doesn’t take much. Really is so easy to have something do that.

When it does then the feelings come. They dig at us and impact on so many levels, which can really affect us.

This is just the passage of life so often that most follows. It might stay uncorrected or never understood.

Only the Holy Spirit can truly give light in that regard. He can help us appreciate what can and can not be changed.

He might not take away all the scars. Not suddenly make us have peace over them. But He bless us with understanding.

Now that is the part that is the hope. To have the truth the lets us find clarity in the pain. And it is pain at times.

How many work so hard to deny this fact. They will not be willing to accept this is part of life.

By a whisper sometimes we learn more than a shout.

Thursday, February 12, 2009


Oh the vanity put on parade
when smug spirits
strut a peacock pace with such arrogance,
nose touching the idea of a heaven
seen in the mirror’s reflection,
earth an altar before the greatness,
at least in the mind,
feeling perfect and divine.

Humanity just lesser hearts
prepared for sacrifice,
altar upon the lips
easily kills every life,
because one sits upon a throne
and wherever one visits
was intended by destiny
to be a personal paradise.

Salvation is the approval given
unto all the unworthy
who come before one’s temple,
which even the sun orbits in one’s view
day existing just for one’s amusement.

Hell is the place people are banished
that fail to honor
one’s sense of being a deity.

So live the little gods,
immortal only for a season,
thought the world was their possession,
but find out they were just leasing
and the Lord holds the grant deed,
collecting their rent in eternity.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


Oh the vanity put on parade
when smug spirits
strut a peacock pace with such arrogance,
nose touching the idea of a heaven
seen in the mirror’s reflection,
earth an altar before the greatness,
at least in the mind,
feeling perfect and divine.

Humanity just lesser hearts
prepared for sacrifice,
altar upon the lips
easily kills every life,
because one sits upon a throne
and wherever one visits
was intended by destiny
to be a personal paradise.

Salvation is the approval given
unto all the unworthy
who come before one’s temple,
which even the sun orbits in one’s view
day existing just for one’s amusement.

Hell is the place people are banished
that fail to honor
one’s sense of being a deity.

So live the little gods,
immortal only for a season,
thought the world was their possession,
but find out they were just leasing
and the Lord holds the grant deed,
collecting their rent in eternity.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009


Well drifting off the beaten path is very common. Trying to come up with excuses is a work of art.

At least in the mind of those who like to think God has no eyes. Have to admire the insanity to a degree.

People who sit back and assumed that their excuses work with the Lord. Now that is the part, which can really get so interesting.

Because a person truly thinks that the Lord doesn’t see the truth. What a tragedy this can be too.

Sadly we spend so much time on this. Telling ourselves how this can all work. But in the end I think deep down we know the truth.

Which is that so often our behavior is the result of sin. The more we ignore that reality the worse it can be.

Still I don’t know, it is sad that this is the process some prefer. Because it never lead to growth.

Just more of the same dead end philosophies. The massaging of the truth to fit our needs and that never helps.

But people try. So the game goes on. The little detours that go no where. Put us in a place we can never truly see the facts.

Which is the process of revelation some will never understand. Yet it doesn’t help in the area of the conscience.

So the journey continues. And in the end we just fool ourselves. Journey to a place that sounds good, but is an illusion.

A said aspect of how life is other than close to righteousness. It just deters from wisdom. And that never helps.

Now what we do need to do is be honest. Such a challenge that can be. Really is amazing how it can appear as other than a good option.

So we do what we can to be so focused on making up tales we can forget they don’t work with the Lord.

But it is the game some will play regardless. And that never truly improves other than the sense of guilt. For a short time.

Never forever.

Monday, February 09, 2009


I never stop being amazed at how some just can’t see the difference between God’s light and deception. How easy false spirituality can appear from the Lord.

But only when one doesn’t really know His word or the truth. Then they will always be easily swayed.

And always it seems they think they are so righteous and listening to God. Oh the visions they can have.

All the wisdom they can claim to experience. The light they suppose see and all the insight in life they claim.

But the Lord isn’t even speaking to them. Not a word. I’m sorry, but that is the sad aspect to this.

There are always those who do this with sincere intentions. They are not trying to lie or hurt anyone.

They may be on the surface very loving and sincere. They appear so genuine and honest. But it is all other than from the Lord.

Now the reality is of course there are others who do this for gain. They are seducers who truly steal one’s trust.

But the two are truly different. Even though neither in any way is serving God. Just the illusion of God.

Often they do things without any faith. They just love to make it seem so sacred, which isn’t true.

And the more they talk and act the more it is other than the Lord working. Some may even attend church.

You can be sure they will boast on that part. Which is always the big clue they are not serving Lord.

For if you are doing it for the Lord that is all that counts. When it is the reason for service alone then no boasting it needed.

How easy that is to forget. So often some just think they are such great servants of the Lord when they are not.

No that never truly blesses. It just ends in confusion. Which is sad and I see the suffering it can’t be other that disappointed.

Yet it will always prevail as what some think is God’s will.

