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Saturday, February 21, 2009


She stood set free from her stained shroud,
and the fragmented veil of her violated virginity,
serenity sweeping a sanguine swirl across her soul.

Guilt’s gashes having girded her heart with shame’s girdle,
love’s lies had lashed her delicate lace of trust,
shredding her night’s sanctity, seriating her spirit’s sight.

Destitute thoughts brought their wounds,
depression dragged her over despair’s coals,
dirge of dire lament dredged the last of her hope.

On this day it all washed away,
upon this jutting jetty of jagged stones,
breathing for first time the taste of forgiveness flurries,
cleansed of the past with all its mistakes and miseries,
lost in the tranquility of renewal’s intoxicating ocean breeze.

So far she had strolled from the torture cell of youth,
drained of dreams, a vagabond filled with rage and fear,
presuming she was cursed to be
a victim trapped in the pit of depravity.

Now singing a psalm for God’s boundless grace
purging her mind of that sin soiled image on her face.
By His mercy she found a reprieve to the darkness
while claiming comfort in a rescue mission.

Salvation’s lips a ladder she climbed out of her pit,
joined by the one met there who will become her groom,
taking this detour of praise and thanks,
the Lord’s whispers of mercy upon the waves,
later she’ll rise an angel on rebirth’s flight,
bliss before her wedding day beyond her dreams,
one redeemed life, finally finding happiness’s wings.


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