Sunday, February 08, 2009


To roam within the mind is a part of surviving. Some will call it a waste of time, but I don’t.

For I think through that means we find some truths. That God uses it to paint messages in our minds.

Now perhaps we don’t always need it, but it really does end up a means at times He uses to communicate. If we are listening.

Which is the times some will totally miss. The scriptures speak of those who had dreams that God spoke to them through.

I think that so often that is a missed avenue of thought these days. We just have to be willing to see them when it is available.

I’m not implying we need to become some kind of mystics. To start taking time to constantly truths in every rock or shadow.

But then there are some that go to such degrees. And they will start hearing the Lord in everything.

Which can get really silly at times. The things people can imagine on those lines is really absurd.

And that is what never ends up in the truth. Plus so often it doesn’t even come close to agreeing with the scriptures.

And does the person care? Normally by the time they are caught up in the feeling. And that always overpowers.

Sanity gets discarded. People start thinking they are God’s voice. Then comes the prophecies.

Ah the wonderful ways the person decides to see the future and make it all the way they claim it is. And naturally they will just never be wrong.

So when things don’t end up being true they just keep prophesizing. Which is the one thing that never changes.

And even if they are wrong they do it again. And people actually listen. Just as with all those times people have predicted the coming of the Lord.

Some are still out there predicting. And people are listening. Which is not quite the way it should be.

But people do so love to be in the limelight. Even if God didn’t inspire.

Saturday, February 07, 2009


God’s love
forever riding on sunbeams,
eternally shining forgiveness
as life’s lamp
upon every creation,
an everlasting mercy
felt by eyes of faith,
who share it as compassion,
unceasing in its enduring grace.

Friday, February 06, 2009


Now if this is some kind of situation where a hot person of the opposite sex is checking you out. That is a blessing.

But if it is say Big Brother looking at you with that you did something wrong gaze, then not heaven to be sure. So you try to hide from those eyes.

Course that never works. We all know he has xray vision. Might not be superman, but sure can see way too much.

Well that is all opinion. After all we do appreciate that Big Brother really is able to hide. Nope that never is quite the joy we want to think about.

But trying to be impervious to such things is impossible. So come on we all need to make it fun.

So I say, what if we are being watched? And they will know your every secret and all the stuff you lie about.

Then I think we need to celebrate this fact. After all what is a more wonderful joy that performing?

Plus you can enjoy knowing that you can impress. I mean these people are naturally in a position to show off.

Yep, that is something we can treat as a fun option. You have this captive audience. They can’t go anywhere.

So you might as well sit back and make a game of it. Yep, that is when you can rejoice. Make it all good.

And that is the way you can turn it into a thrill. Time to let the imagination go wild. Yeah make it bizarre.

Move around and dance, talk to the walls and act totally nuts. Have conversations with the air.

Now that is bound to catch their attention. But the problem is that they can’t admit it to anyone.

Because then they would have to admit they saw you. Yep, that is not working for them. It would totally eliminate their secrecy.

So you can act up and be strange and all they can do is watch. Which is wonderful for you and that is nice.

Should that give a smile great.

Thursday, February 05, 2009


Variety can be such a luxury. It can truly be something you can cherish. Providing you have the joy of making it so much of an option.

Which is hard if you don’t have freedom to visit other than new locations in your mind. That can be a definite challenge.

For some of us change is not always an easy option. And then you have to struggle just to function.

There are the types of change that are natural and beneficial and the ones we can’t control and don’t want. But there are times it is necessary.

And for those occasions how we handle it will different from person to person. Hopefully it will be a blessing.

So the process we go through can be stressful or it can be pleasant. There is no given method that truly applies in all situations.

Where the hard part comes in is when the Lord is the author of our transition. While this may be a theme I’ve posted in some ways before, it just was on my mind as of late.

Mainly because I’ve gone through some major changes in the last couple of years. Ones that I never expected.

It is the type that were very traumatic at times and yet necessary. When it happen I was prepared.

Have to admit still don’t have all the answers. Sometimes there are aspects, which still don’t make sense.

Yet, I know the Lord was doing it in part for my benefit. I have accepted the good and tried to cope with what doesn’t seem to be helpful.

In the process we do at times also allow ourselves the ability to step on the path of faith. To allow a degree of trust to prevail.

And from that vantage point it is difficult to always come to some precipice where it all makes sense. I wish that was possible.

But I do honestly have those times when there are situations in the past that I still don’t understand. And that is a reality I have just not let cause me to quit.

I do cherish that God’s spirit comforts in the process. That He does give strength. Only at times I wish for more light and not so much strength.

Grace is the backpack that holds the hope.

Wednesday, February 04, 2009


I always felt it was a bit ironic that I work for a courier company and yet seldom go anywhere. Just one of those realities in my life.

So most of my thoughts in terms of visiting places resides in checking them out on the internet. Going to sites such as google and seeking pictures and facts.

Hardly replaces the senses. You can’t tell the sounds or smells from the process. But you do at least have some idea about the location.

And life is amazing that way. We can talk all day about places that we’ve never been and not have a problem.

Because there is some evidence. Yep, if you can see a picture or someone’s testimony it does help.

Oh the perceptions may vary, but most of the time we don’t question its presence or reality. Hardly true of anything to do with the afterlife.

No set rules on that’s subject. You don’t get postcards or souvenirs. Just tales from other’s minds.

Some you might believe other reject. But the one thing you don’t do is accept it is reality.

Because we can’t prove it. No matter the witness, no matter how much they seem sincere we do not just take somebody else’s word for something.

So it becomes an opinion. An eventual issue of choice. And if one is a subscribe to the concept of heaven, then it is a vision of faith.

I can’t think of any greater joy that to stand in heaven after death and have that thrill o knowing it was true. To face the Lord and be free from all that cripples in this life.

And for those who rejected it, that is the time it is to late. You can’t go back and undo the choices made.

All of which everyone knows. They just choose to deal with it by their own wisdom. And for me I am happy with the view of eternity the scriptures provides.

Always will be great to at last touch the place where faith is seen in ways that will last forever. That will only bring joy.

And I imagine I won’t complain about the last of opportunities to travel in this life either. For during eternity you have forever to find the stars.

It does give comfort on those days of wondering.

Tuesday, February 03, 2009


In Heaven’s chapel the angels sing,
of the sacred bond
between a knight and his queen,
two hearts God wrapped in a lasting love,
a union His hands
have tied from above.

On that blessed day
when vows of golden word are woven,
His raiment of joy
drapes their spirits,
eyes locked adoringly in purest affection
as the ring of complete devotion
is slipped so willingly
upon the heart.

A cake of happiness
is baked in a divine oven,
served with bliss for icing.
May its taste forever linger
in a flavor that is never forgotten.

And as the years
help the fondness to spread
hold its warmth in constant embraces,
cherish that precious time when you were wed.

It is beauty only marriage truly creates,
two lives always on a honeymoon,
facing tomorrow as passion’s flowers,
which will constantly bloom
in endless, wonderful hours.

Monday, February 02, 2009


There is no greater enemy than the one who holds the mind hostage. And the jailer is the self.

For there is no pardon when the bars are created by your thoughts. And the crime is one for which there is no escape.

So sad it is when a life sentence and there is no reprieve. When you can’t find escape because the key is held in your esteem.

This is the journey of the wounded. The poor souls of broken hearts who get stabbed while bleeding.

I don’t think there is any excuse for some of the hate that is peddled as love. It is truly from Satan in my opinion.

That is the time in life for which you could find more understanding. But so often all you get is people who either don’t care or want to tell you about their problems.

So they are not willing to listen other than to compare wounds. It becomes a case of them trying to tell you how much worse off they are.

This is never something that helps. It doesn’t inspire and give hope all it leads to is bitterness.

I am grateful for the Lord’s mercy in that regard. That even though we fall and end up in valleys He finds a way.

A way to touch us. It might take years, but He knows when that time is right to reach us where we live.

And to do it in a way that we will belief. His words will always carry a light to show us the truth.

So often others will not let us see the truth. They have their agendas and even if they claim they want to help at times they don’t.

Friends are a blessing. They can truly touch and encourage. And they are a gift from the Lord.

But they can make mistakes and be less than helpful at times too. In their effort to do what they think is best for you they make things worse.

To that end we have to rely upon the Lord’s spirit for understanding. For He will help us know ourselves.

And that is the start of any journey towards growth.

Sunday, February 01, 2009


I was in the desert once. I worked for this mortgage company and had to check on vacant properties.

The desert was part of my territory. And I didn’t mind going there. Just always was so much more quiet that the regular city.

Such a much slower pace of living. Couldn’t imagine ever wanting to call such a place home.

I have never been one that truly enjoyed complete silence. Not that I like lots of noise either.

But I do enjoy having some kind of sound that fills the emptiness and tends to make things more controlled in terms of distractions. Makes it easier for me to concentrate on my writing.

On one of my trips to the desert I gave this hitchhiker a ride. This was years ago when times were different and felt safer about such things.

He wasn’t going that far, since he did live in that area, but as we rode we chatted. And he mentioned that he had moved to the areas a few months earlier.

I asked him if he enjoyed the slow pace of life and all the silence. He admitted that at first it was hard.

But he said once he got used to it that he really enjoyed it. I did sort of admire that, yet didn’t have a desire to try it myself.

There are times though when silence really does help. Not so much in terms of complete lack of sound.

But in terms of the end of chaos. Those moments when you are filled with all those dark feelings and bad thoughts.

It might not last forever. But sure is tranquil when it happens. And for me that truly is something that only happens with the Lord.

Just some time when I am alone and my mind can simply be free to drift away from any concerns. I only go part way before the Lord’s spirit touches.

It come in such different ways. Anger subsides, love flows, somehow the past doesn’t matter.

And I know it is the Lord’s doing. Totally grateful for His mercy. It is the silence of my soul that is able to cherish His grace.